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 Princess Deadeye month

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Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Deadeye month   Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 EmptyFri Dec 30, 2022 2:16 pm

Congratulations on the Kylie calendars and the great idea
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Deadeye month   Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 EmptyFri Dec 30, 2022 3:35 pm

Alexis wrote:
Congratulations on the Kylie calendars and the great idea

Thank you, Alexis ^_^


My dad has also bought a wi-fi extender, for the camera - so he will drop by tomorrow, to fit it for me. We're still experiencing difficulty, in operating the security camera... so dad thinks an extender may help.

Oh, don't get me wrong - the camera does work, I've seen it moving like when I do garbage chores. But dad still can't get all the footage he needs?

As well as evidence of the dog fouling, and of course if such assholes as Donut Lord turn up... perhaps it may also be useful, to get videos of the cops arriving and looking for the dog fouler? Again, the fact that the cops are looking for the dog fouler clearly means, that the situation is more serious than we realised - so, well, there you go!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Deadeye month   Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 31, 2022 9:29 am

update: the Kylie calendar arrived this morning! As it turns out, it's also a medium-sized pocket diary (which could explain it being sold so cheap, rather than the price of a regular calendar?) - so I've put it in the Street Fighter handbag which I had for my birthday. I can, like, write down plans for airing celebrations and stuff - e.g. "
Shopping due tomorrow - need to update sale ID photo at Roy's shop. Get back home, work on [insert first pre-airing gaming achievement here]"

Dad also fitted the wi-fi extender for me this morning, and it works fine - it gives a good shot of my lawn. So if the dog fouler comes back, beware - we WILL have evidence, should you once again allow your mutt to shit on my lawn!

Let this also be a warning, with regard to the following:

-Drinking beer on my front porch, and leaving the beer cans there. Most likely, it could have been a drug addict who also lives on my street - but I haven't seen him in ages, so has he been rehabbed or something?

-Writing the word 'slag' and an arrow aimed at my porch, back in *gasp* Deadeye Month 2009. Most likely, it could have been the grumpy old fart who used to live next door to me (again, he will go into full-time care - but his criminal past yes, likely including him being racist, is making it difficult in finding a home that will take him);
and/or the yobbos who lived with him - but because the hate slurs against me came into power at that time *adds the respective names to the Naughty List, due to the hate coming into power in my special month*, I couldn't rule out a chill down my spine: that my enemies lived nearby...

-Another horrid neighbour who, along with his wife, has repeatedly been rude to me. He even 'jokingly' threatened to kick my door down, in order to bully me - forcing my dad to investigate into him! If indeed he kicked my door down, then yes the camera would catch him in the act.
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Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Deadeye month   Princess Deadeye month - Page 4 EmptySat Dec 31, 2022 7:30 pm

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