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 Street Fighter Narration

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Green Ninja
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Anna Nytelikethis
Lemmy Koopa
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 14, 2024 4:52 pm

Really love how you so many personalized guest appearances!
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 15, 2024 2:05 am

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Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 17, 2024 4:57 am

Thank you Princess!
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The Wiz
The Wiz

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 21, 2024 5:30 am

More please
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 24, 2024 3:44 am

Bison leads everyone into the command room, where the Bison Troopers and techs stationed there are waiting for them. He does not notice Natalie and Donut Lord glare at one another.

Bison: The technology of east and west - while their governments scorned me, their corporations adored me! (to Zangief) Zangief! See that the Masters family are given clean clothing, for it was they who first warned us of Chun Li's treachery... and Ken, who eliminated Colonel Guile! They are honoured guests!

Zangief salutes, and Chun Li and her news crew fake unease.

Bison: (to Jenny de Cerna) Jenny de Cerna, as the new head of the Shadaloo Tong, in place of Sagat as he takes his position as one of my generals... you are welcome to stay here! I think you will find the coming events most, uhhh... educational!

Jenny: Merci beaucoup, Your Excellency!

Zangief: (gestures to Chun Li and her news crew) Your Excellency... vat about zem?

Bison straightens up his cape, as he then approaches the 'captive' Chun Li and her news crew.

Bison: (to the troopers holding Lemmy, Dee Jay, Honda and Arcadia Demon) Take these four to the interrogation room. They will talk, or they will die... (to Vega, Natalie, Sagat and Balrog) ...Preferably both!

The crazed military dictator then turns his attention to Chun Li... and a sinister smile appears on his face.

Bison: (to the trooper holding Chun Li) Take the, uhhh... journalist to my chambers. We have decided to grant her a... private interview...

The troopers salute, and take Chun Li and her news crew away. As they pass by Ken and his family, Chun Li spits at them - but Natalie counters the spit, which instead lands at Eliza's feet.

Natalie: Madam, you'll dehydrate yourself!

Chun Li fakes rolling back her eyes, as...

Natalie: (to the trooper holding Chun Li) And the girls have my notes, about my dress idea for Miss Zang? Save me one with a dragon design, by the way...

The trooper salutes in reply.

Zangief: (to Ken and his family) Ken, Mel, Eliza... come with me! I will take care of you... (directs them to one of the spiral staircases) ...This way!

As Ken and his family follow Zangief up the staircase, they watch on as Chun Li and her news crew are taken away... and they then notice the countdown clock...

Guile is addressing the entire AN forces, in the projection room at AN HQ... to brief them on the assault. His highest officers are seated at the front. The projection screen shows a satellite photo of Shadaloo Palace, and a 'secret' stone temple entrance across one of the surrounding rivers - this is where Guile plans to break in.

Guile: ...As you can probably imagine, an attack from the air is impossible - so in answer to Captain Sawada's earlier question, assault will be by sea... (points at the river route he plans for them to take) ...Here. The main force, led by my #1 fan Wayne, will come from the north...

He then presses a button... and a digital image of Little Righteous is shown, on the smaller TV screens either side...

Guile: ...While Little Righteous, our bride-to-be's single vessel equipped with the latest in stealth technology, which she has loaned for the mission... (points at an eastern river route) ...will come up this channel, and distract his defenses from the east...

Sawada: (stands up, and raises his hand) ...Uhhh, Colonel?

Guile: Yes?

Sawada: This may be Little Righteous we're talking about - but a single boat against everything he's got? The pilot would have to be out of his mind!

Guile: I think Bison has driven all of us crazy, Captain Sawada - but luckily for you, I'm second in blind rage only to the happy couple. So I'm going to do it!

His comment prompts much laughter, from everyone.

Guile: Synchronise your watches! The time is now 0500 hours, and cast-off is in an hour, at 0600 - this is it!

They all adjust their watches, and leave the room...

In the dungeon/prison block at Shadaloo Palace, Dee Jay, Lemmy, and Arcadia Demon are chained against one wall... and poor E Honda is tied down on the table, his shirt ripped open at the back. Bison's torturer stands besides Honda, holding a whip.

Bison's torturer: Let me show you how we treat such vile foreigners, here in Shadaloo!

He paces around a bit, before lashing Honda hard with the whip - but Honda doesn't even wince! This surprises the torturer, who tries again - but still no reaction from Honda, and again when he strikes a third time. Lemmy, Dee Jay and Arcadia Demon only laugh - but then the torturer approaches them, and points at Lemmy.

Bison's torturer: You are next, Koopa!

Dee Jay: Uhhh, maybe you oughta lie down first, mon...

The torturer attempts to hit Dee Jay - but Arcadia Demon uses his legs and the chains to lift himself up, and kicks the surprised torturer, sending him flying backward against the wall! The torturer is a little dizzy, from the knock to his head... but he lifts himself back up, and exits the cell.

As the torturer leaves... Honda winces in pain, from the lashes...

Dee Jay: Oh, mon...

Arcadia Demon: Oh god, Honda - but how'd you keep from crying out??

Honda: I'm sumo, brudda - my body can be in one place, my mind another...

Lemmy: Next time your mind leaves, tell it to bring back pizza - preferably ham & pineapple!

They all laugh... and then Lemmy uses his own feet, to lift his wand out from his belt and take it in hand. He uses the wand to remove all of their chains! Honda still winces in pain, but Arcadia Demon takes out his first aid kit, and uses a damp cloth to clean the blood.

Honda: Thanks for that, Lemmy... (to Arcadia Demon) ...And thanks, AD, for your own help...

Arcadia Demon: No problem! Let's wait for the Masters, then we can help them to rescue Chun Li...

Speaking of the Masters family... over in the gym area, Ken and Mel are now wearing red gis, and Eliza a red Chinese dress with a gold dragon design, like the one Natalie requested for herself. Ryu and evil Mel are with them, too - Ryu now wearing a white gi, and a red headband; and evil Mel also a red gi.

Zangief throws their old clothes in the furnace, with the Bison Troopers around them -all either wearing red or white gis, themselves, if not changing out of their trooper uniforms- training, but indeed watching them.

Zangief: ...Now you all look like Bison Troopers!

He guides them back through the gym, as he continues to address them.

Zangief: This is where we train, in our glorious struggle against the Allied Nations' tyranny! But that tyranny will only last a few more hours, now - once His Excellency seizes the elusive Deadeye, and decides her fate... the world will be ours!

To keep up their ruse, the Masters compliment some of the troopers along the way.

Ken: How are you doing?

Mel: Lookin' good!

Ken: Nice gun!

Eliza: Yes - great uniform!

Ken: Long live Bison!

Mel and Eliza: Yep, Bison!

Zangief leads them to the locker hallway, and turns to them.

Zangief: Ryu, big Mel, you come with me... Masters family, I'll see you later, in the commissary, eh?

They exchange salutes, and Zangief leads Ryu and evil Mel away.

Eliza: (whispers to Ken and Mel) I did get a few shots of the video map, so I'll lead the way - but what about you two...?

Mel: I just got the left half...

Ken: That's good - I got the right!

The AN forces are all gathered at the docks, saluting and filming each other, with Guile at the podium and his highest officers at his side. All vessels are lined up, with Little Righteous docked at the central pier. The refugees, and those who volunteered to look after them for this mission, are all gathered at the windows of the main building - they too filming the occasion.

Wayne blows a fanfare, and Guile is about to address everybody... when a black limousine turns up around the corner, bearing the AN flags. A sense of ill omen comes over him...

Guile: ...I'll handle this...

He paces toward the limo... as the AN Undersecretary and his staff exit.

Undersecretary: As you were, Colonel...

Guile: (salutes the Undersecretary) What a... surprise! Welcome to the Shadaloo front - you're just in time for the kick-off!

Undersecretary: I'm afraid not, Colonel - the security council has just voted, and they've decided to negotiate...

The AN forces and the refugees are shocked!

Guile: You're joking...

Undersecretary: We think we can deal with General Bison. You're instructed to call off the assault, contact him, request an extension of his deadline - we're prepared to pay the economical side, of the ransom demand...

Guile: $20 billion?!? What will prevent him from taking more hostages next month, and asking for $50 billion - $100 billion?? And, in case you haven't heard...

Undersecretary: Colonel, have you lost your mind?

Guile: No - you've lost your balls!

The Undersecretary is disgusted at Guile's comment, and so...

Undersecretary: (hands Guile a blue folder) Colonel Guile, deliver these instructions to your troops - and then consider yourself relieved of your command!

Guile snatches the folder, and returns to the podium... but he does not open the folder, as he addresses the troops...

Guile: Troopers! I have just received new orders! Our superiors say the war is cancelled, we can all go home! Bison is getting paid off for his crimes, and our friends who have died here... will have died, for nothing! But... we can all go home. Meanwhile, the ideals of peace, freedom, and justice... they get packed up. But... we can all go home. Well... I'm not going home! I'm gonna get on the princess's boat, and I'm going up-river... and I'm going to KICK that son of a bitch Bison's ass so HARD... that the next Bison wannabe is gonna FEEL it! Now, who wants to go home - and who wants to go with ME??

They all cheer in agreement - even the Undersecretary, as he realises just who else is taking part in the mission! Guile leads his highest officers toward Little Righteous, while Wayne leads the rest of the troopers in preparing the other boats for the assault. The Undersecretary and his staff grab the folder, and rush through the crowds in Guile's direction.

Undersecretary: (calls out to Guile) Colonel Guile? Colonel Guile! Oh, get out of the way...

Guile, Kunzite, Cammy, Jiggles, T Hawk, Ztar and Wizzard all make it to the pier, where Little Righteous is docked... when...

Undersecretary: ...Colonel Guile!!

Guile sighs, and he and his officers turn to face the Undersecretary and his staff...

Undersecretary: (holds out the blue folder) Colonel Guile, these instructions...

But then, much to everyone's surprise and delight... he drops them in the river!

Undersecretary ...Are hereby revoked... in the name of the happy couple Vega and Princess Natalie! We wish to help out with the assault, and then use the $20 billion toward the royal wedding - what do you want us to do?

Guile: (takes off his beret, and puts on a helmet) Join any boat you want - the forces will kit you all out, on the way. As for the $20 billion... we'll discuss that later...

Undersecretary: Got it!

The Undersecretary and his staff all scramble, joining various different boats. Guile's highest officers put on their own helmets, as Guile boards Little Righteous and takes her helm. He flips a switch... and off the beautiful vessel goes, with the other boats following her behind. And even in this serious time... the troopers all enjoy filming and photographing themselves, along the way...
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 25, 2024 10:42 pm

Nice movie script that you are personalizing
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

Posts : 320
Join date : 2024-06-01
Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Aug 31, 2024 3:15 pm

Chun Li stands alone in Bison's private quarters, her heart burning with anger and hate for the crazed military dictator... but certain rays of hope keeping her from exploding into that seething rage. She is now wearing a red Chinese dress and matching boots and gloves, with the leather straps attached to her spiked wristbands, and her hair tied back in the Chinese double buns style, with red lipstick, blush and nail varnish applied and black eyeliner. She can only imagine, what her dear Lemmy would think of this - it too comforts her, and eliminates the thought of that this is how Bison likes his unwilling women: painted, helpless, and tied up.

She is soon snapped out of her thoughts, of she and Lemmy together... when the door opens, and Bison enters.

Bison: Ahhh, Miss Zang - the second-loveliest lady to grace my palace, this day...

Chun Li: Don't think for one minute that you'll win me over, Bison - I hate you...

Bison: Oh? Have we met...? Do tell, while I slip into something more comfortable...

Bison steps behind his blind, and he hangs up his cape and removes his armour, as Chun Li begins.

Chun Li: It was twenty years ago. You hadn't promoted yourself to 'General' just yet - you were just a petty drug lord...

As Chun Li speaks, Bison removes his armour and changes into a maroon smoking jacket, and swaps his gray cap for a red one. He emerges as she continues.

Chun Li: You and your gang of bullies gathered your small ounce of courage to raid across the border, for food, weapons - humph, slave labour...

She snaps one of the leather straps, as Bison emerges. He paces toward his cocktail bar, and begins to prepare a drink each for he and Chun Li.

Chun Li: My father, Dorai Zang, was the village magistrate. A simple man with a simple code: justice. He gathered the few people that he could to stand against you - you and your bullies were driven back... by farmers with pitchforks! My father saved his village... at the cost of his own life! You had him shot as you ran away - a hero at a thousand paces...

Bison finishes preparing the drinks, and...

Bison: I'm sorry - I don't remember any of it...

Chun Li: (shocked) ...You don't remember?

With the drinks in hand, Bison paces toward his unfortunate 'guest'...

Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life...

...And as he approaches her, he holds one glass out to her...

Bison: But for me... it was Tuesday...

Chun Li is aghast and disgusted, at Bison's comment - but nonetheless, she reluctantly accepts the drink, and takes the glass in hand...

In the hallways outside Bison's quarters... Vega and Natalie, Sagat, and Balrog exit their own quarters designated to them by Bison.

Natalie: Obviously, we'll have to keep quiet - but shall we listen in?

Vega: Certainly - you're the boss, my lady...

Natalie laughs.

Balrog: I wanna hear the story behind that Zang woman...

Sagat: Yes... there must be... something, I suppose...

Their backs pressed against the walls, the four of them quietly pace in the direction of Bison's quarters, and...

Natalie: (to Sagat and Balrog; whispering) By any chance, are you two hinting that...

Sagat: (laughs slightly) ...Oh no, my dear - not at all...

Balrog: (gives Natalie 'the eyebrow') ...But it can be if you want it to be, baby...

Vega and Natalie groan, at Balrog's comment. As they approach Bison's quarters, Vega and Natalie stand on one side of the door, Sagat and Balrog the other, and they listen in.

Bison's torturer is going through the weapons, in his own weapons storage - and he is about to take a pair of bolts, with the intent to... you know, for the four gentlemen... when...


The Masters family turn up, and Mel KOs the torturer with a single Hadoken - much to the amusement of his parents.

Ken: They'll be happy to see us!

Eliza: Oh, for sure!

They enter the cell where Lemmy, E Honda, Dee Jay and Arcadia Demon are being held - much to the quartet's delight.

Arcadia Demon: Hey, you guys!

Ken: Wazzup? And do be assured, we're on the same side...

Dee Jay: We know, mon - you, Ken Masters, are on the procession list after all!

Mel: What an honour for my dad, right?

E Honda: (laughs) Absolutely! Now, let's prepare, so we can rescue Chun Li!

Lemmy: (twirls his wand, and strikes a pose) Then hurry up about it!

They all laugh. Among their preparations... Honda can see potential, in his ripped shirt... and the bloody wounds give him an idea, as well...

Bison relaxes on his sofa, as Chun Li explores his quarters and continues her story...

Chun Li: I spent the past ten years working in the media world, using it to gather intelligence on you...

Bison takes a remote in hand... and Chun Li rolls her eyes and smirks, as he presses a button for low mood music to play. The lights around the room dim, and Bison watches on...

...And outside... Vega takes his mask off, and he and Natalie share their first kiss as the music plays! Balrog and Sagat close their eyes in disapproval.

Chun Li: I found partners who hated you and your friends as much as I did... along with my dear Lemmy - such a sweet boy... but most importantly, I studied the martial arts of three continents, so that one day, I could meet you... avenge my dear father...

She comes to a small table... and takes interest, in a magazine about the war on Bison. She views the cover, which shows Guile VS Bison - along with, on Guile's side, a blacked-out female-like head, with a black ? on it... obviously hinting at the elusive 'Deadeye'...

Chun Li: (slams the magazine back on the table) ...And end your reign of terror... myself!

The music changes to a somewhat ominous tune, as Bison then stands up from his sofa, hinting at disagreement of Chun Li's words. Vega and Natalie end their kiss, and Vega puts his mask back on... and so the quartet now simply watch and listen on. Bison paces toward Chun Li... then grabs her by her remaining leather strap, and an evil smile appears on his face.

Bison: Hmmm... I don't think so...

He releases her, before returning to his sofa.

Bison: ...You see... nobody has ever seen you in combat! You always hid behind your sumo, your kickboxer musician, your fan... Arcadia Demon, was it? And your... Koopa prince - just as my greatest foe Deadeye always hid behind her hare and her duck! Why, since you entered this country... you never even threw a single punch! No, my dear - I know women... and you... are harmless...

Chun Li smirks, and raises her restrained hands...

Chun Li: That's exactly... what I wanted you... to think... (snaps the remaining leather strap) ...Ya-TAI!!

She flies into a rage, and kicks Bison all over his quarters. Vega, Natalie, Sagat and Balrog rush in to help Bison, and Natalie (secretly reluctantly, of course!) helps him up.

Natalie: Your Excellency, are you all right??

She secretly shivers, but still holds her resentment in for now, as Bison kisses her hand.

Bison: I am now, my lady - but I can handle this! (to Vega, Natalie, Sagat and Balrog) The four of you, get in the weapons alcove now!

Vega, Natalie, Sagat and Balrog all salute Bison, and they gather in the weapons alcove as he and Chun Li fight. But then...

Honda: Li! Li!

Lemmy: Chun Li, baby - hang in there!

Honda: We're coming, Li!

Lemmy, E Honda, Arcadia Demon, Dee Jay and the Masters family all rush in. Chun Li rejoins them...

...But this distraction gives Bison the opportunity to stand back up once more, and join his generals in the weapons alcove!

Chun Li: No!!

As Bison enters the alcove, he presses a button, lowering a glass wall to separate he and his generals from Chun Li and co.. The seven of them bang at the glass wall.

Lemmy: Chun Li, Lemmy at him! I'll turn him to stone, and...

Before he can say another word, a hissing sound can be heard from the ceiling... and Arcadia Demon looks up, only to see gas seeping in.

Arcadia Demon: Oh, shit - gas!!

Chun Li: Oh no - we gotta get out of here!!

They rush toward the door - but Bison presses another button, to slam the door shut and trap them inside. They continue to bang at the door... but they cannot avoid breathing in the gas, and one by one they pass out on the floor. Honda is the last one standing, and bangs on the door before he passes out as well. Bison bursts into an evil laugh.

The AN boats find themselves at a fork in the road. Guile directs Little Righteous on the right river route, while all others aim for the left...

Guile: Attention all boats! Stand by at attack vector Alpha! I'll take out the enemy radar - Captain Sawada, I'm counting on you!

Sawada: We'll be there, Colonel - just save some for us!

Everybody smiles and salutes Guile... and some cannot resist playfully splashing each other, not even the Undersecretary and his staff. And selfies all round!

Sawada: (on the radio, to all vessels except Little Righteous) Formation attack!

The AN vessels ready themselves, though some soldiers still playfully splash water and take selfies.

As Guile pilots Little Righteous all alone... he slips a home video into the video player, and a video of he, Charlie, his wife Julia and his daughter Kristal -who had a brief fling with Charlie, at the time of the video- at a café in Paris. Guile, Cammy, Jiggles, Wizzard, T Hawk, Ztar and Kunzite can only think of...

...At this very point... the chemicals have taken effect, and Dhalsim watches as the sleeping Charlie is now fully transformed into the green-skinned, orange-haired electric beast we know and love: Blanka. Aki, Fang, JP and Ed are still watching on, but Dhalsim shrugs his shoulders as he walks past them... but then they are distracted, as Aki dances for them. Now is his chance! He tiptoes to his console, and begins to press a few buttons to bring up the dreaded programming... and a new option, to change what is being projected into Blanka's mind. He presses that button... and good, beautiful images are now shown, turning Blanka's frown upside-down in a snap - especially when images of Natalie are shown! Dhalsim admires her, too.

In Bison's quarters... the gas has dissipated, and the unconscious prisoners are taken away... and so, Bison -now back in his uniform, and with his gray cap- and his four generals have free reign once more, while they await news of Chun Li et al waking up and being escorted to the command room. He is preparing drinks for all five of them, among which a pineapple juice on the rocks and with a slice of lemon for Natalie; while Vega admires himself in the mirror, Sagat and Balrog are arm-wrestling... and Natalie is on a stool near Bison's art easel, as he wishes to paint her. With the drinks prepared, he hands each beverage to each general as he passes them by... and as he hands Natalie's beverage to her, he takes his seat at his easel and begins to paint.

Bison: I must say, my lady... your attempt at my laugh is impressive!

Natalie: Oh, you mean this?

To the amusement of all, Natalie laughs just as Bison had before.

Bison: Quite so! You're certainly getting the hang of your on-the-job training, as one of my generals!

Natalie: Well, we're just hours away from world domination, so I need to get the laugh down!

They all laugh, at Natalie's remark. But then... she notices a photograph of Bison meeting a man with a striking resemblance to he - only with a kindly face, and he is wearing a black-and-gray-striped suit. She picks it up, and admires it.

Natalie: Oh, is that...

Bison: ...Indeed it is, my lady! You may have that photo - I'm sure he would have wanted you to have it...

Natalie continues to sip on her drink... and admires the photo.
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2024 6:40 am

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 01, 2024 2:00 pm

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Black Star

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 02, 2024 12:02 am

Keep up the Narration please
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Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 04, 2024 9:26 pm

Thank you Princess
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

Posts : 320
Join date : 2024-06-01
Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 7:30 am

Little Righteous continues on down the river route, ever onward toward Shadaloo Palace. The locals watching either side of the river wave, and take pictures and videos - prompting Guile and his highest officers to wave, and pose.

It is now less than an hour to go, before the ransom deadline. With their guests all gathered around, Bison and his generals are on the ground floor in the command room.

Sephiroth: (to Natalie) ...So have you thought about music?

Natalie: I'm glad you asked! We discussed music choices, again while we waited... (smirks) ...and once again, His Excellency is wowed over, by my visionary brilliance...

Bison: I knew I could count on you! Play that music you chose, for all of us to share for the first dance...

He is about to hand his remote to Natalie... when one of the doors on the higher floors opens, prompting everyone to turn their attentions. A Bison Trooper enters first, with his gun aimed at Chun Li et al as they are led in, and another trooper follows behind, also with his rifle aimed at them. The troopers standing either side of the door push these unfortunate 'guests' in.

Trooper on left side of door: (pushes Honda in) Move it, fatboy!

Trooper on right side: (pushes in Lemmy, Dee Jay and Arcadia Demon) Come on!

Another trooper: (to Chun Li) Move it, cutie!

A fourth trooper: (to the Masters family) Don't you three... try anything...

The troopers with their rifles lead the prisoners to a nearby railing, where Zangief is stationed to watch over them... and these troopers and several others handcuff them to the railings. Lemmy and Chun Li at least take comfort, in being handcuffed next to each other... and their fingers just manage to brush together...

Jenny: Sagat, I told vous... we couldn't trust zem...

Bison: Jenny, be civil! They worked so hard to get here - let them enjoy their ringside seats... (to Chun Li et al) You know, it's interesting - had you worked together, instead of against each other... you might have been successful!

Natalie: There's a lesson in co-operation, to be learned here - too bad, that you won't live to learn from it!

Bison is impressed, at Natalie's words... and so he pulls her in with one arm, and hugs her close...

Bison: Isn't she just adorable? Such a delightful child...

Little Righteous is now just approaching Bison's radar network...

Jiggles: Colonel, we're approaching Bison's outer radar perimeter...

Guile: Prepare for stealth mode!

Guile and his officers lower the visors on their helmets, and Cammy pressers a few buttons, then...

Cammy: ...Online!

They all hold back in their seats, and Guile in turn tightens his grip on the helm.

Guile: Three, two, one... now!

Little Righteous turns invisible, as the green shield of stealth mode envelops it... and Guile pilots her through the radar network...

Kunzite: Enemy radar position coming up, sir!

Guile: And it's going down!

He mans the cannons... and destroys one of the radars! Another one close by is destroyed, as well.

Bison is about to continue his lecture, to Chun Li et al... when Donut Lord expresses alarm, as he sees something on his console...

Donut Lord: Your Excellency! There's something very strange along the river...

Bison and his generals approach Donut Lord, and gather around the console... and Natalie feigns shock, at seeing two red dots on the radar...

Natalie: Yikes, Donut Lord - what's that??

Donut Lord: My lady, two of our radar stations just went down...

Bison: Go to visual!

Donut Lord brings up a camera view of the river route... and there appears to be a splash of water, as something moves along the river... and continues to destroy one radar after another...

Bison: A stealth attack, and solo no less - is Deadeye really that daring? Activate sonar detectors, and filter all inputs!

Cammy and Jiggles's monitor on Little Righteous beeps, with a warning of STEALTH MODE DETECTED.

Cammy: Colonel, we got a problem! Stealth mode detected - they're jamming us!

Ztar: Please let it be a system failure...

But she spoke too soon - the warning changes to STEALTH MODE COMPROMISED!

Jiggles: Oh no! Stealth mode compromised, sir - we're busted, they know we're coming...

The 'invisibility' shown on the monitor wall then changes to Little Righteous, as she continues to speed along the river.

Computer voice: Alert! Alert! Intruder craft detected adjacent to radar station 7!

Natalie: But... that's Little Righteous! It's Deadeye's own stealth vessel - from mine and Vega's prison cell, we could see her taking her for a spin at the docks!

Bison: A-ha! We could be in luck, already...

Another technician flicks the 'yellow alert' switch, and throughout the palace, off-duty troopers rush toward their respective shift commanders. Bison then nods to Natalie, as the cannons along the river route can be seen raising, and...

Natalie: Perimeter guns... fire!!

The cannons all fire upon Little Righteous, but luckily no dent is made, as the shields must have been activated...

Bison: This is General Bison! Don't try and hide from me, Deadeye, our defenses are locked on to you - identify yourself!!

There is much surprise, with the forces of good feigning theirs... as the screen changes to an image of Guile!

Guile: This is the collection agency, Bison! Your ass is six months overdue - and it's mine!

Sagat: Guile - alive??

Natalie: It's a trick!!

Mel: You wish, baby!

Bison: (sharply turns to face Sagat) Of COURSE! His 'death' was designed to ingratiate his spies with you!

He is implying about the Masters family... but those loyal to him know that the real 'spies' are Natalie and Vega, and Guile's 'death' was designed to ingratiate them with Bison...

Natalie: Your fake death was quite convincing, Colonel Guile! But this time, you will die for real!

Guile: Then I challenge you, baby - I can afterlive, being killed by a cute thing like you!

Bison nods to Natalie... and he puts his hand out to her, prompting her to put her hand atop of his, and with his other hand, he takes a remote to control his floating desk to the ground. He escorts Natalie aboard the desk... which he then controls, for it to float near Chun Li et al.

Bison: And now, Miss... Zang... you will witness firsthand, the power that you spurned!

Natalie: Oh, but don't worry - you still have a chance, at being a Shadaloo queen just like me...

Chun Li narrows her eyes, genuinely at Bison but fakingly at Natalie. Bison again playfully pulls Natalie with one arm, impressed at her words... before the two of them face the monitor wall, and man the controls on Bison's floating desk. The monitor wall then changes to a games-like frame around the camera view of the river, with 'Player 1 - General M Bison' on the left side score, and 'Player 2 - Princess Natalie' on the right. As the two of them press and flip the controls... the underwater mines along the river activate, setting off many explosions and causing Little Righteous to dodge and counter, but still not damaging her as even the crazed military dictator and the beautiful princess at his side score points. Out of the two, surprisingly Natalie is winning!

Before long... Ztar notices something on the monitors in Little Righteous...

Wizzard: Colonel! They have a radar lock! 30 seconds...

Guile: In that case... let's make an early start!

He presses a button... which creates a fake image of Little Righteous still along the river, as he safely controls the real thing to dive under the water! Indeed, the radar remains locked on the fake...

...Which then appears to explode, as Natalie and Bison slam one more button each... setting off one final mine! There is much cheer all around, again the forces of good feigning their own cheer - not least, because of a cruel drabble by Claudia and the rest of the group who call themselves the 'Senior Writers'...

Bison and Natalie: Game over!!

Computer voice: Intruder destroyed! Intruder destroyed!

In Dhalsim's lab, Dhalsim is checking the screens monitoring Blanka...

Computer voice: Stand down from yellow alert!

...When Fang, Aki, JP and Ed approach him from behind!

JP: Hey! What are you doing...?

Dhalsim: Nothing!

Aki presses a few buttons - bringing up the 'good' images that Dhalsim is projecting into Blanka, starting with the famous Martin Luther King "I have a dream" speech.

Fang: 'Nothing', eh...?

Aki is about to restrain Dhalsim - but he counters it, and knocks her over with a gas canister. Ed swiftly grabs a com-link, and speaks into it.

Ed: Security - this is Ed, calling from the la...

...But Dhalsim swings the gas canister at Ed, as well, and cuts the cord on the com-link. Despite taking on four opponents at once, Dhalsim knows he has no other choice but to fight them. He is about to trip up Aki... when JP and Fang grab him... and push him into the chemicals used on Blanka - causing the bags to burst, and the chemicals to spill on Dhalsim! Dhalsim is shocked, knowing it could now affect him, too! Fang also notices, that Dhalsim has cut the com-link cord.

Fang: So, you think you're smart, eh?

As the chemicals begin to take effect on Dhalsim... JP grabs him by the neck...

JP: Let's see how smart you are, without breathing!

Dhalsim then instantly transforms into the 'rubber man' we all know and love, right down to the ghastly white eyes... and he stretches his arms and legs, to knock JP into the controls to release Blanka! The incubation chamber opens... and Blanka awakens, and assumes a battle stance at Dhalsim's side. Aki, Ed, JP and Fang rush at the duo - but Blanka electrocutes them, and Dhalsim KOs them with an intense Yoga Shangri-La!

Dhalsim: Yoga Shangri-La!!

The four are still alive, but unconscious... and neither Dhalsim nor Blanka have time to worry or feel upset, knowing they, too, are in good hands...
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PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2024 12:48 am

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PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2024 10:13 am

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PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 08, 2024 4:45 pm

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Green Ninja
Green Ninja

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 09, 2024 12:29 am

This is a good spin off upgraded version of the old sf movie
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 18, 2024 2:24 pm

Over at AN Headquarters, the refugees and those looking after them are celebrating... as well as praying for the success of the mission, and especially for Vega and Natalie. Among those looking after them are Dan Hibiki and his finest Saikyo student, Andy, and the cats residing at the HQ are enjoying fuss and treats as well.

A trio of Bison Troopers are on guard, near the stone temple entrance to Shadaloo Palace. They are about to share a smoke... when they hear a rustling in the trees, prompting them to take out their rifles and assume a sniper stance - only for them to burst into laughter, as they see a herd of local wild elephants walk through the forest, trumpeting as well!

But before they can return to their post... Guile emerges from hiding, and he Flash Kicks one of them! T Hawk, Ztar, Wizzard, Kunzite, Cammy and Jiggles follow behind, as well... and Cammy attacks another of the troopers, while Kunzite takes out the third. Guile is wearing his beloved tank top and camo trousers... and his beret, knowing Natalie loves it; Wizzard, his own Sneaky Lyin' Cheatin' Giant Ninja Koopa attire; T Hawk and Ztar, their tribal attire... and of course, Ztar still wearing her white eyepatch with the black star on it; Cammy, her leotard and beret; Jiggles, a uniform similar to Cammy's contacts in the UK's Delta Red team; and Kunzite, a replica of the attire worn by his namesake, complete with the white cape.

Cammy: Cannon Spike!

Kunzite takes out a hand of talisman cards, which charge up lightning and attack the trooper he is targeting. The three troopers die too quickly, to cry out and make a sound.

Guile: (whispers, and gestures for his officers to follow him) ...Come on!

Guile's officers follow him toward the stone temple entrance. They arrive at the base thereof, still keeping out of sight from the troopers patrolling it. However...

Guile: (whispers) T Hawk, Ztar... what's with the headbands?

Ztar: It's Cherokee - we wear them for good luck in battle...

Wizzard: You should have brought seven...

They all laugh. They soon make it to the steps... and Ztar takes out her hatchet, quietly killing the Bison Trooper stationed there. They stealth their way up the steps, taking turns to silently kill each trooper one by one... until they arrive at the unmarked abandoned well. Jiggles takes out a rope from his kit bag, and throws one end over the branch over the well, so T Hawk and Ztar begin to secure the rope; and hands the other to Guile... who slips, and falls down the well! He manages to stretch his legs out, to stop the fall - though he shivers, as a spider hops from one brick on one end onto him, and crawls across him to the other side.

Jiggles: Colonel - are you all right?

Guile: Yeah, I'm okay - is the rope secure?

Ztar: Almost...

She and T Hawk fasten the rope tight... and then Wizzard hangs on to it as well, and he and Guile climb down.

Guile: One might think, four years of ROTC for this shit... if not for...

Wizzard: I know... just look forward to the next mission, colonel...

In the command room... Bison and Natalie are still on Bison's floating desk, and everybody is watching the live news report... on that the deadline is almost here, as indeed the clock indicates as well...

News reporter on TV: It is now only moments from the deadline set by General M Bison for the $20 billion dollar ransom, along with the surrender of the noble Deadeye, that he has demanded for the hostages. Reports from Shadaloo are over unclear, and GNT correspondent Chun Li Zang has been reported missing, along with her news crew. We are hoping for a peaceful solution to this crisis... and we appeal to General Bison in the name of humanity...

As he speaks, the clock hits zero... as well as to sound a loud dong, to indicate it. The command room falls silent, as the implication of that dong sinks in.

Reporter: For GNT, this is Sander Vanocur...

The report ends... and Bison changes the screen back to a map of the palace. He then gestures to Natalie, to address his staff.

Natalie: Donut Lord! Has the Allied Nations deposited the $20 billion in His Excellency's Swiss bank?

Donut Lord presses a few buttons, to access Bison's Swiss bank account... but the screen buzzes, as it shows the account is empty.

Donut Lord: I'm afraid not, my lady...

Natalie: And what about your elusive sister - any sign of her?

Donut Lord: Not a word... (to Bison) ...Looks like you got your wish, Your Excellency, to hunt her down and capture her...

Bison: (laughs) It seems so...

He presses a button on his desk, to control it to lower toward the hostage chamber...

Bison: (to his staff on the ground) Open the hostage chamber!

One technician flips the switch to the hostage chamber, and the doors begin to open.

Bison's computer voice: Hostage pit opening... stand clear... stand clear...

The chamber opens wide, revealing the terrified hostages. Or... are they scared...?

Bison's computer voice: Hostage pit open...

Guile and Wizzard are still climbing down the well... when Jiggles calls down to them, prompting Jiggles to take out a torch and shine it upward.

Jiggles: Sir! Cammy has set electronic and visual markers! ETA landing zone, twelve minutes...

Guile: Roger, captain - we'll be ready!

As Guile reaches the bottom of the well, he sees a hole. He gestures to Wizzard to hop down as well, which he does... and they crawl into the hole...

...Which leads them to Dhalsim's lab! They see the unconscious bodies of Fang, Aki, JP and Ed, in this dark, almost entirely destroyed lab. Wizzard is about to take out his torch again, when...

Blanka: Wi... zzard...

Guile and Wizzard turn around... and they see Blanka and Dhalsim. Wizzard and Blanka hug.

Wizzard: Oh, Blanka! What... is this what...

Dhalsim: Yes, Mr... Wizzard, was it?

Wizzard: Yes - Captain Wizzard O'Vozz, of the Shadaloo Allied Nations...

Dhalsim: (shakes Wizzard's hand) How do you do, Captain... (to Guile) ...I did everything I could - and thanks to Her Ladyship, he hung in there...

Guile: (smiles) She does have that effect, doesn't she?

The hostages fake fear, as Bison and Natalie address them...

Bison: The world thought very little of you, my dear guests! Too little to pay the pittance I asked for, let alone to bring to me the one foolish enough to obstruct my rightful world domination - too little to even mount a decent rescue attempt!

He couldn't be more wrong - the AN forces continue on down the river, with red smoke from the 'fake' destruction of Little Righteous still blowing visibly from nearby...

Natalie: Your 'masters' at the AN call His Excellency a 'wild beast' - so be it. You do not deserve the martial dignity of a firing squad - no! (points at the hostages) By His Excellency's command, you shall be killed by a wild beast!

Natalie and Bison clench their fists in emphasis...

Bison: A beast born of my own genius!

He nods to Natalie, and so...

Natalie: (to Bison's staff on the ground; points in the direction of where Blanka's incubation chamber will rise) Raise the incubation chamber!!

Bison presses a button, to direct his floating desk toward the ground...

Wizzard and Blanka are playing Rock, Paper, Scissors... when the sirens blare, and...

Bison's computer voice: Stand clear - incubation chamber rising to command room level!

Dhalsim: The signal! The real monster's upstairs - he expects to see his creation!

Guile straightens his beret...
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyFri Sep 20, 2024 5:03 pm

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyFri Sep 20, 2024 10:42 pm

Thank you Deadeye
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 21, 2024 2:54 am

Thank you Deadeye
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 21, 2024 9:42 pm

Good movie adaptation
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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 21, 2024 11:39 pm

We can follow this story during an airing
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The Wiz
The Wiz

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Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 23, 2024 3:29 pm

Thank you for including me in the story
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  - Page 2 EmptyToday at 10:40 am

Bison is now back on the ground, in front of his floating desk and with his generals at his side... and, much to their relief and delight, on one side Natalie stands once again with her beloved Vega; and Balrog and Sagat stand on the other side. The five of them face the direction in which the incubation chamber will rise - hence, that their countless guests face it as well. The Tong members now gather on one of the upper floors, to be safe.

Bison hands his remote to Natalie, and they nod to each other once more.

Natalie: (to the hostages) Behold - the face of your destruction, and of His Excellency's victory!

She points the remote in the direction of the incubation chamber, and presses a button - causing a series of spikes to rise from the floor, some surrounding part of the area for the incubation chamber... and the rest, two straight lines directly toward the hostage chamber, as if for Blanka (or so Bison thinks!) to make a grand entrance in killing them. As the spikes rise, Natalie hands the remote back to Bison, and he puts it in his pocket. Natalie then straightens up her dress, cape and veil... and squeezes Vega's hand, prompting the matador to reciprocate.

The incubation chamber rises, and as the door opens smoke bursts out, further adding to the entrance Bison intends for his 'wild beast'...

...But the forces of evil are shocked, Bison especially, and the forces of good all beam with delight... as Guile jumps out of the incubation chamber, aimed directly at Bison! Natalie and Vega yodel in delight, as Guile kicks Bison and sends him flying backward!

Chun Li and Lemmy: Whoo!

Above all else, in particular Bison is shocked that Natalie is on Guile's side - followed closely by Vega siding with the noble colonel. He politely rejects Balrog and Sagat assisting him up, and raises one hand in rejection of his forces opening fire on or restraining Natalie and Vega, as he turns to face the lovers...

...But as he faces them... he is even more surprised, as Natalie's eyes glow with her eerie yet warm electric aura... and she rises into the air, with Vega holding on to her... and shoots lightning out of her hands, again knocking Bison backward! The Bison Troopers take aim, at least intending to set their rifles to stun - but then Guile seizes the opportunity to grab the crazed military dictator, and take him hostage!

Guile: Hold your fire, or you're all out of a job sooner than I hope! (to Vega) Vega! Free Chun Li et al!

Vega salutes Guile - prompting some of the forces of good on the same floor as Chun Li and her news crew to hold the Bison Troopers guarding them at weaponpoint. Vega thus climbs the wall up to them... just as Natalie approaches Bison, and takes over holding him hostage - her eyes still glowing wild, she grabs the crazed military dictator with one arm, and one finger on her other hand lights up, which she aims at Bison's neck. Guile, in turn, approaches the controls for the hostage pit...

...Just as Vega approaches Chun Li and her news crew. He snatches the keys from one trooper, and unlocks Chun Li et als' handcuffs - in turn, prompting E Honda to punch the trooper who insulted him.

E Honda: 'Fatboy' this!

The forces of good cannot help but laugh at and applaud this. Chun Li et al join the good crowds, as Natalie returns her attentions to Bison.

Natalie: Usually, you don't shut up - so say something we'll like...

Bison appears to feign fear at Natalie's powers, and so...

Bison: (to his forces) No! No, don't shoot them - especially not her! Lest the legendary Deadeye wins me over, I shall take her for my bride!

Natalie rolls her eyes at Bison's comment - but this gives the warlord just the opportunity to attempt to grab her! Natalie, Vega, Guile and those on their side are horrified!

Bison: (points in the direction of the hostages) Shoot the...

...But, indeed giving Natalie the opportunity to break free and return to her dear Vega's side, he is even more surprised... as the hostages themselves leap out of the hostage pit, all with their own weapons in hand! But that's not all! Indeed, the Bison Troopers open fire - but, much to the delight and amusement of the forces of good, the weapons turn out to be more Nerf guns!

Bison: WHAT?!?

In this shock, there is thus much fighting all over the command room - and, in turn, more cheers for the Masters family, who soak up the praise.

Guile takes position behind a brick wall, to attack those on the side of evil. He shoots at them with his handgun, but just as he runs out of ammo, he notices one of the technicians run toward the RED ALERT panel. He thus throws his handgun at the technician - but this was the tech's plan all along: as the gun hits the tech in the back of his head, he slumps over and hits the button anyway, much to the shock of Guile and the forces of good! Red sirens flash, and...

Bison's computer voice: Red alert! Red alert! All personnel report to battle stations! Battle stations! Report to battle stations at once!

This allows those -both good, and evil- gathered in the command room to take their fight all throughout the palace, so many of them do indeed scatter out...

All throughout the palace, the Bison Troopers prepare for battle, and hurry to their respective battle stations...

...Including that many of them rush to the stone temple entrance, and open fire on Jiggles, Cammy, T Hawk, Ztar and Kunzite - all of whom return fire.

Back in the command room, Vega, Natalie, Chun Li, Lemmy, Arcadia Demon, Dee Jay and the Masters family all gather with Guile, behind the brick wall... but E Honda stands behind the wall behind them, preparing himself for battle as the still-completely-oblivious Zangief sends more Bison Troopers that way.

Guile: (to Vega and Natalie) Good work, you both! Now go and have fun - see if you can loot anything, to take home as souvenirs!

Vega: Gracias, colonel! We'll see you later!

Natalie: (zaps a few Bison Troopers running in her direction with lightning) Good luck on the fight with Bison!

Vega grabs on to Natalie... and she rises into the air, prompting the mesmerised Bison to watch on. Despite she and Vega having just revealed their true colours, Bison is completely intoxicated by Natalie's stunning beauty.

But as Natalie and Vega make it to one platform, and run out of one door... they do not notice Sagat, Ryu and Jenny watching on...

Sagat: All that's left... is revenge...

Jenny nods... and so the three of them run out one door...

...Just as E Honda punches a hole in the brick wall, and he and Zangief assume battle stances! Honda rushes at Zangief, causing the two of them to burst a hole in the floor and fall through it. Guile, Chun Li, Lemmy, Dee Jay, Arcadia Demon and the Masters family cannot help but laugh.

Guile: (to Chun Li, Lemmy, Dee Jay, Arcadia Demon and the Masters family) That goes for all of you, as well! The sooner I deal with Bison, the sooner we can prepare for the next mission!

Arcadia Demon kicks away several troopers rushing at the group - and yes, certain attack points are unavoidable, before returning to converse with the noble colonel.

Arcadia Demon: We'll do what we can, colonel!

Guile: Okay - go!

He throws a flash grenade at the troopers running toward them, and their being knocked back if not killed allows Chun Li et al to run off and join the battle all over the palace...

The AN forces all arrive at the beachhead where Little Righteous is docked, and every few seconds or so, they dock their boats along the beachhead, then rush up the path toward the stone temple entrance - and those who cannot yet dock eagerly await their turn, before they too can. Cammy, Jiggles, T Hawk, Ztar and Kunzite are delighted to see them, as they too fight off the Bison Troopers there as well...

...And as the quintet make it up the steps, Cammy takes out a rocket launcher... and...

Cammy: Say it, Jiggles dear!

She blasts the door down, only to destroy some of the structure around it as well!

Jiggles: (laughs) You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!

T Hawk, Ztar and Kunzite share that laughter.

The Masters family happens to be running through the halls, just as Cammy shoots the door down... so they wave to Cammy, Jiggles, T Hawk, Ztar and Kunzite, as they and the current AN troopers all run in. And just at that same time... Sephiroth and Soma turn up as well, so unsurprisingly Sephiroth accompanies Kunzite for the raid - taking plenty of selfies of them both along the way!

In the command room, Bison, Balrog and Donut Lord gather at one of the consoles.

Bison: Where's Blanka??

Donut Lord: I know not, Your Excellency - everything's crashing!

Donut Lord presses a few buttons, to bring up a camera view of the lab... and it shows Blanka, Wizzard and Dhalsim fighting off the forces of evil who battle them there!

Balrog: What the hell...?

Bison: He's fighting my men!! (a thought hits him, then...) The cerebral programming - quick, Donut Lord, find it in here!!

Donut Lord presses a few buttons... and the screen begins to show the good images which Dhalsim projected into Blanka, much to Bison's rage!


He attempts to smash the screen with his fist - but before his fist can impact with the screen, it now shows an image of Natalie, at the moment when she captured Vega's heart five years ago this week. Bison is once again mesmerised, much to Balrog and Donut Lord's twisted delight.

The increasing numbers of AN troopers run up the path to the stone temple entrance, and attack if not kill the Bison Troopers along the way... before they too burst into the palace. They cannot help but roar with laughter, as one Bison Trooper lets out a Goofy holler as the blast from one hand grenade sends him flying - it only makes sense, since Capcom have made some of the Disney games!

Bison and Donut Lord are now alone in the command room, as they watch the monitor wall showing the AN troopers' arrivals... and the words TOTAL SECURITY ALERT blast on the screen, as well...

Bison: Then defeat is a possibility. Very well - we shall face it together, Donut Lord... with the stoicism, of the true warrior!

Fearsome male voice: Oh... but I think you'll find defeat is not a possibility, Your Excellency!

Bison looks up... only to see Marilyn Manson -and, ugh, no prizes for guessing what he's wearing- on one of the upper floors, accompanied by Sagat, Jenny and Ryu.

Bison: Marilyn Manson! To what do we owe the pleasure?

Marilyn Manson: I pulled the lucky straw, to inform Your Excellency that the ransom is definitely paid, and then some! We, your loyal supporters, have all just deposited $20 billion each into your Swiss bank, and... (to Donut Lord) ...Show him...

Donut Lord takes a file out from his desk, and hands it to Bison before joining Marilyn Manson et al. Bison reads through it... only for an evil smile to appear on his face. He then looks up to the gathering, and...

Bison: You know what to do - I will be with you as soon as possible!

They all salute Bison, and leave... and when Bison is alone once more, again he smiles evilly.

Bison: Oh, this is just too perfect - too beautiful, even!

For now, he can only climb to the level of the monitor wall, and hide behind the smaller screens... as he himself prepares for that he has one chilling last card to play...
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