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 May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 01, 2023 2:24 am

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month, because of... precisely why I had to create the Rainbow Bridge airing security.

Yes, I do like Dennis Hopper for his role as King Koopa, in the Super Mario Bros. movie. My family loves that movie, actually.

But imagine my alarm, when Dennis died on an airing day in 2010 - the "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend would have a field day! So, I created what would eventually be known as the 'Rainbow Bridge' airing security (after yet another Europe tune!)... and my family understood my concerns, and so were willing to support and carry out the security as and when needed - which we first did, immediately after the events we now celebrate as the Final Countdown Festival. Thankfully, we would have a clean sweep in carrying out the security - none of those who required it was lost to us on an airing day, or within each respective final countdown!

I also became a proud Koopa supporter, which I felt would in turn please another past visitor, Wizzard - himself a Mario fan, just like Lemmy (who would join later that year).

As I feared, one of the hate trend's most cold-blooded supporters eventually did mock Dennis, while pinning me in a corner on New Year's Day 2011 - so this further justified the Rainbow Bridge security, as it proves that the hate trend WILL mock anyone who dies on an airing day, or within any respective final countdown. So I'm sorry, but... I cannot afford to take any chances...

Last year, my family saw what was arguably our biggest case of carrying out the security: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I was hosting my previous airing celebration (for my airings on September 17 and 21), having gotten the announcement just two days earlier;
and just that morning, I completed the Chinese and Korean versions of the Bucky O'Hare NES game, as the first two achievements for my special occasion. I was winding down from completing them, when the announcement came in, that concerns had been raised for the Queen's health... so I put my family on high alert, especially in case Her Majesty survived that long.

Gran, however, felt that the indications given meant that it wouldn't be long now, that Operation London Bridge (and, because Her Majesty was in Scotland, Operation Unicorn) was now very certain - the Royal Family was cancelling engagements, and flocking to Balmoral (where Her Majesty was staying at the time);
some news reporters were already wearing black (one of the protocols of Operation London Bridge, and I think any of our national mourning protocols for that matter) et al. Nonetheless, she was still sympathetic to my concerns, and was willing to carry out the Rainbow Bridge security if it came to that.

The sad news came in at around half six that evening, literally just minutes after I messaged mom on Facebook, to ask her to let me know if she hears "
London Bridge is down"
(that was the code word, for if Operation London Bridge is now confirmed to be in full swing) - so I had to phone mom back with the sad news, and yes to say I'd spoken too soon. So with the UK being in our national period of mourning, yes the news dominated even that games day event mom and I attended a couple of days later - I even had to tell people that cast their votes for the Chinese and Korean Bucky O'Hare games, that, in my own words, "
I completed them the day we lost the Queen..."

In turn, this now means that our new king is Charles III - and the fact that he shares his name with (I kid you not) a Capcom character, specifically the first boss of Viewtiful Joe, has not gone unnoticed. I think coronations take place much, much later to still give the people time to mourn our previous monarch, even after the national period of mourning - Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953, a year after she ascended to the throne at just 25.


As well as the coronation, we do have one important event this month: my first airing of 2023! Particularly when the coronation proceedings were revealed, mom was among those who insisted on doing a street party for the occasion - and her neighbours would all chip in for it, as would I if I possibly could.

I myself would not rule out the possibility, of were the coronation to fall during an airing celebration - in which case, I'd see about chipping in with a little more for the street party. Cammy is, in my own words, "
British by adoption"
, making the UK (and particularly England on its own) one of the countries featured in the classic Street Fighter 2, on which the movie is primarily based - so it only makes sense, no?

The only reason I would not have been able to attend the street party, was if it fell on an airing day, or within a final countdown - mom understood this. Still, I would chip in a little more if I could.

I had the announcement last Tuesday, so I knew that yes, I'll have to chip in for certain - as well as, naturally, to wear a Cammy shirt for the occasion! So when I went shopping on Thursday, I looked at all the UK flag stuff... and among the options I chose at that time, I bought this food tray with the flag on it.

Mom and I are going shopping later today, if there's anything else I'll see what we can do...
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 01, 2023 3:20 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 01, 2023 4:05 am

Thank you for being a proud Koopa supporter
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 01, 2023 2:04 pm

White Knight wrote:
Thank you for being a proud Koopa supporter

You are most welcome, Lemmy 🙇
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 01, 2023 6:10 pm

Your first airing will always have special memories
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 02, 2023 12:22 am

Alexis wrote:
Your first airing will always have special memories

Many (if not all) airings typically do, no?

Not to mention, again this is my first full airing celebration in the reign of King Charles III - so this is kind of a big milestone. All airing celebrations up to my airings on July 6 and 10 last year were, obviously, still in the second Elizabethan era - which would also explain Bison's line in the movie, about the Bison Dollar exchange rate.

Then, of course, the announcement for my last two airings was in... the last few days of the second Elizabethan era;
and the airings themselves were in the first couple of weeks of Charles III's reign. Again, I prepared myself in my mind, for what would be our first full airing celebration in the reign of our new king, including were the coronation to fall during an airing celebration - it seems I was right 😄
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 02, 2023 3:25 am

May has a lot of reasons to be special
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 02, 2023 8:56 am

Mistress 9 wrote:
May has a lot of reasons to be special

I know! If my cat Raul was still with us, he'd be 20 this month 0:-)
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 03, 2023 5:14 am

Mistress 9 wrote:
May has a lot of reasons to be special

Indeed. Lots to look forward to 😄
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 03, 2023 3:38 pm

Raven wrote:
Mistress 9 wrote:
May has a lot of reasons to be special

Indeed. Lots to look forward to 😄

Yep, I suggest you stay alert on the day before my big day as well, ready for when I start the final countdown 🙇
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 03, 2023 11:09 pm

Another reminder that this is a special month for koopas
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 04, 2023 2:36 pm

White Knight wrote:
Another reminder that this is a special month for koopas

And would the Koopas turn any "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend supporters to stone? 😄

And it seems, the Simpsons have done it again with their 'prediction' reputation! Some people are saying, an old episode 'predicted' the recent outrage over the Michelangelo's David statue.

Additionally, there has been a real-life Blinky the three-eyed fish discovered - and it's a dead (eye) ringer for its fictional counterpart...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 04, 2023 9:36 pm

So much love and joy for this month
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyFri May 05, 2023 12:47 am

Jaden wrote:
So much love and joy for this month

Including for the fans of my kitty Jasmine, of course! May 6 (the day of the coronation) will be the two-year anniversary, of when we had to surrender Yoshimoto... which in turn means, May 8 will be the anniversary of when mom found Jasmine for me. She was still too young to be homed at the time... so, as if in a sign from Heaven, I had her on the Dennis Hopper anniversary May 29 0:-)
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyFri May 05, 2023 3:09 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySat May 06, 2023 12:08 am

oh man, the memes are out in full force, for the Michelangelo's David controversy :lol:
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySat May 06, 2023 10:06 am

Coronation day is today
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySat May 06, 2023 10:52 am

Mod Soul wrote:
Coronation day is today

Yes, did any of my friends here watch it too?

And I have found out this afternoon, that my airing will be on the Great! Movies channel. You'd think it'd obviously be on the Great! Movies Action channel, not least as said channel has screened a bunch of Van Damme movies - but another tasteful case of 'each to their own', no?

Again, though... we'll have to keep an eye on the channel, as under a previous label it has summoned Santa Claude - both on the airings which Carie ruined, and even for my revenge...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 08, 2023 2:13 am

I saw the last part on tv
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 08, 2023 12:53 pm

Raven wrote:
I saw the last part on tv

That's very nice of you, Raven. Mom and I watched it, but the church service was a bit long so I did drift off at some points - but I did see as they made their exit, and the National Anthem played as they left...
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 08, 2023 4:09 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 09, 2023 4:14 am

I hope that channel summons Santa Claude again
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 09, 2023 9:48 am

White Knight wrote:
I hope that channel summons Santa Claude again

Fingers crossed, Lemmy! My bets are either on them, or 5Action (the channel responsible for my airings last year)...

And the street party mom threw yesterday went well, except I was rather uncomfortable that there were two dogs running around including, I might add, that one mutt ran into my parents' house while I was in there - I hardly had any chance to approach the food table, until both dogs were leashed! I then had to get my dad (who acknowledged that I was uncomfortable around the mutts) to give me a lift home, on his way to the pub - mom even prepared me a tub of snacks to take with me...

I can tell you, that mom has since spoken with my neighbours... so next time we throw a party, dad promises me that all precautions will be taken if any mutts turn up, if not we make clear about no dogs. The neighbours were understanding at the party, including with regard to even adults bullying me for my dog phobia (and believe me when I tell you, I'm not just pointing fingers...) - so I hope they will comply, for future reference...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 10, 2023 2:48 am

Bad dogs always try to ruin everything
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 10, 2023 1:49 pm

Mod Soul wrote:
Bad dogs always try to ruin everything

Thank you for your concern, Mod Soul. I spoke again with mom today, she says I coped well or however she put it... but she too knows I was uncomfortable, as well as that the mutt not yet being leashed gave me little to no freedom around the food table. The neighbours are not mad at me, not even when mom since spoke to them.

But I draw the line, about the one mutt who ran into my parents' house - if I could, I would have screamed about that (though I did shout for help)! Mom apologised for that, she didn't know the mutt was behind her - had she known, she would have shut the door.

And as well as my dog phobia, the point that the mutt who ran into my parents' house also tried to jump at the food table is also cause for concern. If my memory serves me correctly, that's not allowed - I don't want dog germs on our lovely party food, thank you very much!

As such, next time we throw a party... then all precautions will be taken, for any dogs in attendance (mom cannot promise there will be no dogs, however).


And before anyone asks about Shit the Dog... again, please remember he's long gone - as are the brats (both teens, and even young children) who bullied me about him, there has been no sign from them. But given the chance, I would have phoned the cops and asked them to speak to the parents of these brats - and to increase any needed legal punishment, if the parents allow them to bully people (e.g. using 'free speech' as an excuse to 'justify' bullying). God bless the laws against dangerous dogs!

But, I know what you're thinking! Should I complete any games where I have to kill evil dogs, to help get back at the mutts? I know I've already completed one last week, namely Resident Evil 3 - but should I complete any more, whether or not any more of the Resident Evil games?

But in case James suggests about cooking dog, whether or not you bring back your cookery posts altogether... again, please don't. That's one line I wouldn't cross even with my enemies (I think some of them were a bit pissed about cooking dog, in the past?)...
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
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