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 Deadeye Month is here!!

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6 posters

Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyTue Nov 30, 2021 7:01 pm

It is now the beloved Deadeye Month! Ibuki's Law -as I now call my strong views about Christmas- and the Street Fighter mandate are once again in effect!

No news on Santa Claude (apologies for that), so unless we can upgrade this special month to a Spanish status, it's still just a plain old Deadeye Month.

This year's edition of the Street Fighter mandate will primarily focus on our favourite crazed military dictator, General M Bison. Please remember, Yoshimoto was successor to my cat Raul... and thus, in turn, the end result of the one time when my parents actually obeyed Ibuki's Law, had I reason to be upset at Christmas - so I know one would expect the same tributes to Raul's successor, as we paid to Raul.

As such, if Zane is to do a site update this month, then yes please do include a few Bison pictures in the gallery - and, if possible, please add up some pictures of my beautiful kitty in the Pet Gallery, as she is Yoshimoto's successor and, yes, thus in turn Raul the 3rd.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyWed Dec 01, 2021 3:00 am

Happy Deadeye month! The absolute best month of the year!!!!!!!!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyWed Dec 01, 2021 1:42 pm

White Knight wrote:
Happy Deadeye month! The absolute best month of the year!!!!!!!!

You said it, Lemmy!

Before certain peeps grumble about it being Deadeye Month, please remember it's just a bonus that I happened to be born two days after Christmas. I was due in early Vega Month 1985, in fact on the Twelfth Night - but I'm guessing something inside fetus me must have felt uncomfortable, at the thought of 'celebrating' my birthday by taking the decorations down... so I guess I 'compromised' with myself, by being born on December 27.

And, I know it's not just about (insert beloved Christmas tradition/s here), I do know Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. Your leader does have her means of keeping Christ in CHRISTmas! Like for those of you who follow the Norad Santa Tracker... if of course Santa arrives that late enough in your area, I would suggest having one of those televised Midnight Mass services on TV as well.

And if at all possible this year, mom and I are hoping to go for my town's annual Victorian Christmas markets (which, obviously, had to be called off last year) - as well as simply for the Christmas music and all, these always reach up to my town's parish church, so this is practically the closest I'll get to going to church at Christmas (my family is too busy and/or tired to attend a church service). Not to mention, I hope to do my next round of grocery shopping when I go for the Christmas markets!

But as well as that... due to past negative experience, the thing about Christmas being a time for 'goodwill to all men' is another thing I take very, very seriously, so much I developed my increased intolerance of anyone having a bash at me in my special month. Even dear little Soma had to take on his brief stint as my Facebook bodyguard, after one lack of goodwill sure hit my berserk button;
and when purely by chance we spoke on our one-year Faceversary, bless his heart he was very sympathetic and supportive, as I was still visibly shaken over the Mute For Coal Incident.

The Street Fighter mandate -which could be seen, as like the whole thing about 'gifts with meaning'- is, itself, one such X means of my being the better person against Y lack of goodwill. I can tell you, Jay has once again donated to my cause - he has another interview video coming up soon, he'll give me a heads-up when it premieres.

And my December 1 present from Gran was the Street Fighter Official Movie Fighters figurines she got for me (Bison VS Guile, Sagat VS Ken, and another Vega VS Ryu like from Jay)... and she even put them in another black pouch with the name 'Dante' on it! Very fitting this year, I realise - when Yoshimoto took ill, and my airings meant I was mandated (pun intended) to give my new kitten a Capcom name, I did consider 'Dante' for a boy, yes after the Devil May Cry protagonist who Ken has a costume as, in Street Fighter 5.

Alas, my parents still refuse to repent their lack of goodwill, and still refuse to obey Ibuki's Law. I even confronted mom about this, on the day before we put Yoshimoto in care... only for her to soundly admit, she refuses to change. Shame, I know -_-

So I'll still have to spend Christmas Day in the safety of my own apartment - but again, I know the cats will be grateful!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyThu Dec 02, 2021 4:08 am

Would like to see a site update too if possible
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyFri Dec 03, 2021 5:06 am

Kisara wrote:
Would like to see a site update too if possible

I'm sure you're not the only one! But I'd gladly wait, though again yes I'm sure peeps want pictures of Jasmine added up in the Pet Gallery.

And in case anyone asks, about the books in my storybook Advent calendars... as well as the one Guardians of the Galaxy book and two Avengers ones in my Marvel calendar, for my Disney ones I've had two Little Mermaid books, one Princess &
The Frog, one Aristocats and two Mulan books.

Again, I know Capcom made a game about the Little Mermaid (and yes, it has been an achievement), which would explain my Little Mermaid ornaments exclusive for Santa Claude - but please remember I'm an auntie in fact as of one of my airing days last year, and it turns out my niece loves books, so she can have the two Little Mermaid books.

Princess &
The Frog is a cute movie, so I think I'll keep that book - and I think we all know, the Aristocats goes without saying! I actually had an Aristocats-themed 6th birthday party, back then it was one of my favourite Disney stories (if not THE favourite).

Mulan... well, Ming-Na Wen (Chun Li from the live action Street Fighter movie) voiced her, so I think that decides that don't you? Coincidentally, someone did a couple of Street Fighter 4 videos set to Make A Man Out Of You.

Because of Ming-Na voicing Mulan, I almost instantly replied with "
when mom expressed keenness on me naming my kitty after a Disney Princess - but mom again rejected that one, revealing last night she felt it's not 'girly' enough. But she felt 'Jasmine' is rather girly, which was why she suggested that name in our conversation about what to name my purrfect new bundle of joy - so I told her, I accepted that suggestion because of Capcom having made the Aladdin SNES game. And before you ask, yes, that game has also been an achievement.

I understand mom's keenness on 'posh' names for our pedigree cats - but when the Street Fighter movie is imminent, that does limit our name choices somewhat, as airing tradition is clear that I must bestow Capcom names! If any of my friends wish to follow this tradition, should you have any new pets during my airing celebrations... I would gladly suggest a few Capcom names for you 0:-)

Mom does, however, feel it's just a coincidence, that I saw a copy of the Aladdin SNES game while were out shopping on the day before we put Yoshimoto in foster care. But some peeps disagree - they feel this means it was meant to be, that I would name my kitty Jasmine!

Now, I know what Soma's big brother Sephiroth might think! Yes, I suppose Kingdom Hearts could be another point in favour of my Disney Advent calendars. Mulan, Jasmine and others are among the Disney characters who appeared in Kingdom Hearts.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyFri Dec 03, 2021 11:56 pm

Kisara wrote:
Would like to see a site update too if possible

Same here :thumbs:
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptySat Dec 04, 2021 3:23 am

Happy Deadeye month. This is the month when an airing would be very important
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptySat Dec 04, 2021 4:09 am

Raven wrote:
Happy Deadeye month. This is the month when an airing would be very important

Thanks Raven, and you're telling me! I still keep prepping my games, in case I have the big news. If not Guardians of the Galaxy, then yes I still have plenty of other games on the cards...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptySun Dec 05, 2021 4:55 am

I still our prayers can still be answered this month
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptySun Dec 05, 2021 3:02 pm

There hasn't been an update in a long time so if possible I would like to see one
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptySun Dec 05, 2021 4:13 pm

Mina, yes I too would love to see an update - but in these dark times, I understand if few updates are given.

I had to scold my dad, for having a go at me today - I understand he gets nervous when he does the cooking, but having a go at me (and when I was talking with mom and my sister-in-law, I might add) is just not on!

Dad is very apologetic for today, including about him having a bash at me in Deadeye Month - his doing so indeed breaking Ibuki's Law. He and mom are very aware that, due to past negative experience, the 'goodwill to all men' value is another thing I take very, very seriously - so much, I have an increased intolerance of anyone pissing me off in Deadeye Month.
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Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyMon Dec 06, 2021 3:39 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyMon Dec 06, 2021 3:50 pm

And yes, I do realise, according to my fic data... today is the 21st anniversary, of when I defeated Bison :bison:
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Deadeye Month is here!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deadeye Month is here!!   Deadeye Month is here!! EmptyTue Dec 07, 2021 3:33 am

Anyone who defeats Bison is a great accomplishment
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