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 Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyFri May 27, 2022 12:21 am

Hey guys, as I said in another post... when the time comes, please carry out the Rainbow Bridge airing security for me. My dad has revealed to me, he has issued complaints about the dog fouling on my lawn - in fact, he revealed this to me while we were watching one of my cheesy crime shows, and it just happened to include a segment on dog fouling.

But I think the bad neighbours may be starting to 'sniff around' (for lack of a better term) and get nasty. Gran thinks they wouldn't try anything stupid - but you never know, especially as the dog fouler himself looks like one of those nasty sorts... and yes, the thought of them making me end up like Dennis Hopper, i.e. to be another sacrifice to the "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend sends chills down my spine!

So, Gran has agreed to talk to my parents, about driving down my street and keeping an eye out on me on my airing days, and possibly during the final countdown if that's at a reasonable time - though I'd only ask them into my apartment at that time, if indeed I have to wave a red flag. My parents are protective of me, dad especially as he would kick ass if I was in danger - and they agree the "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend is very wicked, and so will happily carry out the Rainbow Bridge security as and where needed.

I have alerted Zane, and asked him if possible to get Kunzite to keep an eye on me as well...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyFri May 27, 2022 4:47 am

update: no, dad wouldn't drive down my street as requested. I have a locked door with, yes, a chain lock.

However... just this morning, my cats were sitting at the top of the stairs, watching out for intruders! Bless them, they say animals know these things - though no guarantees, that they'd do so for my airings;
and yes, please do keep a Damme sharp watch out yourselves as requested...
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Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyFri May 27, 2022 9:16 pm

Poor princess. We koopas shall protect you
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySat May 28, 2022 12:14 am

White Knight wrote:
Poor princess. We koopas shall protect you

Thank you very, very much Lemmy. You're a star!

Despite mom being a bit of a wuss about it, dad has consented that I can report it to the council and make a complaint - I'm having an annual tenancy visit (they can resume doing these, with pandemic restrictions being relaxed...) on Monday, so I can tell them then. Dad agrees that the dog fouling is disgusting, and illegal - not to mention, he's not happy that the dog fouler wants to breed the bitch, and so has not had her snipped...

And again, if the dog fouler gets nasty about it... dad will kick his ass! But Gran thinks he wouldn't - he wouldn't want to lose his home, just because of a dog...
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySat May 28, 2022 11:00 pm

Stay safe. What a nasty dog fouler that needs to be arrested
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun May 29, 2022 12:45 am

Raven wrote:
Stay safe. What a nasty dog fouler that needs to be arrested

Thank you very much Raven. I wholeheartedly agree, that he should be arrested.

If the bitch is seized and receives a euthanisation order... then yes, obviously she should not be put down on an airing day, or within a final countdown, I would at least grant her that one small mercy of not sacrificing her to the "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend.

But in my opinion, she should also be castrated before being put down. Again because the dog fouler has admitted he wants puppies, I now have this horrible image in my mind, of her getting pregnant in the afterlife - and then the ghost puppies come back to haunt me O_O . So best prevent such a horrible image - better safe than sorry, no?

But in case anyone talks about cooking dog (I think it was James, who spearheaded such an idea in the past?), to get back at the bitch... please don't, that's one line I won't cross, and not simply because even my enemies would frown upon the idea. The best option would be to kill bad dogs in games, yes such as the zombie dogs in Resident Evil.
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Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun May 29, 2022 2:25 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun May 29, 2022 3:42 pm

Raven wrote:
Stay safe. What a nasty dog fouler that needs to be arrested

Whole heartedly agree
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Join date : 1969-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun May 29, 2022 4:29 pm

Biyomon wrote:
Raven wrote:
Stay safe. What a nasty dog fouler that needs to be arrested

Whole heartedly agree

Thank you too, Biyomon 0:-)

And with the dog fouler admitting he wants puppies, what's the opinion here on irresponsible breeders? Don't peeps need a breeding license?? And what about the concerns, of sick or worse puppies - including if they sell the pups to a hopeful and indeed loving owner, and the pup gets sick dies in its owners' care?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyMon May 30, 2022 2:17 am

Too many months have gone by without an airing
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Join date : 1969-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyMon May 30, 2022 3:41 am

Mod Soul wrote:
Too many months have gone by without an airing

My last two were at the start of Vega Month, right after mom's blasphemy toward Kylie...

And the dog's done it again - I went to take out the trash, and I could see the dog had once again 'been' on my lawn. Yuck! :pissed:

However, dad has said that, if possible... then yes, he and/or mom may carry out this share of the Rainbow Bridge security for me. Providing they're not too busy, and/or are not on an outing or vacation... then he would see about either or both of them driving past my apartment, on my airing days and maybe within a reasonably-timed final countdown 0:-) . If the dog fouler starts to give me, ahem, shit for issuing a complaint, then dad has threatened to confront him about it - so god help us, if he ever opts to sacrifice me to the anti-Street Fighter movie crowd...
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyMon May 30, 2022 5:48 pm

Really hope your parents can do something to stop this
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyTue May 31, 2022 12:22 am

Biyomon wrote:
Really hope your parents can do something to stop this

So do I! When dad and I issued the complaint, he mentioned about how we used to put my shopping trolley on the lawn... but we can no longer do that, because of the dog fouling...
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyTue May 31, 2022 12:29 am

All dog foulers should be turned to stone
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyTue May 31, 2022 1:58 am

White Knight wrote:
All dog foulers should be turned to stone

Amen, brother! 🙇
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyTue May 31, 2022 2:45 pm

A good parent would keep their child safe always
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyTue May 31, 2022 4:34 pm

Kisara wrote:
A good parent would keep their child safe always

How true, Kisara 0:-)

And despite our issuing the complaint, it's still happening on the lawn. And it's not just foul now - there is also now, uhhh... (insert 'sick' emoji here)...

So I've talked with dad, and we've agreed to carry out further lawn enforcement (see my little joke?) if it's still there by the next time the grass cutters call. I understand him telling me to ignore it - but it's fucking dog foul! It's both illegal, and disgusting!
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyTue May 31, 2022 10:19 pm

It is a health hazard too.
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyWed Jun 01, 2022 12:30 am

Limey Man wrote:
It is a health hazard too.

Another reason why I'm uneasy, about dad saying to ignore it...
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyWed Jun 01, 2022 1:07 am

Terrible. Always look at the ground when you walk :pissed:
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun Jun 05, 2022 6:06 am

Mod Soul wrote:
Terrible. Always look at the ground when you walk :pissed:

Yes, indeed I do. I've seen him pick up after the dog went on another enemy neighbour's lawn, but... I wonder if the fucker deliberately bullies me, especially now me and my dad have issued a complaint. What a bastard...
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun Jun 05, 2022 6:54 pm

Where I live it is supposed to be mandatory to pick up after your pooch especially on public property
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun Jun 05, 2022 9:58 pm

We your friends will definitely keep you safe
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Join date : 1969-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptySun Jun 05, 2022 11:32 pm

Gin wrote:
Where I live it is supposed to be mandatory to pick up after your pooch especially on public property

Then would you be a dear, and kick the dog fouler's ass? Obviously not on an airing day, though, or within a final countdown - I'd still grant even my enemies that small mercy...

Raven wrote:
We your friends will definitely keep you safe

Thank you very, very much Raven. Nobody messes with the leader of the Vega fans, and gets away with it!
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PostSubject: Re: Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-)   Keep me safe when I have my airings, please 0:-) EmptyMon Jun 06, 2022 7:15 pm

I feel sorry for you to have to go through all this
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