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 August is White Cape Month!

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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyTue Aug 01, 2023 12:13 am

August is White Cape Month, because of the painful Mute Incident (the anniversary being August 23 and August 24)! Best have your white capes at the ready, folks - as I do have one airing on August 13 (if not other dates, as well)!

It was also in one past White Cape Month, when I experienced the events we now mark as the Final Countdown Festival! In the last phases of one airing celebration, thanks to good old Roy I experienced the inevitable result of my associating Europe's most famous smash hit, The Final Countdown, with M Bison - only to conclude this turn of events, when I began another airing celebration a few days later!

So, it's not just the airing day itself, when we have to increase patrol of anyone in need of the Rainbow Bridge airing security - that increased patrol begins within the obviously especially-critical interim 24 hours before an airing! My family all agrees, that a certain hate trend is very wicked, and so we will gladly carry out the security where needed - and thankfully, we have a clean sweep in doing so.

Then in 2015, I hosted my first airing celebration since I was rescued by Jay a few months earlier - and the airing in question was on, of all days, August 24! I did since have some of my other airings on the Mute Incident anniversary, particularly during while I had airings coming out of my ears (from Righteous Month 2019 to Bully Koopa Month 2021).

And, it was right(eous) after the 2016 Mute Incident anniversary... when I began the airing celebration, during which we sadly lost Grandpa Ken. I had just put the phone down after speaking with Gran, because she said she needed to look after Grandpa Ken... only to phone her back, and tell her she'll definitely have to look after him on September 10, 12 and 15! As always, I gave my family the marching orders, to carry out the Rainbow Bridge security - though yes, the security was no longer needed as of 3:45 p.m. on September 14, yes (much to my family's absolute relief...) little over an hour before I had to start the final countdown for my airing on September 15...

Hence the 'right(eous)' pun, the first two pre-airing gaming achievements, respectively on August 25 and August 26... were the Swedish and Russian versions of the Bucky O'Hare NES game, with the Swedish version winning the vote to go first. This would, in turn, pave the way for the Chinese and Korean versions I completed on... the day when King Charles ascended to the throne;
and then the Spanish and Finnish versions, which I completed just before the coronation.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyTue Aug 01, 2023 12:40 am

August is a reminder to enjoy summer as much as you can
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyTue Aug 01, 2023 2:56 am

Green Ninja wrote:
August is a reminder to enjoy summer as much as you can

All the more reason for airing celebration, then :lol:
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August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyTue Aug 01, 2023 9:37 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyThu Aug 03, 2023 2:36 am

Also, thanks Gin for your lovely post in my 'Vega Lives!' thread, yes I am definitely having a good summer 😄

In return for your nice post, yes needs must I advise you to call out for a plumber - just be sure to have some chocolate coins in gold foil, at the ready for them. Even some of the plumbers who called at my apartment knew about good old Super Mario :lol:
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyThu Aug 03, 2023 4:29 am

Wear your white cape proudly
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyFri Aug 04, 2023 1:35 am

White Knight wrote:
Wear your white cape proudly

Oh, that I do 😄
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August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyFri Aug 04, 2023 6:03 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySat Aug 05, 2023 12:49 am

Do we have any Marisa players here, on Street Fighter 6? Capcom is going to release her wedding dress (seen in one of the conversations with her), as an alternate costume! I knew they would - if only I had this game, then that's definitely the costume I'd use for her...

Juri, Dee Jay and Guile are also getting new costumes.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySat Aug 05, 2023 5:11 am

I hope they will have white capes with their costumes
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySat Aug 05, 2023 8:14 am

Raven wrote:
I hope they will have white capes with their costumes

Not from what we've seen so far, no. It may reassure you, though, about our Spanish hero wearing one with his Super Street Fighter 4 costume.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySat Aug 05, 2023 5:54 pm

Can they be customized to wear a white cape?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySat Aug 05, 2023 11:57 pm

Biyomon wrote:
Can they be customized to wear a white cape?

Only through modding. But does the World Tour mode avatar have a white cape option, I wonder?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySun Aug 06, 2023 8:15 pm

What is the point of customization if you can't get that special look?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySun Aug 06, 2023 10:59 pm

Jaden wrote:
What is the point of customization if you can't get that special look?

It's so one can get some form of special look. Might as well make oneself presentable for the fighters, no?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyMon Aug 07, 2023 5:48 pm

Biyomon wrote:
Can they be customized to wear a white cape?

Wish they could be too
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyWed Aug 09, 2023 3:15 pm

Come to think of it... if JP begins to see the appeal of world domination, having obtained Bison's power so he could see the world through Bison's eyes or however he put it... then would his third costume be Bison's uniform (or something like it), including the cape? If so, then wouldn't one of the colour options thereof be white?

The third costumes we were told about, were a sneak peak for that everyone will soon have a third costume. For our hopes for anyone to wear a white cape, I'd say JP has the most potential.

And yes, in Cammy's case... fingers crossed for a Kylie-inspired costume! I stopped hoping for a Kylie costume for Cammy, after Capcom released her costume as Fiona (from Haunting Ground) in Street Fighter 5 - I was like wow, this is better than any Kylie costume. But after mom's blasphemy to Kylie... much as I would like to see a return of the Fiona costume, hopes had to be reborn anew, to see Cammy in a Kylie costume...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyWed Aug 09, 2023 10:39 pm

Very important for a white cape with airings
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyFri Aug 11, 2023 1:40 pm

And in case anyone asks, yes I have heard about the Street Fighter 6 collab with (of all things) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - hence me picking out the old NES game, to be one of my pre-airing gaming achievements this time. I figured any Turtles fans among you might petition for a Turtles game, so I hope this will please you.

In fact, one of my local pound stores used to sell tins of Turtles spaghetti... so I would buy these as airing food, until they stopped selling. The keyword here is 'ninja', people!

I cannot promise, though, if I can twist my dad's arm to get the Turtles pizza cookbook. In dad's love of cooking, yes he has cooked a few pizzas in his time;
and yes I was a Turtles fan, back in the day... so you'd think dad would jump at an offer like this! I mean, dessert pizzas and breakfast pizzas, among the other pizzas on offer - if only dad gave the green light, I would have loved to try those!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySun Aug 13, 2023 4:51 am

You can also wear them to cons
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptySun Aug 13, 2023 9:54 am

Limey Man wrote:
You can also wear them to cons

How very true 😄

Thing is, the only time my family has ever been to a con... was that one in Deadeye Month 2017, during the end-of-life care for my cat Raul. Again, that was a first - we've never been to cons, but a real life friend was taking part, so that decided it for mom. Tango, Donut Lord and some of our other friends went with mom... but I didn't, which was just as well since I was looking after Raul...


I am also considering my options, for this year's Street Fighter mandate. Unfortunately, the printing shop (where I had printed some of the SF5 alternate costumes, for the 2019 Special Champion Edition of the Street Fighter mandate) closed, very likely during the lockdown - shame, I know.

But mom went to another photo-printing shop yesterday, to print off a snap of Kylie posing (if not flirting!) with Jay on set of the Street Fighter movie... as I wanted this photo, to go in a frame which mom recently bought for me. The frame has hearts all around it, and rubies too... but I still felt the need to fulfill the Cammy binge, as we await getting justice for Kylie, so I wanted to get a snap of Cammy with another fighter (preference aside, I didn't want to risk some folks getting any... ideas...) - and this photo understandably won the vote, far more so than even one of Vega rescuing Cammy in his Alpha 3 ending. I suppose, in a way, my verdict could also be an inadvertent nod to Kylie's song 2 Hearts?

Anyways... luckily, that photo shop has a branch in my local town, and it turns out the printing prices are really cheap - so hopefully mom will tell me what to do, with regard to what photos I pick... and there you go! Yes, Cammy is highest priority - but I am considering other fighters as well, particularly Marisa in her wedding dress costume...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyMon Aug 14, 2023 2:27 pm

There was a dog loose today, when I was on my way to getting more airing food (it's Latin American week, i.e. Brazil, Mexico, that sort of thing, at a local minimart). There was one old man looking for the mutt, who he was looking after for someone else - but when I told him he had to be responsible for the mutt, he started getting very rude! Correct me if I'm wrong... but isn't a person responsible by law for an animal they are looking after, even if the animal is not theirs?

Luckily, there was a sympathetic mailman who saw the mutt walk past... and he told me to ignore the rude old man, as well as agreeing about the legal responsibility thing. But then a lady and her daughter drove up, also looking for the mutt - and they were very sorry about the old man being rude to me, as well as that they too agreed about legal responsibility.

They did catch the mutt, and I made it to the minimart. The only Latin American food I really liked, were these tortilla roll crisps - so I did buy other airing food as well, including two packs of those Chinese dragon fruit ice lollies I love.

But seriously - why can't people take responsibility for mutts?? First there was Shit the Dog (who obviously hadn't been snipped, as one of the reasons why he ran loose... was to harass a bitch), then that dog fouler who let his bitch (no really, it was a female) defecate on my lawn, and now this? Ugh, I know!
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August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyTue Aug 15, 2023 4:04 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 2:21 pm

some idiots have been making fake Instagram accounts, and claiming to be dear :jay: - so Jay has alerted us of these! Don't believe the fakes, it's very likely 'them' again...

I'm not on Instagram or any of the other stuff, my family's only social media is Facebook - I don't think even mom could make any Tiktoks or whatever...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

August is White Cape Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: August is White Cape Month!   August is White Cape Month! EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 3:37 pm

I don't use Instagram and I am fine with that. Poor Jay
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August is White Cape Month! Empty
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