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 Street Fighter Narration

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Green Ninja
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Anna Nytelikethis
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Black Star

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyTue Jul 23, 2024 10:59 pm

Since old topics from the old site are being recovered then can the old Street Fighter movie narration be recovered too?
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Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 24, 2024 2:24 am

Please add up the narration if you can
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 24, 2024 2:51 am

Oh bless you, Black Star - or should I call you, Ztar! Okay then, here goes...


The starry, cloudless, full red moonlit night of Sunday July 2 2000 - Sagat's 45th birthday, and just hours after crazed military dictator General M Bison took those poor Allied Nations relief workers hostage, initiating a sick master plan that he and his his evil forces feel certain will ensure his world domination within the week. The brutal yet genteel matador/cage fighter, Lord Vega Fabio de Cerna, 23, is in his quarters at the Tong Warehouse... upset at certain elements of the master plan, and so almost unmindful of the sounds around him, but in turn all the more encouraged to play his own role in the rescue mission to save those poor hostages. He is staring at a photograph of a beautiful white-haired, white-eyed 10-year-old girl absorbed in deep thought, and it is obvious that he is in love with her, wanting to find her again - especially now, in these desperate times! Just staring at his picture of that girl is the one thing keeping him from crying, or bursting into blind rage.

He is about to hold that picture close to his heart... when the window blinds are all opened high above him, revealing the nature of the night sky; and a beautiful yet eerie tune, affectionately dubbed Moonlit Vega, echoes around the warehouse. His eyes light up, as if realising some form of implication...

Vega: Mi Dios... can it be...

He gets up, and paces toward the door...

The steel cage arena is currently dark, save for the lights around the cage, cameras flashing all around, and the moonlight shining in from the windows... but packed, with everyone set to assist Vega and Princess Natalie, 15, in their role in the rescue mission. The two of them only knew each other online and via snail mail, until they will meet this very night, and so they agreed no photographs of she until they meet - or does he...? The scoreboard unsurprisingly still has Vega's name in the 'campiono' slot... and in the 'defianto' slot, is the name 'Princess Natalie'.

Standing in the very center of the cage, and with the spotlights shining down on her... is the girl from Vega's photograph! She is 15 now, and is wearing the exact same clothing and carrying the same handbag, plus a crystal version of Vega's mask. Her chillingly dead, yet warm and piercing white eyes can be seen behind the mask.

As soon as the door to Vega's quarters opens, a spotlight is shone in his direction, and cameras flash and camcorders roll in his favour too... and the moment he and the girl lay eyes upon one another, they can feel their hearts beat wildly, as they meet face-to-face for the first time.

Vega: (under his breath) ...Wow... it's her... and she's more beautiful than I remember...

He paces through the crowds, their eyes locked on one another at all times... and barely noticing their countless guests. As he barely notices the scoreboard, his eyes light up even more, as he realises exactly who the girl is!

As Vega enters the cage, the girl -Natalie- attempts to get down on one knee before him, as a mark of respect to a blueblood... when he approaches her, and cups her chin in his hand... causing her to stand straight before him. She can feel her body tremble in awe, at his gentle touch...

Vega: It is I who should be on one knee before you... my beautiful Princess Natalie... I should have known, there could be no other...

Natalie: Oh... oh my... I... I know... about us... and the sooner we get those hostages out... the sooner we can prepare for... for our mission, next January 8...

Vega: January 8? Hmmm... very well then! We can discuss our own mission plans tomorrow, with Colonel Guile. In the meantime...

The two of them yodel loudly, much to the delight of their guests - a number of whom join in!

The afternoon of the following day - and time for Chun Li Zang's live report. The entire Allied Nations forces -including those travelling from around the world, newcomers and volunteers included- rush across the docks at the AN Headquarters, with the refugees and those set to look after them watching from within the main building. Various news crews are gathered here, to document this...

...And Chun Li is standing in the center of the docks, with her dear Lemmy at her side, and Dee Jay on camera. As usual, E Honda is manning the sound mixing in the GNT van, and Arcadia Demon is at the wheel. Soon enough... E Honda gives Dee Jay the signal, and Dee Jay in turn gives a thumbs-up to Chun Li and Lemmy.

Chun Li: This is Chun Li Zang with GNT News! AN forces are consolidating their hold on Shadaloo City today, after a night of skirmishing to secure this key south-east Asian port...

Lemmy: ...But these soldiers aren't celebrating just yet! They know that defeating the local rag-tag city militia is one thing - defeating the heavily-armed forces of General M Bison is quite another!

In the command room of Shadaloo Palace, a number of Bison Troopers are stationed all around, the technicians -including Natalie's cruel brother, Donut Lord- at their consoles... all under the watch of Zangief and Balrog. The monitor wall displays Chun Li doing her live report, on the large screen and some of the smaller ones, with the remaining smaller screens showing other reports as well.

A handful more Bison Troopers bring in the hostages, pushing them into the hostage chamber, and pass to other troopers stationed on the ground three blindfolded and bound AN troopers... just as Bison himself floats down, on his beloved floating desk. He smiles evilly, at seeing Chun Li in the screen.

Chun Li: The Allied Nations forces know that they are dealing with a power-mad dictator - a dictator whose drug money has equipped his army with hi-tech weaponry, which some intelligence experts fear is equal to anything in the industrialised world...

Bison's desk lands on the ground, and he presses a button on his remote, to direct the desk back up top, before pacing across to the captured AN troopers, viewing the hostages along the way...

Lemmy: It's been only 24 hours since this dangerous and unpredictable warlord seized 63 Allied Nations relief workers from Adon Village, just north of here. This self-styled general's ransom demand? An astonishing $20 billion... and the surrender -if not his own personal capture- of our dear friend codenamed 'Deadeye', who is confirmed to be participating in the rescue mission to save the hostages...

Bison smiles evilly - his elusive long-term rival will be easier to capture, than thought...

Chun Li: May I thus remind she especially, and all other females taking part in the rescue mission, to be extra cautious... even more so, when you encounter Bison himself. Meanwhile, the location of the 63 hostages remains unknown - save, that they are being held in Shadaloo Palace. Of the 15 Allied Nations troops assigned to guard the missing relief workers, 12 are confirmed dead, and the remaining three missing - among them, Captain Carlos 'Charlie' Blanka. Their whereabouts, also all but unknown...

By now... Bison stands before the three captured AN troopers, just as all hostages are in the put, and the pit begins to close behind them. He sweeps back his cape - just as one of the troopers, a handsome American man, is freed and unmasked, and pushed before him. The trooper readies a battle stance, before the warlord.

Bison: You came from across the world to fight me, soldier - now is your chance...

The young man rushes toward Bison - but the crazed military dictator counters him, and snaps his spine...

Bison: (throws the corpse onto the hostage pit) Pfft... pathetic...

Back in the city... everyone notices as a tank rolls in, and atop of it are Colonel William F Guile and more of his highest officers: Lieutenant Cammy, Captain Jiggles, Captain Wizzard O'Vozz, Sergeant T Hawk... and T Hawk's own dear betrothed, Princess Ztar.

Chun Li: I think I see the AN commander arriving now - I'm going to try to talk to him...

Dee Jay follows Chun Li and Lemmy, toward Guile...

A second AN officer is unmasked, this one a Japanese man, and pushed toward Bison.

Bison: Yes - your turn, now...

The Japanese man rushes toward Bison, and meets the same end as his American comrade - but before Bison can toss his corpse aside...

Chun Li: Colonel Guile? Colonel Guile!

Hearing that name catches Bison's attention, and he turns to face the screen... just as the remaining AN trooper is unmasked, and revealed to be Charlie...

Chun Li: Colonel Guile, Chun Li Zang with GNT News - may we speak to you sir, please?

Guile: (sighs) No...

T Hawk and Ztar try to cover up the camera lens, but Jiggles gestures for them not to...

Lemmy: But, Colonel! Don't you want to speak to a world audience?

Guile: Are you talking about the world, that chickened out in such crises as Rwanda and Bosnia? Far from it! (snatches the microphone from Chun Li) That being said, I do want to talk to someone: that bastard Bison!

Bison is angered at this insult, and so he stomps forward, his eyes narrowed...

Guile: I know you like to look at yourself on television, you sick son of a bitch, so look at this (flips Bison off, with a karate-chop pose with the microphone) Hi-YAH!

Bison is again angered... and he turns to face Donut Lord...

Bison: Donut Lord! Break in - now!

Donut Lord starts pressing buttons, on his console...

Realising Guile's intent, Chun Li and Lemmy only merely pretend to try and take the microphone back from Guile, to make the plan seem all the more real on the camera...

Another of Guile's highest officers, Kunzite, approaches the GNT van... just as the Shadaloo emblem appears on the screens. Honda thus starts pressing buttons, to transfer that to the pocket screen on Dee Jay's camera.

Kunzite: (takes out a walkie-talkie, and speaks into it) Colonel, we're in! Over!

Guile and his officers gather in front of the camera... just as Bison's face appears on the pocket screen...

Bison: Colonel Guile! Greetings!

Guile whispers something into his earpiece...

...And Honda disembarks the GNT van, allowing Kunzite to board and man the controls...

Bison: Why do you address a fellow warrior with such disrespect?

Guile: 'Warrior' - you? How many doctors and nurses have you killed this week - when it is Carie, and Jenny de Cerna who should be dead? How many children have you orphaned? And if you lay even a nail on Deadeye... you will regret it!

Bison: You will choke on those words, Guile!

Guile: Anytime, dickhead - we'll go worldwide, just like now!

Donut Lord notices a beep on his console, and turns to face Bison...

Donut Lord: Your Excellency - they're tracing this!

Bison: It must be that Kunzite again - there were talks, about getting him to counter your hacking Deadeye's family's devices... very well...

Bison takes the remote out of his pocket, and returns his attentions to Guile...

Bison: You think you're clever, Guile - think about this...

He aims the remote, at the digital countdown clock on the wall... and he presses a button, causing the clock to count down from 72 hours!

Bison: You have three days! If my $20 billion and Deadeye are not delivered by then... the hostages will die... I will personally hunt down Deadeye and capture her myself... and the world will hold you responsible! Victory!

Bison's loyalists all clench their fists over their dark hearts, then raise their fists in the air as they chant his name.

All of those loyal to Bison: (all chant) Bison! Bison! Bison! Bison!

Guile: (as if to the hostages) You hostages! If you can hear me, we're coming - and Deadeye is among us! Charlie? Charlie can you hear me? We're coming! We're coming - hang on!

And at this, the transmission ceases... and Bison approaches Charlie, and snatches his dog tags from him...

Bison: (reads the dog tags) 'Carlos Blanka'... (to Charlie) ...Charlie, so you are Guile's friend - and, so I believe, best friends with Captain O'Vozz... (to the Bison Troopers holding Charlie) ...Take him to the laboratory)...

One trooper hits Charlie around the back of his head, knocking him unconscious... and the three of them drag him away...

Back in the city, Kunzite joins the gathering between Guile, his officers, and Chun Li -now holding her microphone once more- and her news crew...

Kunzite: I couldn't trace it enough - he broke off too soon. However, what little I could, I have put onto disc - we can review it at the staff meeting tomorrow...

Guile: Excellent work, Kunzite... (to Chun Li) ...And thank you as well, Miss Zang...

Chun Li: Glad to help! Whatever we can do, to take down Bison...

Ztar: The more, the merrier!

Jiggles: And I will never forgive the princess's birth mom, for her blasphemy toward my dear Cammy! Ugh, how horrible - thank goodness that, before the princess fell into her coma...

Guile: I know, Jiggles. And on the subject of the princess...

At the Tong Warehouse, Vega, Natalie, and those set to assist them are gathered in the arena. Natalie takes her earpiece out of her ear, and addresses the crowd.

Natalie: ...It's going to be a little more risky now, but we can pull it off. Vega and I will be at the staff meeting, tomorrow - but we cannot give full details of the meeting... at least, of course, until mission accomplished. Any word on the Masters family, and the fake weapons?

Soma: Yes - the Masters are just passing through Adon Village, offering support there... and they'll arrive in time for Sagat's party. Sagat and his goons are on their way to the brewery, as we speak...

Natalie: Thank you, Soma. And I won't lie, that I too am nervous... but I know this has to be done... (falls into Vega's arms) ...I know all too well...

Vega: I know. Whatever happens, you'll be fine - we can do this... beautifully...

Vega gently brushes his hand, against the back of Natalie's neck...
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 24, 2024 4:53 pm

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 3:28 am

I really miss the Narration. Many thanks for this great joy!
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

Posts : 320
Join date : 2024-06-01
Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 12:15 pm

Nightfall - and again, the sky is starry, cloudless, and lit with a full red moon. Sagat, his righthand Jenny de Cerna, and the members of the Shadaloo Tong are gathered at the docks outside the Tong Warehouse... as they await another key figure in the master plan, and a guest he is bringing with him. There is much celebration going on inside the warehouse, and Vega's yodel can be heard from time to time - causing several Tong members to take deep breaths in and out, to hold their frustration until... they can carry out the most chilling part of the plan itself.

Soon enough...

Lex: ...They're here!

They all burst into cheer... as evil priest Ryu and thug Mel arrive on jetskis. They disembark, and stand before Sagat.

Sagat: Welcome, Ryu! Firstly... I cannot thank you enough, for volunteering to officiate!

Ryu: Any time! Lord Saddler helped me to register my license...

Sagat: Ah, good old Saddler... (to evil Mel) ...And Mel! So good to see you, too!

Evil Mel: I wouldn't miss it for the world! The harem and the kids have gone straight on to the Palace, to assist with the preparations - and naturally, His Excellency's harem will be sure to dress them...

Jenny: Tres bien! Ve 'ave retrieved ze weapons which ze Masters...

As she speaks, Ken and his family can be seen entering the warehouse...

Jenny: (sighs) ...Speak of ze Devil... (to Sagat) ...Should we go back in?

Sagat: Very well. We'll at least let those two have their fun - I made very clear, I won't have His Excellency kidnap her dressed so plain. She must be made presentable, for that!

They all laugh, and head around the back of the warehouse...

Vega and Natalie's guests all watch and cheer, as Vega is in a cage match against a local thug. Natalie, in turn, stands at the entrance to the cage, cheering on her betrothed... and she checks in her handbag, and finds everything in place yes including her earpiece. She notices the Masters family arriving, and waves to them - they wave back, and young Mel (who is good, unlike his evil namesake!) tosses red confetti over her! She and Vega smile...

...And as the confetti falls over Natalie, Vega defeats his opponent, who only lies down wounded - he is to assist in the rescue mission, among those looking after and entertaining the refugees. Vega strikes a pose before the adoring crowds, with his dear princess joining him at his side... and Raven and Phoenix enter the cage, and put the opponent on the stretcher. Their guests chant his name, and many of them waving banners with his and Natalie's names on them.

Vega and Natalie's guests: (chanting) Vega! Vega! Vega! Vega!

Sagat and the Tong watch unimpressed, from the bar... and Lex enters the arena, approaching the Masters family.

Lex: Hey! You three - follow me...

Lex leads the Masters family up to the bar, and toward Sagat's office there. Mel shoots a Hadoken at his evil namesake, knocking him back toward the wall.

Mel: Hadoken!

Ken and Eliza laugh, as the other Tong members go to help their son's evil namesake.

Sagat is in his office, along with Jenny and Ryu, as Lex leads the Masters family in... and as they enter, Lex joins his comrades at the bar.

Sagat: Good evening, gentlemen, Mrs Masters...

Mel: Good evening, Sagat. It's quite a party, on both sides - but didn't anyone tell there's a curfew?

Sagat: In Shadaloo City, nobody tells me anything...

Sure enough, an AN helicopter can be seen outside the window, with a searchlight on. Manning the copter is Wayne, a long-term fan of Colonel Guile, and Natalie's opponent in a Tetris tournament in December 1994.

Wayne: (over loudspeaker) There is a 7 p.m. curfew in Shadaloo City. Violators will be shot on sight...

Sagat: (shrugs it off) May I offer you a drink... or anything else?

Two of the Tong women watch from behind the blind... but the Masters are uninterested...

Ken: Let's skip the Miss Manners, and get down to business...

The girls sigh, and turn away - but Lex beckons them to join the gang, in the bar...

Eliza: Do you have the $100,000?

Two of the Tong members bring in an open case filled with money. Ken and his family try to take it, but the Tong members close it tight.

Jenny: Do you 'ave ze weapons?

Ken: They're hidden!

Mel: (takes his cellphone out of his pocket) We'll rejoin the crowds, with the moolah... and call you on this, tell you where the guns are. Deal?

Sagat, Jenny and Ryu lead the Masters family toward the bar...

Mel: You'll need this, Sagat!

Sagat: Far from it! I already know that the weapons are on the pier behind the Mt. Brazer Brewery...

Some of the Tong members then bring in a number of crates, prompting the loving family to fake shock, and the Tong members open the crates and each take a weapon, preparing to aim them at Ken and his family.

Sagat: In fact, my men have already unloaded the truck and brought the weapons here! What's the matter, Masters family - surely, you're not afraid of your own weapons...

He gives the Tong members instructions in a foreign language, who then fire their weapons at Ken and his family...

...But the ammunition bounces right off them. These are fake guns - Nerf blasters, in fact! Sagat and the Tong all burst into laughter.

Sagat: Toys! I like my games live - and in living colour!!

The Tong members proceed to attack Ken and his family - but they fight back, defending themselves... and the honour of Vega and Natalie...

Natalie notices the commotion in the bar, and turns to Vega.

Natalie: Darling, I'll go and help them - you get everyone sitting near the bar window to back up!

Vega: Got it!

Vega proceeds to evac those positioned near the bar... as Natalie teleports herself!

Much to the astonishment all around, Natalie materialises in the bar, right in front of Ken and his family.

Natalie: (to Ken and his family) Get to the arena! I'll handle this...

Ken grabs the money, and he, Mel and Eliza jump out of the window and join Vega and Natalie's party. The Tong members all back up, as Natalie approaches Sagat... her eyes crackling with a wild electricity, and her body glowing with a creepy yet beautiful aura. Her finger lights up, too, aimed at Sagat's chin...

Natalie: Lay off, Sagat... save our doubles match tonight, I wish to hold off for as long as I can...

Sagat: I will be sure to inform His Excellency of this intrusion, my dear! That being said... as always, the great Deadeye isn't all talk after all...

Behind her mask, Natalie takes a few breaths in and out...

In the laboratory at Shadaloo Palace, Charlie is imprisoned in an incubation chamber. The famed Indian scientist/monk Dr Dhalsim is reluctantly at the controls, with Bison's top researcher/poison expert Fang and his disciple Aki watching over him. Fang and Aki salute, as Bison, Balrog and Zangief enter.

Bison: Ah! Dr Dhalsim - how is your research today?

Dhalsim: (sighs) The same - warped, corrupted... my science twisted to self-perversion instead of peace...

Bison: (pats Dhalsim on the shoulder) Tell you what - after I've crushed my enemies, we'll see about getting you published. That should cheer you up, hmmm? (gestures toward the captured Charlie) Now, let's have a look at the patient...

Dhalsim reluctantly stands up, and leads Bison toward Charlie. Bison views the imprisoned soldier for a few moments, then leads Dhalsim back to his console.

Bison: Excellent! He'll do very nicely - you'll have a perfect soldier!

Dhalsim: You mean a perfect killer!

Bison: Let's not quibble over definitions...

He notices one screen showing Charlie struggling, and crying in agony in the incubation chamber...

Bison: Is that a reaction to the programming - what's he receiving?

Dhalsim: See for yourself...

He presses a few buttons... and one screen shows images of war - even of WWII, and of Bison himself...

Bison: Merely educational software - why does he find it disturbing?

Dhalsim: Because unlike you, he's not psychotic...

Bison grabs Dhalsim by his throat, and glares at him! Then...

Bison: You take risks, doctor - do not presume so much on my good nature!

He tosses Dhalsim aside, and his cape sweeps over him. Dhalsim lands on the floor, on his back... with Bison staring over him...

Bison: When his brain becomes a killing machine, my... loyal scientists will start on his body...

Bison's scientists bring in bags of IV chemicals, to transform poor Charlie...

The steel cage arena is dark once again, save for the lights around the arena, the cameras flashing around, the moonlight from outside... and a spotlight on Sagat and Ryu, standing in the center. Jenny and the other Tong members stand around, holding off from causing any trouble for now; and Raven and Phoenix stand in front of Vega and Natalie's quarters, accompanied by Mod Soul, Rainbow Mika's disciple who has also volunteered for the rescue mission. Raven is holding a silver tray filled with long-stemmed, blood-red roses... and with them, a very long silk scarf coloured just like the Spanish flag; and Phoenix, a red velvet cushion on which the machete knife is held. The scoreboard reveals the names 'Sagat' and 'Ryu' in the 'defianto' slot... and 'Vega' and 'Princess Natalie' in the 'campiono' slot.

Sagat: Firstly... thank you to our own guests, for joining us for the master plan. Not long now - we'll take care of it momentarily, but I won't lie, that I am pleasantly surprised at this challenge! We will not harm her, physically at least... but... I'll work a little of the old Sagat magic. So, without further ado... the challengers, His Grace Ryu Hoshi and myself... the champions... (gestures toward Vega and Natalie's quarters) Vega, and Miss Ransom herself Princess Natalie!

Raven, Phoenix and Mod Soul move aside, as a spotlight shines on the door to Vega and Natalie's quarters... and as it opens, Alexis presses a button on the music player, to play the Habanera... and everyone on the side of good bursts into cheer, as Vega and Natalie emerge, Natalie now also with her hair braided just like Vega and held in place with a crystal hair bobble... and accompanied by a single long-stemmed, blood-red rose which could only have come from Vega himself. Raven, Phoenix and Mod Soul move ahead in front of them, and then they move, under the glow of the spotlight - and the flashing of the cameras all around them, Sagat and Ryu move to one corner in the cage, and pose for a few photographs from the Tong members.

Vega and Natalie enter the cage, standing in the very center, and the girls stand either side.

Vega: Remember, my lady? Just like we practiced?

Natalie: Got it!

The two of them remove their masks, revealing their beautiful, perfect, completely unblemished faces and their sweet, gentle smiles. Their adoring fans cheer for them, and they wave to the crowds - their backflips prompting another thunderous cheer, even more so as Vega takes a rose from the tray as he leaps into the air, holds it in-between his teeth... and as he stands once more, he hands the rose to Natalie. He then bouquets the other roses with the scarf, and hands the bouquet to her as well. She throws herself into his arms.

Sagat, Ryu and the male Tong members cannot help but fall for Natalie, too - she may be their evil master's most wanted target, but not only is she the most beautiful of them all, there is just that... something, about her, that even the forces of evil just cannot dislike...

Raven then circles around Ryu... and rips his shirt off, then throws it away. The Tong members cheer, and one of them even attempts to steal one of the banners with Vega's name on it - but Natalie shoots that Tong member with a jolt of lightning from her hand, knocking the fool aside. Vega's jaw drops wide, as he is again enamoured at Natalie's kindness - her inner beauty, if you will.

Phoenix then steps forward, to offer the machete to Ryu. He takes it, gracefully performs a sword dance - and then throws it in Vega's direction. Natalie grabs the machete, so she can use it herself.

All Tong members: (chanting) No weapons! No weapons! No weapons! No weapons!

Sagat glares at Vega and Natalie... who only respond, by putting their masks back on, Vega adjusting his claw, and Natalie striking a pose with the machete. Their supporters cheer them.

Vega and Natalie then assume battle poses, as do Sagat and Ryu, as the scoreboard clock counts down to the fight beginning. The forces of good count along with it - but just as it hits zero, and the lovers and their rivals rush toward one another... Guile's tank bursts in, toward the cage! All guests both good and evil move aside, and Vega and Natalie dive out from one side of the cage, Vega gracefully landing with Natalie in his arms; and Sagat and Ryu on the other, grabbed by their Tong members on that side. They all stand up, facing the tank... as Guile emerges from within, and many AN soldiers burst in to arrest them...

Guile: You're all under arrest!

All guests both good and evil raise their hands, and one trooper throws a barrage of smoke bombs that fill the arena... along with the sounds of the troopers, and the individual persons they arrest...

...Until the smoke clears... and only Guile, Vega, Natalie, and the happy couple's many guests remain...

Guile: And all of you, come with me - with our lovebirds joining me in the tank!

They all burst into cheer, and surround the tank. Vega and Natalie gladly enter it, along with the noble colonel...

Bison is relaxing in his private chambers, when Balrog enters.

Balrog: Your Excellency! Bad news - Deadeye got word of Sagat's party tonight, and she and Colonel Guile arrested everyone there...

Bison: (angrily slams his fist on the armchair) Damn that Deadeye! Oh, I can't wait until she is at last within my grasp - but as for her fate, well I'll decide that when I meet her...

Balrog: Can't we all wait, Your Excellency! But we have some good news: you already have a new general...

Balrog hands Bison a photo of Vega and Natalie sitting on the steps into the cage, taken just before Chun Li's report... and much to Balrog's twisted delight, Bison instantly falls in love with Natalie...

Bison: Oh my goodness - who is that??

Balrog: That's Princess Natalie. Looks like we got our wish, for her to join us!

Bison: "And then some", as the old saying doth go! Her visionary brilliance alone is one thing - but as proven by exactly who beat me to her hand, she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! I trust preparations are being doubled, as we speak?

Balrog: Oh, indeed! Vega is having his attire brought in from Spain, it will arrive in time for the ransom deadline; and wait until you see what Natalie will wear - the girls are laying it all out, for her...

Bison: Something fit for a queen, I'm sure! Very well, Balrog. I will see you, when I examine the latest structural designs for Bisonopolis...

Balrog salutes, and he leaves. Bison stares at the image of the beautiful Natalie.

Bison: Vega, you are one lucky man... to have won the heart of such a goddess...
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 12:49 pm

A beautiful story that brings back fond memories
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 5:35 pm

Will Dan have a part?
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 8:59 pm

I remember this story is based on the Street Fighter movie for us Vega fans
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2024 5:31 am

The Narration is a much better version than the movie
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Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyFri Jul 26, 2024 5:38 pm

Thank you Princess
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptySun Jul 28, 2024 1:43 pm

I missed this!
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyTue Jul 30, 2024 9:10 am

The following morning. Several AN troopers are taking the boats for a spin on the river, testing them ready for the assault tomorrow. Among them is a beautiful orange stealth boat with one or two red stripes and purple glass windows, and 'with love from Col. William F. Guile' written either side - this is Little Righteous, the stealth boat which the colonel gifted to Natalie, after Vega spotted her and fell in love with her five years ago this week. She is willingly loaning the vessel to Guile for this mission, especially after discovering the aforementioned beautiful truth behind the gift.

Guile, his highest officers, Vega, Natalie and some of the key AN staff -including their international guests- are gathered in the meeting room. Vega is wearing formal military attire just like the majority, but still wearing his mask and claw... while Natalie is wearing a special custom blue camouflage, intentionally designed like a certain 'Stealth Mission' version of a certain beloved action figure, with gloves, cape as long as Bison's and draping over her front, camo paint even in her hair and all - albeit still with her beret, and a green visor which she is currently wearing over her eyes. To compliment the attire, her hair is tied in two rabbit ear-like pony tails. She pushes a few loose strands of her hair back, as Guile takes his seat and begins to address everyone.

Guile: The staff meeting is now in session. New business?

Captain Sawada raises his hand.

Sawada: Uhhh, Colonel?

Guile: Yes?

As Sawada speaks, the guards at the door ID a waiter who enters, and they pass him and let him in. He whispers to one of the staff at the table, who nods in reply and lets the waiter take his place.

Sawada: My commando team is at full readiness - but, we need to know, if assault will be by land, sea, or air...

Vega: We knew that was coming...

Jiggles and Cammy raise their hands.

Natalie: Ahhh yes, Cammy...?

Jiggles presses a remote, which shows an aerial shot of a river area - likely the location, of the 'secret' entrance into Shadaloo Palace...

Cammy: We were able to get Bison to break radio silence, but unfortunately not long enough to pinpoint the signal...

Jiggles: So for now, all we can say for certain, is that the entrance Vega has told us about is hidden somewhere here... (points at the image on the screen) ...The river-delta region...

...But then, the 'waiter' jumps up on the table... and aims a knife at Guile! Several AN troops burst in, with their rifles aimed at the fake waiter - but Guile executes a perfect Flash Kick, and knocks him backwards, rendering him unconscious as his head hits the hard surface. To make sure the scum stays down, Natalie kills him with a jolt of lightning from her right hand.

Guile: Thank you, my lady... (addresses everyone) ...Any other new business?

Ztar examines the corpse - and as she notices something under his shirt, she rips it off... revealing a Shadaloo Tong tattoo!

Ztar: Sir! Look - Shadaloo Tong!

Vega approaches the corpse... and stabs him everywhere but the face, to further ensure the scum is no longer of this world.

Vega: I knew it seemed odd, that Tosho was absent as of late...

Natalie: Tosho? That filthy creep who trolled me for...

Guile: (to the officers at the door) Take the corpse to the infirmary. We'll deal with it there...

The officers salute, and take the corpse away...

In the prison yard, all Tong members and those accompanying Natalie and Vega are dressed in prison clothing, with the letter for their respective cell blocks printed in white... and some with such accessory options, as sparkly blue hairbands for some females. Sagat is leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette, with Jenny -she herself, among those who opted for a hairband- at his side. They are watching the Masters family, among others who are eating their prison gruel, when...

Voice over loudspeaker: Attention! There will be a series of mandatory inoculations, for all prisoners commencing 1400 hours. De-lousing will follow immediately - that is all...

Some shudder at this announcement... but the forces of good know, they will be gassed first, with the inoculations given via IV drip - just like Natalie had, during a certain coma...

Ken: Think they were afraid of us?

Mel: Not us, dad...

Guile continues to address everyone, at the staff meeting...

Guile: This could be the break we need. Receiving full directions from the groom could be risky - but because Sagat runs guns to Bison, then he has to know where Bison is hiding! That, as you know, is where the Masters family comes in...

In the prison yard, several Tong members circle around near where Ken and his family are eating. Vega and Natalie's many guests all watch... and some of those at the back hand-gesture, to alert the AN troopers guarding them all. Ken and his family get up, as Jenny, Sagat and evil Mel approach them, and so Ken fights Sagat, Eliza fights Jenny, and Mel fights his evil namesake...

Jiggles: Excuse me, sir, but Sagat didn't get to the top of the Asian underworld taking risks - he's not the type of guy who makes new friends...

Guile is about to respond... when Natalie looks out the window, and sees the fighting in the prison yard. She notices Jenny firing a green crystal ball from her forehead, aimed at Eliza.

Natalie: Colonel! The Masters are in trouble - I'm going to help them!

Natalie teleports outside... and in addition to his standard claw, Vega attaches a crude bamboo version of his claw on his other hand, and jumps out of the window as well.

Natalie materialises within the range of Jenny's crystal ball attack... and counters it with a Knee Press, sending it flying back towards Jenny and knocking her down. Vega, in turn, stabs Sagat with both claws in his arms, and he backflips and stands by his dear princess...

...Just as the guards start blowing the whistles, and round everybody up. Natalie whispers something to Vega, and he smiles behind his mask. They watch as Sagat is taken away in particular.

At Shadaloo Palace, Dhalsim can only watch... now that the chemicals are being prepared, to transform poor Charlie into Blanka. He sighs - he knows the transformation is irreversible, but... he can only wait for the lab to be empty, so he can at least save this poor man's soul. But with Fang watching him, and now accompanied by Bison's financial advisor JP, and Balrog's 'stepson' and top Shadaloo cameraman Ed... it's kind of tricky, right now...

Guile, his highest officers and the Masters family -all now wearing new prison uniforms- arrive at the infirmary, Guile parking his jeep near the entrance. He gestures for them to follow him inside... and the Masters family can feel their hearts sink, at the patients therein. Vega and Natalie are in the infirmary, talking with the patients... who offer their own blessings, on the couple.

Guile: These people have a chance, but the relief workers whom Bison has taken hostage have far less than that...

Eliza: Oh, the poor dears... Colonel, please believe Ken, with the good intent in our scams - we are, shall we say... different, than Sagat and Bison...

Guile: I believe you wholeheartedly - we're family, after all! Alas, though... as you can see, we saved these people just in time. It is... tricky, I know. That being said... we nonetheless thank you, for your gestures. As of this mission, you will never need to take such dangerous risks again - but first, we need you to pull off one last scam...

Vega and Natalie then join the gathering, and Natalie hands a file to the Masters family.

Natalie: And the only way you are leaving here... is over Colonel Guile's dead body!
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyTue Jul 30, 2024 7:36 pm

Great work!
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 31, 2024 5:13 am

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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 31, 2024 9:55 am

Guile and his highest officers watch, as the Tong members, and the happy couple and those set to assist them, are all chained together in randomised groups, all ready to be loaded onto the various AN prisoner trucks lining the prison block. Vega, Natalie, Sagat, Jenny, Ryu, evil Mel, and the Masters family are in the first group, ready to be loaded into the leading truck, and T Hawk and Ztar lead them toward it.

To continue the ruse, Vega and Natalie are both now wearing prison uniforms of their own, designated for cell block P... but Vega is still wearing his mask and claw; and Natalie is wearing the bamboo claw, a sparkling blue hairband like some of the other females and a pair of sapphire teardrop earrings, and the black camo paint is washed out of her hair. She cannot help but bob her head in time to the music, prompting laughter from the forces of good and evil, and she and Vega playfully nudge one another.

Soon enough, Sagat stands before Guile, and...

Guile: Take them to the harbor. The Navy has a brig waiting for them... (smiles at Vega and Natalie) ...And, as I'm a merciful man... a ship's captain, for the happy couple...

The forces of good cheer for Natalie and Vega, who bask in the couple - some AN troopers even shower them with confetti. Then...

Guile: (to Sagat) Bon voyage, Sagat - enjoy the sea air...

Sagat: (scoffs) This isn't over, Guile - by order of His Excellency, I own this city!

Guile: Well, I'm the repo man... (points at Sagat)... And you're out of business!

He then head-gestures to T Hawk, who begins loading them onto the truck, while Ztar keeps an eye on them from the back. As the Masters family approach the back of the truck...

Mel: Daddy, you just had to come to this country, didn't you? Why do mommy and I even listen to you, when you can't think, you can't fight - you can't even act like you care!

Sagat, Jenny, Ryu and evil Mel are curious at this...

Ken: Shut it Mel, or you're grounded! That means no prison gruel on the brig - you can sit in the corner!

Eliza: Hey, you can't talk to our son like that!

The three of them appear to fight, prompting T Hawk to intervene and break it up.

T Hawk: Break it up, you three - get in the truck!

He shoves them into the truck...

...And as soon as his back is turned, Mel reveals he has the keys! He begins to unlock his own handcuffs, when...

Sagat: (whispers) Ken, Eliza, little Mel - throw us the keys!

Mel: Go forth and multiply, Sagat...

Ryu: Forget our past, Mel - Sagat can help you escape the city! We'll arrange your passports at the reception!

Eliza nods to Mel, who tosses the keys toward Sagat... and Jenny uses her powers, to safely catch the keys in the palm of her hand...

Guile and Cammy are back in one upper floor of the main building, watching the prisoners all lined up, and each group being designated their respective trucks. Guile checks his watch...

Crow is the last, to be loaded into the prison truck designated for Vega and Natalie - but before T Hawk and Ztar can slam the doors shut, Vega, Natalie and Ryu kick the doors open, and Natalie tosses the keys to another group of prisoners! They free themselves, hand the keys to another group who free themselves before tossing the keys to another group, and so on... and they all scramble for various trucks.

Of course, for the mission... our happy couple must share this truck designated to them, with Sagat, evil Mel, Ryu, Jenny and the Masters family. But luckily, Soma and his dear older brother Sephiroth de la Cruz volunteer to join them, in the front of the truck. Vega throws one AN officer aside... and Sephiroth pulls out his Masamune sword gifted to him by his namesake mentor, slashing another. Vega, Natalie and Soma ride shotgun, with Sephiroth taking the wheel.

Vega: (to Sephiroth; hits the side of the truck) Go! Go! Go!

Natalie: Yeah - floor it, Sephiroth!!

Sephiroth puts pedal to the metal, and speeds off. The other trucks follow behind them, as the rest of the Tong and those set to assist Vega and Natalie fill them - prompting the troopers to pursue them, and hand-gesture to Guile and Cammy watching from above. Guile swiftly runs down the stairs.

T Hawk and Ztar lean into Vega and Natalie's truck, and Natalie snatches Ztar's tomahawk while Soma snatches T Hawk's gun... before Natalie uses her strange power to throw the two of them away, landing smack against the walls either side, but still not damaging them too much... and she takes T Hawk's gun in hand. Ken then holds on to the back of the truck, and...

Ken: Hey, gorgeous - throw me that gun!!

Natalie takes T Hawk's gun from Soma, and tosses it to Ken, who catches it right away.

The trucks soon make it to the AN docks... just as Guile bursts out from the building, and runs into their path, in an attempt to obstruct them. A handful of AN troopers accompanying T Hawk and Ztar aim their guns, and attempt to fire at the truck - but Ztar holds them back.

Ztar: No, don't - you'll hit Colonel Guile!!

Guile takes out his gun and aims at the truck, intending to flatten the tires... but Ken beats him to the draw, and fires multiple bullets aimed at his chest. Guile groans in pain, as he is knocked backwards - even more so as Natalie tosses Ztar's tomahawk at him, hitting him in the neck. He falls flat on the ground, as the trucks speed away.

In one small alleyway nearby, Chun Li and her news crew are watching... and Chun Li swiftly rolls forward and places a homing device on the truck carrying Vega and Natalie, then rolls to the other side.

Vega, Natalie, their comrades and the Tong all cheer, as the trucks roll out of the city - Ken faking sharing that cheer with Sagat...

Back out at the docks, Cammy and the rest of Guile's highest officers gather around the colonel, followed by Chun Li, her news crew, and several other news crews and troopers. Cammy kneels at Guile's side, panicking.

Cammy: (calls out) Medics! Medics!!

Two medics with a stretcher arrive... but as they check Guile over, they place a white sheet over him, as he has sadly died. Cammy is pulled back toward the others gathered around Guile... and her dear Jiggles and also E Honda console her.

At Shadaloo Palace, Bison admires a model of the Bisonopolis megamart, located not too far off from the palace. Zangief and Balrog watch from the side.

Bison: (to his architects) The temple above us was a wonder of the ancient world. Bisonopolis shall be the wonder of my world - but, I think the food court should be larger. All the big franchises will want in...

He is about to continue... when the monitor wall shows Chun Li outside AN Headquarters. Bison's attention is immediately drawn...

Chun Li: Dateline: Shadaloo City, Shadaloo, south-east Asia. The world is in shock at the news that Colonel William F Guile... has been killed. It happened just 30 minutes ago by Sagat, local gunrunner and principal arms supplier to General M Bison... and who is set to become one of his Grand Masters, along with Balrog Geraldo, a dangerously violent boxer from Las Vegas; Lord Vega Fabio de Cerna, prized cage fighter and champion matador from Spain...

Images of Sagat, Bison Balrog and Vega are shown, as their names are mentioned... and Bison's eyes light up, as a portrait of Natalie is shown as well, wearing her blue AN prison uniform and her hairband and earrings...

Chun Li: ...And we at least have some good news, for all females taking part in the rescue mission: Vega has already chosen a bride, a 15-year-old who has been identified as noted visionary Princess Natalie. It was hoped that the Allied Nations forces would restore order here - but, after today's tragedy, nothing is certain... except that Bison's mad threats will continue... and that Deadeye's first order of business as the new AN commander... is to bury Colonel Guile. For GNT, this is Chun Li Zang...

The news report ends, and...

Balrog: Oh my goodness, that's great news, Your Excellency! Congratulations!

Bison: On the contrary, I mourn...

Balrog: O... kay...

Bison: I was hoping to face Guile personally on the battlefield. One gentleman warrior to another, in respectful combat - then I would snap his spine! Ah, the road not taken...

He then begins to pace toward the Bisonopolis model - and some of his loyalists take out their phones and cameras, to video him...

Bison: ...But why? Why do they still call me a 'warlord' - and 'mad'...?

He paces around the model, his moving around the skyscrapers giving the 'illusion' of a giant surveying this sinister yet magnificent structure... and he hand-gestures, in emphasis of his dark words...

Bison: All I want to do, is to create the perfect genetic soldier - not for 'power', not for 'evil'... but for good! Carlos Blanka shall be the first of many, they shall march out of my laboratory... and sweep away every adversary, every creed, every nation...

He now stands in front of the model...

Bison: ...Until the very planet is in the loving grip... (clenches his hand in emphasis) ...of the Pax Bisonica! (quieter tone) ...And then peace will reign, in the world... and all humanity shall bow to me, in humble gratitude...

He lowers his head, in thought... and Zangief is reduced to tears, but he and the others indeed burst into a thunderous applause...

Zangief: Oh, Your Excellency... vat vas beautiful!

Donut Lord then presses a few buttons on his console... and the monitor wall shows a YouTube video of Bison making his speech...

Donut Lord: Yeah - you already have eight million hits on YouTube!

Bison: (laughs) I should have guessed that speech would end up online... (smiles evilly) ...However... with Deadeye as the new AN commander... well, now this is interesting! (to everyone) Those of you set to join me at the Black Market, prepare to leave - and tell Numero, Tavia and the girls to have my field armour ready, too! I will be gone until daybreak - but if Deadeye is captured or surrendered while I am away, notify me immediately! If you need me, I will be in the stables...

He sweeps his cape back, and walks away. As he leaves...

Bison: ...And oh... you vision of loveliness Natalie... I am most filled with, well, envy, right now...
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 31, 2024 4:01 pm

This is also the perfect welcome back gift!
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The Wiz
The Wiz

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Jul 31, 2024 6:32 pm

Phoenix wrote:
This is also the perfect welcome back gift!

It definitely is
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 8:58 am

Love it!
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 9:04 am

When will there be more?
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 11:26 am

Night is beginning to fall, and T Hawk and Ztar are clearing the news crews from the city. Chun Li and her news crew are huddled up in the GNT van, checking their own homing device.

Chun Li: Our wireless mic, on a coastal highway heading north... hmmm...

Arcadia Demon: Plus, that brief stop at Bisonopolis, so they may all change their clothes before they continue on to the Black Market...

Dee Jay is about to comment... when the screen goes static-y...

Chun Li: Oh, that interference must be...

Honda mans the controls, to trace the signal, and...

Honda: Yeah, must be...

Dee Jay: ...We'll get to it, mon - Chun Li, Lemmy...

There is a knock on the van door, by the wheel...

Ztar: Chun Li Zang, your five minutes are up - move out, we'll send word...

Chun Li: On our way! And give them our regards!

Ztar: We will!

Arcadia Demon takes the wheel, Honda remains at the controls... and Dee Jay, as always, takes control of the music, while Chun Li and Lemmy draw the curtain, and Chun Li changes into a black ninja suit, and Lemmy his own Sneaky Lying Cheatin' Giant Ninja Koopa attire, inspired by a gag between he and Wizzard (who has his own such attire, stocked away!).

Chun Li opens the curtain, as the music starts playing... and she and Lemmy climb up the ladder...

The AN troopers at a nearby barrier stop the van... and they pretend not to notice, as Chun Li and Lemmy stealthily climb up the ladder, and onto the walkway overhead. The troopers simply allow the van to pass...

Chun Li and Lemmy tiptoe into the building on one side, and keep well out of view of Ztar and T Hawk who just happen to pass by. Lemmy takes out a tracking device, as Chun Li removes her ninja hood... and the device's beeping signal directs them to...

...A morgue? Mind you, Capcom have been chronicling the battles between the STARS officers VS the Umbrella Corporation, with their Resident Evil franchise. No zombies here, though!

Lemmy and Chun Li quietly pace through the morgue, and instantly realise the occupant of the only occupied bed... which is right next to another homing device!

Lemmy: Was this part of the contract, with Capcom?

Chun Li: That, and/or... whatever the right word be, for his sense of humour...

They then approach the occupied bed... and lower their heads in respect, as Lemmy removes the sheet. There, lying very cold and still... is Guile, with the extreme blood visible on his chest. Chun Li and Lemmy then reposition the sheet, and attempt to walk away...

...When a hand grabs Chun Li by her wrist! Guile sits up, pushes the blanket away, and switches the lights on at the wall - very much alive! Chun Li and Lemmy cannot help but laugh.

Guile: Did you enjoy the prank?

Chun Li: Oh! Colonel...

Lemmy: Yes! Yes, very funny...

Guile: Well, I'm glad to hear it. Besides... if I didn't give you an interview while I was alive... then no way am I gonna do it, when I'm dead...

He opens up his shirt... revealing destroyed packs of blood! Could this have been the blood spilled from Natalie, when she fell into her coma - did she permit the colonel to use this, when the time was right...?

Lemmy: Hey, is that...

Guile: ...Yep! We talked about it... and we agreed that now is the time...

Chun Li: That's very generous of her, as always! And that family who led the prison break and 'killed' you - are they the famous Masters family, did they pull the short straw to be the decoy?

Guile: That's them!

His highest officers enter, and he stands up and joins them...

Guile: And I've read all of your files... and we are very sorry, Miss Zang. But thank you again, for what assistance you can give us - in fact, we do have one other request of you...

He hands a sheet of paper to Chun Li and Lemmy... and their eyes light up!

Chun Li: Oh, oh we'd love to! And they want you to...

Jiggles: Yes - and Cammy here is next! We'll start looking into details while we wait, but we won't plan until the next mission is accomplished...

Lemmy: Such a lovely way to occupy oneself, as we wait!

Guile: How very true, Lemmy. Now go - we'll see you off!

Guile and his officers follow Lemmy and Chun Li into the hall... and watch as the two jump out of the window, smashing the glass...

T Hawk: If not for our noble cause, one would typically consider say "What a screw-up..." about such sudden intervention...

Guile: Those who think like that are wrong - though not as much as Princess Natalie, I'd say what a woman...

They all laugh...

The Black Market, for this occasion located in the Nayshall mountain range... is bustling, with the forces of good and evil, including Balrog, Donut Lord and a vast number of Bison's forces. Vega, Natalie, those set to assist them, and Sagat and the Tong members are now all wearing their clean clothing from Bisonopolis...

...And even the forces of evil are in awe, at Natalie in her beautiful white Greek dress with a crystal star-adorned double-belt and matching sash, a white cape similar to Bison's, much crystal jewellery including a mask... and a floor-length veil, with a star motif. The yellow-and-blue Capcom logo is visible on her arm, just above her elbow-length gloves.

Knowing she is safe for now, Natalie explores her surroundings. She is about to go over and look at the scarves on one stall... when she feels a sudden chill. She turns to face the view of one of the surrounding mountains... and gasps in awe. Under the glow of the red moon, Bison is riding his beloved horse Rosinante. There is much applause for him, though indeed...

Balrog: I knew it - he brought the horse again!

Sagat: Well, it is a special occasion... in more ways than one...

Balrog: (laughs) True...

Bison views his many guests, and is about to wave to them... when he spots Natalie, near one of the torches. Completely enamoured, he spurs Rosinante to approach her.

Realising Bison is aimed in her direction, Natalie takes a few breaths in and out, and straightens her cape - only to trip backwards, as Rosinante stands right in front of her. She takes a few breaths, as the horse sniffs her...

...And Bison disembarks, and he approaches her and puts his hand out to her. Rosinante joins the other horses, all lined up near the entrance...

Bison: Ahhh, so the famous Princess Natalie at last graces us with her presence! No need to be nervous, my dear - he's fond of you...

Natalie: Y-Your Excellency! I, I do apologise - whoo, he just... startled me, is all...

Bison: Well, I do wish to make a big entrance, you know...

Natalie cautiously places her hand in Bison's, slowly standing herself back up... and she shivers, as Bison kisses her hand...

Bison: ...Especially toward such a beautiful creature as yourself... Vega is a lucky man...

Natalie is about to reply, when Vega, Sagat and Balrog approach, prompting her to join them.

Bison: Ahhh, all four of my generals together! I trust the weapons shipment is safely delivered, Sagat?

Sagat: Yes indeed, Your Excellency! We retrieved them at Bisonopolis, as promised...

Bison: Thank you, we shall discuss business after tonight's first act. And no... not least as I am jealous of a certain someone, I am yet to choose my bride...

Sagat: Neither have I, unfortunately - but Balrog has been eyeing up Mod Soul...

Natalie: (to Balrog) Mod Soul? You've got your eye on her...?

Balrog: What? She's a cute chick! And she likes strong black men, so...

Bison: Very well, as planned we shall announce that, too, tomorrow afternoon. Now then... (puts his hand out to Natalie, gesturing for him to escort her) lady?

Natalie nods to her dear Vega, before standing next to Bison, and placing her hand atop of his. He guides Natalie into the festivities, with Vega, Sagat and Balrog following behind...

What appears to be a Shadaloo truck can be seen leaving Bisonopolis... but as the 'Bison trooper' removes his helmet, he reveals himself to be Guile's brother, Gunloc. Stashed in the back of his truck, is the entire prison clothes previously worn by Vega, Natalie, Sagat et al - he is returning them to the AN, ready to be washed and used again; and a chest containing all the jewellery worn by some females, including that worn by Natalie...
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Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 5:15 pm

Thank you, princess!
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Green Ninja
Green Ninja

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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 7:10 pm

Hmmmm another story to read
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Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyTue Aug 06, 2024 9:28 pm

Was this the original one on the site or a totally new version?
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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Location : Bison's quarters. He has granted me a private interview.

Street Fighter Narration  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Street Fighter Narration    Street Fighter Narration  EmptyWed Aug 14, 2024 12:55 pm

Joined by many of their guests tonight, and some of them entering as well... Bison and his four generals are sat on their respective thrones, on a dais in the main tent. Vega and Natalie are sat one side of Bison, yes with the princess herself sat next to the crazed military dictator; and Balrog and Sagat on the other. Each of them has a glass filled with his or her choice beverage, with a slice of lemon on the glass.

Only the forces of good realise it, but tonight's first act is somewhat familiar: the four Benbelli Bros., and their beautiful assistant who, yes, Bison certainly has his eye on. One of the 'bros' takes out an orange barrel with the Capcom logo on the lid, prompting applause from Natalie.

Natalie: We should get Capcom to chronicle your master plan, Your Excellency...

Bison: Certainly! I'll get JP to contact them, and invite them tomorrow...

The 'bro' holding the barrel opens it, and the assistant climbs into the barrel, closing the lid behind her. The four 'bros' throw the barrel around between each other, some throwing it high into the air... before the same 'bro' then turns to Balrog, and gestures for him to lie on the stage.

Natalie: (to Balrog) I think he wants you to take part...

Balrog: (laughs) Oh no, baby, I couldn't possibly...

Natalie: Oh, go on - by order of the first queen of Shadaloo... (chants, and claps in time to her doing so) Balrog! Balrog! Balrog! Balrog!

The other guests chant Balrog's name too - prompting the boxer to laugh, and relent. He lies on the stage, and the 'bro' places the barrel on his chest. Another 'bro' takes out a scimitar, performing the same sword dance as Ryu had when offered the machete -prompting applause from Ryu- before approaching Balrog, and raising the scimitar high.

Balrog: Oh no no no no... I don't think you said anything about...

There are calls of "Yes! Yes!" around the tent - prompting this 'bro' to let out a battle cry, and slice the barrel in half. But it's empty! Before anyone can ask what's going on... there is applause all around, as the assistant is lowered on a rope to the ground. She bows, lightly nodding to the Masters family... before spinning around, and returning to the four 'bros' who hold her and present her to the audience.

One of the four 'bros': How about our explosive finale?

The assistant: (head-gestures to the Masters family) Not yet - we need to take care of one little detail...

The five of them leave... and Bison's harem girls enter, led by Numero and Tavia, and they begin to dance. Bison then turns to Sagat.

Bison: Now... (claps) business!

Sagat nods toward Jenny, who leads some of the Tong members out to collect the weapon crates. They re-enter with the crates, handing the weapons one-by-one to Bison for inspection - and with the inspections carried out, they place the weapons back in the crates.

Ken: I'm glad to assist the princess in this rescue mission, but by god - this place makes Detroit look like Disneyland! The only question is, whose lowlifes would kill us first, if not for the princess - Sagat's, or Bison's?

Mel is about to reply... when he notices the assistant locking up the Benbelli truck outside the tent, and she looks up at the family and smiles.

Mel: I think she wants us to follow her...

Eliza: Yes...

The three of them exit the tent, and follow the assistant to her own tent... where she takes off her mask, and reveals herself to be Chun Li! The four 'bros' are E Honda, Dee Jay (who sliced the barrel open), Lemmy (who was the one with the barrel) and Arcadia Demon!

Mel: We knew it was you! We just played along... for the sake of the mission...

Arcadia Demon: Thank you, master... errr, Masters...

Eliza: So, this would be the next phase in the mission...?

Lemmy: Yes ma'am - and who knows... indeed giving us an advantage in saving the hostages, perhaps the weapons and munitions Bison and Sagat deal in... are gonna blow them straight to Hell...

Back in the main tent, Bison is satisfied with the weapons shipment from Sagat.

Bison: I am pleased with your goods, Sagat. Now, as for payment... why only settle for mere money? After I defeat the AN, and decide Deadeye's fate... what if I were to share the country with you?

Sagat pauses in thought, then...

Sagat: I was satisfied with simply being the mayor of Shadaloo City, though obviously I'll have to step down by tomorrow afternoon - but when the war is over, yes we'll see how much of the country is left! Meanwhile, let's see the colour of your money...

In Chun Li's tent, Eliza puts on one of the spare masks, as...

Chun Li: You three have ten minutes, to evac everyone. Go!

The Masters family nod in agreement, and they run out...

Two Bison Troopers bring a money crate, and place it on the table in front of Bison and his generals. Sagat opens the crate - but the money has Bison's face on it!

Sagat: (takes out a wad of cash, and flicks through it) Is this some kind of joke, Your Excellency? This money isn't worth the paper it's printed on!

Bison: On the contrary! Every Bison Dollar will be worth five British pounds - that is the exchange rate the Bank of England will set, once I kidnap their queen!

Natalie: Which one - Queen Elizabeth II, or...

Bison: (laughs) ...How about both? We can abduct Her Majesty on the honeymoon, and...

Sagat: Never mind that! I must have been insane, to think I could do business with you, Bison - you raving lunatic!!

Much to Bison's rage, Sagat burns the wad of cash in a torch he is standing next to - prompting Numero to lead the harem girls out of the tent. Vega, Natalie and their own forces join with Ryu, Balrog, Bison and the warlord's troopers on one side, while Sagat and Jenny lead the Tong on the other side. With the exception of Bison, everybody takes some form of weapon in hand - and for Natalie, the weapon of choice is a disco ball-and-chain!

Sagat: This conclave is over!!

Bison: You will die for this insult, Sagat! (to Natalie) My lady, give the signal if you will...

Natalie salutes, and she is about to give the signal to fire... when the Masters family enters the tent...

Ken: It's gonna blow in ten minutes - things can't get worse...

But seeing the standoff, they stop in their tracks...

Mel: Wrong there, daddy - it just got worse. Back me up here...

Mel and Ken try to get Bison and Sagat to call off the standoff, and Eliza films it all - but then Bison grabs Mel, and Sagat aims his rifle at Ken...

Sagat: Are you with me, or against me??

Ken: Ugh, multiple choice - but we're with you, Sagat, we just went out to get some air...

Bison: (to Mel) You dare to interfere?

Mel: Unfortunately so - there are enemy spies everywhere among us, Your Excellency...

Bison: Show me these 'spies'!

Mel is about to answer, when...

Voice of Chun Li: This is Chun Li Zang, and this may be my final broadcast...

Natalie: That voice... (to Bison) Your Excellency, I think...

Bison: You could be right, my dear lady...

With Chun Li's broadcast continuing, Bison gestures for everyone to follow him out the back... where they find the GNT van, and a TV outside it showing Chun Li and her news crew. Chun Li takes her mask off, and...

Chun Li: Bison, Sagat... all of your weapons of death are going to be blown sky-high!

They wave, and Dee Jay presses a button as they leave - causing the truck behind them to move...

Dee Jay: Happy landings, mon!

Bison looks around, sensing something is wrong. But as Zangief views the screen...

Zangief: Quick - change the channel!!

This prompts much laughter, and some of those around Zangief -including Vega and Natalie- stare at him too. Then...

Bison: Evacuate at once!!

They all run out of the tent - and they can see as Rosinante leads the other horses to safety, too, much to Bison's delight. Bison does not notice, though... as Vega grabs on to his dear princess, who then teleports them both out of range of the impending explosion!

Everybody is all at a safe distance... as the explosion goes off, leaving the Black Market as nothing more than a sea of flames. Once the explosion ends...

Bison: Search the camp - find Chun Li!!

A number of Bison Troopers re-enter the destroyed Black Market, and search through it... and as Bison's four generals return to his side, the crazed military dictator notices the Masters family nearby.

Bison: Sagat, are these three with you?

Sagat: Indeed they are... (points to Ken) ...He killed Guile...

Bison: Oh, is that right? Forgive my earlier rudeness... (to everybody)... Choose your transportations back to the Palace! We shall talk there...

They all begin to scatter, to the remaining transportations - but just as Natalie is about to leave, she shivers as Bison takes her hand...

Bison: My lady... might I ask you to accompany me?

Natalie: Oh! Oh of course, Your Excellency...

She again places her hand atop of Bison's, but nods and smiles at her dear Vega, as she sees him enter one of the limousines. Bison guides her toward Rosinante, and he helps her onto the steed just as he mounts. Bison takes the reins, and Natalie in turn holds on tight... as Bison spurs Rosinante to run off. Natalie takes a few breaths in and out, and admires the view - but indeed, only Vega has her heart...

Guile is in his barracks at AN Headquarters, just having finished signing up what appears to be a priest license, and he prints it off and puts it on his coffee table... when Kunzite rushes in...

Kunzite: Colonel! We're in!!

Guile: I'm on my way...

The two of them dash out of the barracks, toward the main building...
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