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 Final RPG

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptySat Nov 04, 2023 6:42 am

JUNE 8, 1989

A man in the forest. He has things placed around, in some form a makeshift altar. He begins to chant in a foreign language. He has a dagger, a decorative one. In his other hand, his infant son. His chanting stops and becomes English.

Man: My master, my dark lord, accept this sacrifice...deliver your powers to me!

His wife finds him, several hundred feet from their lake house. She is mortified by what she sees. The husband notices his wife. He welcomes her with an expression mixed of content and surprise.

Wife: Oh my lord...Vincent, what are you doing!? What are you doing with Michael!?

Vincent: Lucia! Join me, my obedient wife! The power shall be delivered to both of us. All the master requires is a sacrifice! This shall suffice and satisfy him!

Lucia: Master? Sacrifice? YOU'RE TRYING TO SACRIFICE OUR SON!?

She snatches the baby from the arm of her husband.

Lucia: I can't believe you're trying to do this! I'm getting away from you, to keep our son safe and away from this madness!

Vincent: This is betrayal! You dare betray me!? After all I've been through!? After all I've done for you? I'm going to give us power beyond our wildest dreams! A life where we don't live like losers!

Lucia: What more do we need? We have two homes, cars, jobs, and a son! What more do you need, Vincent? I do everything for you and the baby!

Vincent: You refuse to join me! You must die. The master must have it so it shall be done!

Vincent lunges at Lucia. He stabs her in the chest whilst she tries to run off with the baby. She falls to the snowy ground. Her son rolling out of her arms, crying. Vincent mounts her and proceeds to stab her multiple times. Her gurgled screams are the last sounds to leave her body. The baby cries more from the fall and the cold. Vincent disappears. He vanishes into thin air. The baby is freezing, laying next to his dying mother.

A man walking through the woods stumbles across the scene. He runs to the scene and notices the baby freezing and near death. He takes off his jacket and warms the baby up. He winces in distress as he sees the woman lying in her own blood. He knew this woman. The baby looks up and sees him and stops crying.

Gouken: Where is Vincent!? Shh shh shh, there Michael, you're gonna be okay...

DECEMBER 14, 1989

Gouken is named the sole guardian of Michael Stoselmo. He leaves for Japan to his home along with the baby.


Throughout the years, he alternates residences between Izuna, NJ, and his home outside of Okinawa, Japan. As he grew older, Gouken became the only parent Michael ever knew. He learned how to groom himself, how to fight, all through him. However, he was a very timid boy. Very soft spoken, yet conflicted with the thought of religion.

MARCH 2008

The boy finds himself in a church.

Mike: Why? What did I do to deserve this?

Priest: The lord works in mysterious ways, my son.

Mike: What part of his plan was to kill my parents? For me to bounce back from here to Japan with a man who's not my father?

Priest: My son, your guardian is your father. He loves you, he's protected you.

Mike: I work a job where I get no respect! I can't get another job because no one wants to hire someone my age because they think I don't deserve more!

Priest: My son, I--

Mike: I am not your son! This is bullshit! This whole thing is goddamn bullshit!

The angst filled boy runs out of the church, into the stormy night. He runs into the night, full of anger. He slips in a puddle, falling to the ground. He tries to get up, and is blinded by the lights of an oncoming truck. The truck isn't able to stop. The boy is crushed by the weight of the 18 wheeler. It's deemed as an accident, no one to be legally responsible. The boy's spirit doesn't go to Heaven, however. In the final moments of his life, his blashphemous ways earned him a spot in Hell. His spirit plummets downwards into a fiery ring. He gets up to learn where he is, surrounded by lava, demons surrounding him, and imps laughing. He gets up and is terrified beyond belief on where his eternal resting place is. A large imposing creature approaches him.

Mike: Who are you?

The creature was made of molten rock, it's chrome horns protruding from it's head.
This was not Satan. Satan had been long exiled as ruler of Hell. This creature was his successor.

Creature: I am Valconia. The new ruler of Hell. You don't belong here.

Mike: How long have I been here?

Valconia: Long enough. I am not like the former ruler. This place is reserved for truly damned souls. I still see goodness in you...a desire to make the wrong right. I will send you back to Earth. Only...and ONLY can survive a little test...all but one before you have failed.

Mike: What are you going to do with me?

The boy is subjected to tests...surviving extreme temperatures, increases in power, strength, stamina, and enhancement of his mortal form. His knowledge of fighting from his guardian, Gouken is still inside him. He is sent back up to Earth.


Mike has been sent up to Earth. He is horrified to learn how much time has passed. People who knew him, either dead, or long forgotten. He looks at present day Izuna, and in a state of shock. He notices Valconia has given him a bag of legal documents, a phone, and other things to help him get used to the world he returned to. He hears a scream and fighting. He goes to investigate. [/img]
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptySat Nov 04, 2023 6:58 pm

ooc: Cool. Now we have a reboot SuperBeast origin story
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptySun Nov 05, 2023 2:53 am

ooc: I don't think I remember the original. This will be new to me... the birth of the Izuna champion
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptySun Nov 05, 2023 4:44 am

ooc: So cruel but without the hardship the SuperBeast wouldn't exist
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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyMon Nov 06, 2023 6:48 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyMon Nov 06, 2023 3:38 pm

ooc: Thanks SuperBeast. This will bring back memories to those that were here in the beginner as well as shed some light to those that are newer
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyTue Nov 07, 2023 12:11 am

ooc: Ever wondered if Mike prefered a peaceful life where Lucia wasn't murdered? But then there would be no one to stand up to Bison
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 08, 2023 2:11 am

Andy wrote:
ooc: Ever wondered if Mike prefered a peaceful life where Lucia wasn't murdered? But then there would be no one to stand up to Bison

ooc: I hope Bison isn't listening and decides to build a time machine
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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 08, 2023 4:51 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyFri Nov 10, 2023 7:30 pm

ooc: Time really flies when you are busy training in Hell
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Location : Jersey/Texas

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptySat Nov 11, 2023 9:45 pm

ooc: I hope this will have a happy ending for the hero
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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyMon Nov 13, 2023 1:37 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyTue Nov 14, 2023 3:17 am

ooc: Who is gonna be your first opponent!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 15, 2023 12:27 am

ooc: I hope this new reboot will have some gay action!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyFri Nov 17, 2023 4:17 am

da Junk Yard Dog wrote:
ooc: Who is gonna be your first opponent!

Is he ready for his first mission now?
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Join date : 2024-06-16

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyFri Nov 17, 2023 3:42 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyFri Nov 17, 2023 7:05 pm

Slasher wrote:
ooc: I hope this new reboot will have some gay action!

ooc: I'd love to see that too 🤤
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptySun Nov 19, 2023 7:01 pm

ooc: SuperBeast has to go through so many hardships since birth
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyMon Nov 20, 2023 7:10 pm

Last Quincy wrote:
ooc: SuperBeast has to go through so many hardships since birth

That's what makes him stronger and what Izuna needs
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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 22, 2023 1:10 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 22, 2023 11:41 pm

ooc: Gouken has raised a hero perfect to fight the chaos
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyTue Nov 28, 2023 7:08 am

Walking into a wide alleyway, he notices a crowd circled around two people fighting. They cheer on the combatants and throw down money, placing bets. One fighter is a shirtless man, with a pompadour haircut, and taped fists, known around the neighborhood as Handsome Bob. The other fighter is a fit, calm man wearing a karate gi and a red headband. He dodges Handsome Bob's strikes with immense ease, playing an offensive defense by letting him wear himself out. A rope-a-dope like defense without him taking any blows.

Mike: I can't see what's going on...ah, screw it.

Mike turns around until he hears a very familiar phrase.

???: Shoryuken!

Mike stops in his tracks. His eyes widened. He turns around and walks into the crowd, shoving his way to the front. He's in shock at the sight and sheer coincidence of the matter.

Mike: RYU!

Ryu it was. He loses focus, and looks at who called his name. He's confused, yet surprised himself.

Ryu: Mike?

Handsome Bob takes advantage of the distraction, and nails a meaty right hook into Ryu's jaw. Ryu falls to the ground, and Bob celebrates.

Handsome Bob: This is too easy! Thanks, kid.

Mike leans down to get Ryu back to his feet.

Ryu: This can't be real...You died!

Mike: It's a long story. I'm alive.

Ryu: That's not's not the Satsui No Hado either...

Mike: Look, I know...I'll explain. Kick this bum's ass!

Ryu wipes at his nose and mouth, and nods. He gets up and peppers Handsome Bob with multiple shots. A knee to the stomach, a left fist across his face. He gets up in a daze, seeing stars and three of Ryu. Ryu with a running leap, finishes Bob off.

Ryu: Tatsu maki sen pu kyaku!

Handsome Bob crumples to the ground. The crowd groans at Ryu's win, and the fact he's walking away with their money. Mike hugs Ryu.

Mike: Yes! That's my Ryu!

Ryu is still confused, yet glad he wasn't dreaming Mike was here.



Barcelona Park. Mike is sitting on a bench with Ryu as he devours the contents of his bento box.

Mike: So here I am. This creature that took over and did some tests on me sent me back up here.

Ryu: I was at your funeral. Master was. It took him months before he could become himself again.

Mike: I need to see him.

Ryu: Master died two years ago.

Mike lowers his head. He realizes more than he thinks has passed him by.

Mike: I can't believe all this time. How did he die?

Ryu: He was murdered.

Mike: What? By who!?

Ryu: It's complicated.

Mike: What do you mean?

Ryu: Well, what happened was --

The reunion is interrupted. A troop of armed commandos surround the pair. The patches on their shoulder is foreign to Mike, but well known to Ryu. A skull with a lightning bolt burned into the forehead. Rigid wings on the sides. Shadaloo. Mike gets up and gets into fighting stance with Ryu.

Soldier 1: Ryu! You're coming with us! Lord Bison demands it!

Mike: Who the hell are these guys?

Ryu: Shadaloo terrorists...

Mike: You want Ryu!? You go through me!

They brandish batons, stunguns, and clubs.

Soldier 1: Lord Bison wants him alive.

Soldier 2: What about the other one?

Soldier 1: We can dispatch of him, we don't need him.

Mike is ambushed by a stungun. Ryu jumps into the air and deals with multiple opponents. Mike is severely beaten with the batons, clubs, and chains. He stops feeling the pain. He feels a bubbling in his veins, and his skin turning red underneath the bloody wounds. He growls in an otherworldly tone, and swipes at a soldier. His deformed hand clawing at an enemy's abdomen, severely cutting him open. They back up. They regroup and plan to attack with more men. Just then, another group enters the fray.

Voice: Delta Red, engage! Luwanda, McCoy, White! Attack these Bison lovers!

Mike crouches down and tries to calm down, and assess the changes his body was feeling. He looks at his hand, red, twice its size, and thickly clawed, stained with the blood of the Bison solider he mauled. He closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing.

Mike: What is going on with me!? Gotta calm down...breathe...breathe...breathe...

Before he knew it, the forces had been drawn back. He looks up and sees Ryu conversing with members of Delta Red, a special forces unit. He hears another voice.

???: Hey, okay? Mister...hey! Are you okay?

Mike looks up and sees a woman. 5'5"
, 135 pounds. Her blonde hair is long and braided. Her slender yet sultry frame adorned by a green leotard and black combat boots. He's taken aback.

Mike: Umm, yeah. I am now, miss...what's your name?

???: You're lucky my friend Ryu was here, you would've been in deep trouble...

Colonel Wolfman: Great job, team! Cammy, that civilian okay?

Cammy: He's fine...I'm checking on him.

Mike: Cammy? What a name...

Cammy: Beg your pardon?

Mike shakes it off.

Mike: I mean, my name? It's Mike. Mike Stoselmo.

He gets up and looks into her deep blue eyes.

Cammy: Well, Mike Stoselmo, I think you need to come with us so we can get a statement.

Mike: Yes, I think I should...

Ryu and Mike are escorted by Delta Red to HQ, where Mike sits behind Cammy, amazed at what he saw was the perfect woman. Hoping to get to know her better, but for now more worried about who those men were and what they wanted with Ryu.
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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 29, 2023 10:29 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyWed Nov 29, 2023 10:12 pm

ooc: Now where is Ken? Once he is found the gang will be complete
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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG EmptyThu Nov 30, 2023 11:59 pm

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Final RPG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final RPG   Final RPG Empty

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