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 May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySat Apr 30, 2022 11:57 pm

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month, because of precisely why I had to create what I now call the Rainbow Bridge airing security.

When Dennis 'King Koopa' Hopper was summoned to Coin Heaven on an airing day, understandably this rang alarm bells in my mind. I thus created the Rainbow Bridge security, and inevitably pledged my support as a Koopa fan - eventually earning the title of 'Koopa Princess', from our very own Lemmy.

Just as I feared, the "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend eventually did sink their fangs into Dennis. Much as some of the hate trend's supporters say they would never dare sink this low, this does prove that unfortunately some (if not all) would - so I'm sorry, but, well, I just cannot afford to take any chances! Thank god, though, that my family has a clean sweep in whenever we had to carry out the Rainbow Bridge security.

I actually did have to carry out the Rainbow Bridge security, in none other than a Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! When Yoshimoto took ill in Airing Month last year, we had to be especially careful, because this was while I still had airings coming out of my ears - and his illness lasted into Dennis Hopper Memorial Month, adding to my realisation that he was genuinely ill.

Following my airing on the morning of what we call 'Star Wars Day', my dad agreed to twist mom's arm, for them to come and check on Yoshimoto later that day - on the understanding that, obviously, we could not have him euthanised that day if the hard decision had to be made. But, at this point mom felt Yoshimoto just had an infection, and so no vetting was needed;
also, on Revenge of the 5th... Gran would not be too far off base, when she herself guesstimated he had a chill on his kidneys.

But I waved the red flag on the morning of Revenge of the 6th, when Yoshimoto showed signs of what appeared to be Pica. Mom finally agreed to vet him that day, and I even consented to if we had to euthanise him - my then-next airing day was May 11, meaning the respective final countdown was at 1:56 p.m. on May 10. The surrender decision was quite the surprise for us, though!

But, it would also be in that same Dennis Hopper Memorial Month... when I would receive a gift from Coin Heaven! Two days after we surrendered Yoshimoto, my parents went to look at, and so placed an order for, a beautiful ragdoll baby girl for me! She was still too young to be homed at the time, so I was set to have her on May 30 - which would turn out to be a final countdown day (I had airings on May 31, and Zangief's birthday June 1), so obviously we had to tweak plans accordingly.

I appreciated mom's insistence on a princess name, preferably after a Disney Princess - but also because of my airings, the Street Fighter baby rule was in effect, and that mandated the kitten to have a Capcom name. I only suggested 'Mulan' yes because Ming-Na (Chun Li, from the movie) voices the character, hence Mulan and even Mushu the Chinese dragon tree ornaments for when Santa Claude comes to town - but mom casually said she was thinking along the lines of 'Jasmine', so I almost instantly realised Capcom made the Aladdin SNES game (which, coincidentally, I saw a copy of while mom and I were out shopping on Revenge of the 5th!), and accepted mom's suggestion.

But despite Jasmine being due to join my family on May 30, mom would then say I could have her on, of all days... the Dennis Hopper anniversary! Could this be a sign from Coin Heaven, purrhaps? I even realised, you could make the name 'Dennis' from the letters of my kitty's full name, Jasmine Daniella Rosemary Farrell.


No special dates this month, except of course the Dennis Hopper anniversary, and the three-day Star Wars celebration for the fans among you. Yes, I realise May the 4th did be with me last year, when on Revenge of the 6th we temporarily prevented Yoshimoto from being sucked into the Dark Side.

Star Wars Day is also the anniversary, of the first step toward just why airings mean so much to us as they do today! A very fitting choice, I realise - considering Bison's The Emperor-like lightning attack in the movie, as well as the possible hint of Darth Vader influence in designing his uniform.

However, because the first of the month is on a Sunday... then this means we'll have a Friday the 13th this month. Are there any superstitious sorts among you, and am I right in guessing some peeps here may find this funny?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySun May 01, 2022 2:15 pm

Rainbow Bridge security is a good law enforcement name
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySun May 01, 2022 3:21 pm

Neo Senshi wrote:
Rainbow Bridge security is a good law enforcement name

Well technically, it does enforce another of my infamous kindness laws - a mercy I would even grant to my enemies, as I would not wish friend nor foe alike to be at risk of anti-Street Fighter movie trolling.

Now, I know some peeps may think I named the Rainbow Bridge security, for how pets are said to go over a rainbow bridge when they die - but I actually named it after yet another Europe song:
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySun May 01, 2022 4:50 pm

I think I also heard the rainbow bridge from some where else but I can't quite remember
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptySun May 01, 2022 10:12 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 02, 2022 12:57 am

I hope there will be an airing this month
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 02, 2022 1:55 am

Green Ninja wrote:
I think I also heard the rainbow bridge from some where else but I can't quite remember

Well unless you're thinking of Shang Tsung's Friendship move, you could have probably heard, then, about the whole thing about departed pets going over the rainbow bridge?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 02, 2022 2:07 pm

I hope this can be a good month. Any more suggestions on what to do
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 02, 2022 3:01 pm

Biyomon wrote:
I hope this can be a good month. Any more suggestions on what to do

Well, I suppose part of the Yoshimoto memorial should be on Revenge of the 6th, because of us surrendering him on that date 0:-)
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyMon May 02, 2022 6:15 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 03, 2022 12:40 am

This is also a Koopa favorite month
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 03, 2022 11:39 am

6th sounds like a sad day
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 03, 2022 12:46 pm

White Knight wrote:
This is also a Koopa favorite month

That's very sweet of you, Lemmy. I know in my heart, I did the right thing to impose the Rainbow Bridge security - heck, even before we lost Dennis... one former visitor here blamed the movie for the loss of his cat, when it turned out his cat passed on the same day when I completed the Street Fighter: The Movie arcade game.

Andy wrote:
6th sounds like a sad day

Yes and no. I was prepared for it to be sad, my family knows animals are living, breathing creatures - but if red flags are waved, yes we will take them to the vet or at worst let them go. If the Rainbow Bridge security is being carried out, mom will first check with me, to arrange a safe appointment in letting the feline go.

But despite the obvious temporary nature of the decision, how sweet of the vet to spare his life! The charity who took him in is really good, they must be miracle workers from what I've seen...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyTue May 03, 2022 8:02 pm

White Knight wrote:
This is also a Koopa favorite month

Enjoy your month!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 04, 2022 2:45 am

Having Jasmine also meant, that yes I had to join the so-called 'lockdown pet boom'. Since restrictions began to ease following the initial lockdown, I began to hear stories about people getting new pets during that time, whether to help cope with the lockdown and/or they needed a new pet anyway.

However, once restrictions began to ease... some people heartlessly returned their pets to the shelters, whether because they couldn't care for it anymore, they lost interest, or like they only had the animal just to cope with the loneliness of the lockdown - oh, and one canine ended up on It's Me or the Dog. It is very sad, I agree with that.

Nonetheless... it further begged the question, of one of my two major 'what if?'s about the pandemic: what if my family needs to talk kittens, while the pandemic is still ongoing?

At first, and Gran shared mom's considerable concern... mom was initially unsure, and said we'd wait until it's all over, in fear of not only the breeders but also the cats themselves testing positive. I kid you not - not only, ahem, did I have to play the Jay-protecting anthem for one family's pet cat, the feline also tested positive! I respected mom's opinion in this case - I just wanted to be sure what to do, in case the situation did indeed arise.

However, mom indeed reversed her decision after Yoshimoto took ill. Again, yes the fact I then still had airings coming out of my ears meant we had to carry out the Rainbow Bridge security for him - even more so, as he was successor to my cat Raul. I shuddered at the thought, of a potential "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Farrell's successor"
meme dominating the World Wide Web!

But, as was the case with when we had Thunder (Mel's successor, named after T Hawk)... where there's the Rainbow Bridge security, there's also the Street Fighter baby rule! In case mom would reverse her decision, I started thinking of Capcom names for the new kitten - particularly from the company's better-known franchises, not once thinking even their Disney et al games would qualify... not even when I saw that copy of the Aladdin SNES game made by Capcom, when mom and I went shopping on Revenge of the 5th, the day before we surrendered Yoshimoto...

When mom finally took Yoshimoto to the vet on Revenge of the 6th, and for some reason we didn't get an immediate verdict on his treatment... I checked my Facebook, only to find mom had posted to ask if any kittens were available. I realised mom must have reversed her decision - but I did panic, thinking that yes he was to be euthanised (whether definitely, or like they were trying to operate like when an aunt's cat died following surgery);
when we lost Raul, mom did post on Facebook asking if there were kittens available.

Mom phoned with the surprising verdict, at around 11:20-11:25 - thereby confirming the verdict to talk kittens. No special preferences on breed or even gender, mind - though it'd be nice to finally have a daughter running around the apartment, as I'd had what mom calls a 'rugby team' since I moved in;
and no more Persians for me, as all four of ours were lost to the same symptom, and even my parents don't want one of those ugly hairless breeds in our family!

I did mention the next day, that I was keen on 'Fiona' for a girl - but mom assumed it was after the princess from Shrek, hence her rejection of the name when, the day after that, she insisted on a princess name for my new bundle of joy. With mom being a Cammy main, you'd think she'd accept the name 'Fiona' knowing it was after my favourite of Cammy's alternate costumes!
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyWed May 04, 2022 7:58 pm

Happy May the Force day
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 05, 2022 12:22 am

Don't let restrictions stop you from what you must do
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 05, 2022 1:04 am

Alexis wrote:
Happy May the Force day

Thank you Alexis, and over here it's now Revenge of the 5th - the anniversary of my shopping trip, which sort of helped to determine me naming my kitty Jasmine 0:-)

Raven wrote:
Don't let restrictions stop you from what you must do

How true, Raven - and if we had to get a pet during the initial lockdown, then purrhaps we would have... if mom wasn't so panicky...

But again, by the time Yoshimoto took ill... restrictions were being eased, and obviously just in time too. Just to be on the safe side, I only simply considered Capcom names, in case mom was still uneasy about to talk kittens with the pandemic still ongoing. But she was more relaxed about even that, as proven by her Facebook post on the morning when we surrendered Yoshimoto...

Because we'd just hired my new cleaner, and so needed to sort a few things out in the apartment... I was willing to wait until that was all taken care of, before we do talk kittens. Imagine my delight, when mom already found little Jasmine for me!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 05, 2022 8:52 pm

Sci fi geeks will not let you forget those days
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 05, 2022 9:16 pm

Tetsu wrote:
Sci fi geeks will not let you forget those days

Who can blame them - there must be that... something, about the Star Wars franchise...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyThu May 05, 2022 11:18 pm

Lots of important dates in this special month.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyFri May 06, 2022 1:05 pm

Probably should do some mourning too
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyFri May 06, 2022 1:30 pm

Kisara wrote:
Probably should do some mourning too

Of course. Yes, I kept Yoshimoto in my thoughts today 0:-) In fact, the charity who took him in did a post about, well, the very symptom which caused us to vet him one year ago today...
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyFri May 06, 2022 10:49 pm

You must miss Yoshimoto dearly
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month!   May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! EmptyFri May 06, 2022 11:59 pm

Limey Man wrote:
You must miss Yoshimoto dearly

Very much so, not least as yes he was my family's first pandemic bereavement...


But there is good news, for the Resident Evil fans here! I picked up the original Resident Evil, and Resident Evil 3 -both for the PS1- while out shopping on Friday. They're still a work in progress, but if all is good, then yes they will be among the candidacy, for the first achievement when the time comes - i.e. because of Cammy's Jill costume, in Street Fighter 5.

The only games I'm missing now are Resident Evil Director's Cut, and Resident Evil Survivor - the latter being the one, with the Cammy poster seen at one point;
and of course Resident Evil 2, but Jill is only seen in the photo at the STARS office therein...
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May is Dennis Hopper Memorial Month! Empty
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