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 October is Hsien-Ko Month!

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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptySun Oct 01, 2023 2:49 am

October is Hsien-Ko Month, the month for all things supernatural! Aside from Halloween, we have little if not no other important dates this month - but watch this space...

My family agrees, that Halloween is all about the supernatural - we understand that even some British people might dress up in anything that isn't scary (last year, our trick-or-treaters included four teen girls dressed as the Care Bears!), but for us it's all ghosts, zombies, that sort of thing. Why, mom highly agrees, that yes we ought to get those Addams Family mallow cones I've seen, for our trick-or-treaters.

And just this year, I bought plushies of Alucard and Count Dracula, both as seen in CastleVania: Symphony of the Night! I bought Alucard at Roy's shop (they'd gotten a bunch of game character plushies in stock), and for a bit of fun I decided to look him up on eBay - only to learn of the Count Dracula one as well. I was planning to eBay for him this month... but when I bought the original CastleVania the other month, well 'nuff said!

However... as such, I also realise a very sad irony, that Raul Julia was lost to us in an October. Rather than show any respect, however, or at least simply dislike if not hate the Street Fighter movie... some cruel persons began the wicked "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend, which especially touches a raw nerve for me, because my past sorrow which I call the NES War began *gasp* on the same day as Raul's funeral! Even worse, it has been proven, that hate trend supporters, sorry, assassins WILL mock anyone who dies on an airing day, or within a final countdown - prompting me to create the Rainbow Bridge airing security, and yes that I'd even pray for the souls of any enemies who may require the security.

My heart turned to ice when I heard about Raul, and I vowed to take my fight to defend myself, and for all I hold dear, well, to the street - and how about I rub the hate trend assassins' noses in... when I made them eat their own words, and see how they like it??

Rest assured, though, that no "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Farrell"
meme -or even a "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Farrell's successor"
meme with regard to Yoshimoto, for that matter- will dominate the World Wide Web. Yes, it is sadly true, and indeed another tragic irony, that my cat Raul (May 16 2003 - January 7 2018) also died from cancer - but I wasn't hosting any airing celebrations during his end-of-life care, so I didn't even flinch, when yes we lost him on the one-year anniversary of my revenge on Carie (better the anniversary than, well, being forced to restart the revenge process right?);
and the security only applied for Yoshimoto's sickness, as no there were no airings at the time when 'Ryu had to dedicate his fight to him'... though yes, the fact that he was Raul's successor also added to his own sense of urgency...

Hsien-Ko Month isn't a 'necessary' month for airings - but with it being another Ber Month, obviously we need to prepare for in case Santa Claude comes to town. As such, this (if not Balrog Bashing Month) could be the earliest month when the Christmas music channels start up - and with it, hopefully, the 'rehearsals' for Santa Claude...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyMon Oct 02, 2023 7:22 am

October is my favorite month. I have a birthday this month
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyMon Oct 02, 2023 10:37 am

RD Archfiend wrote:
October is my favorite month. I have a birthday this month

Awww, happy early birthday (you, and/or if it's a loved one)! Dare I ask that, for obvious reasons, do you have a Halloween-themed birthday party? We had Tango's birthday party on Halloween, since her birthday is October 28 - but I guess we'll now spend that day cussing her or whatever, after she turned out nasty...

My past cats Blinky and Crystal had their birthdays in October, which was why Blinky was 5 months old when I first went to look at him;
while Crystal (who joined us as successor to Zelda) was nearly 3 months. I would certainly check around their birthdays, if I am to have airings on or after Halloween - either way, if so then yes mom would have to use my Capcom undead as Halloween decorations...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyTue Oct 03, 2023 5:18 am

Defend Raul!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyTue Oct 03, 2023 6:49 am

White Knight wrote:
Defend Raul!

As mentioned, dear Lemmy... that's why I created the Rainbow Bridge airing security. Thankfully, my family has a clean sweep in carrying it out - none of those who required it died on an airing day, or within a final countdown.

But before you ask, no, I did not name it for Rainbow Road, nor the belief that pets are said to go over a Rainbow Bridge (has anyone heard of this belief?) - I actually named it after yet another Europe tune: . I even pondered on it being Princess Natalie's theme, in the console version of the Street Fighter: The Movie game - it'd definitely work...

Also note, that Mel's case for the Rainbow Bridge security did, in turn, cause me to create the Street Fighter baby rule. Hopeful as we were, there was still an unfortunately high chance, that 'Ryu would dedicate his fight to Mel', so as always I knew I'd better start thinking of kitten names 'just in case' - so, I thought about it... and also because of my airings at the time, I felt the new bundle of joy ought to have a Capcom name.

With regard to the hate trend assassins making their disgusting feelings known, oh yes no prizes for guessing how hard I'd kick their asses! Like, how can anyone be so cruel, right? Even more so knowing, a part of me died with Raul...

And don't let anyone tell you, I don't respect any opinions besides my own! Good ones I can respect, such as mom's initial uncertainty, when I asked her about what if we needed to join the lockdown pet boom (which I myself had to join, and so we had Jasmine) - but things like "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
make my skin crawl, y'know?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyWed Oct 04, 2023 7:14 am

Good job
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyWed Oct 04, 2023 8:30 am

Jaden wrote:
Good job

Thank you, Jaden. I mean, why the bleep anyone think it's 'cool' and 'trendy' to be hateful is beyond me - like, eeeeeeeewwwwwww, y'know? :bowsercry:

So I feel I ought to set a better example - as is indeed the case, with other ways of mine such as the Street Fighter mandate 0:-)
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyFri Oct 06, 2023 1:14 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyFri Oct 13, 2023 5:54 am

and if my cat Blinky (October 13 2002 - April 12 2012) was still alive, he'd be 21 today. He was just the sweetest kitty I ever had - he wanted to be everybody's friend 0:-)

Sadly, he was taken ill immediately after we learned of the Street Fighter X Tekken thing, indeed adding to my family being anti-Balrog... and as I feared, Ryu would have to dedicate his fight to him. My parents and I did everything we could for Blinky... but he grew weaker and weaker, including to exhibit one of the same symptoms which later also killed Raul (only Raul's was worse, due to the sad irony that he had cancer).

Just after Easter that year, my parents opted to take him with them to the caravan we then owned - but during their time there, he had the episode which convinced them to make the hard decision. That episode caused my parents to realise, his symptoms could mean that his body was shutting down on him - so, they couldn't let him suffer any longer.

Rather than take him to the vet in the nearby town, they had the heart to want to let me have one last cuddle with him, and so take him to our registered vet practice. But before doing even that, they took his final photographs (one of which can be found in the Pet Gallery) - that's another thing my family usually does, if there's even a chance that Ryu will have to dedicate his fight to our felines.

Blinky's successor was Mel, the cheeky tabby who I lost to a stomach blockage in Balrog Bashing Month 2019 - indeed making Thunder Blinky the 3rd. Raul really pined for Blinky, after we lost him - so after two days I couldn't wait any longer, and I had Mel. Raul absolutely doted on Mel - I have a picture of them curled up together 0:-)
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyFri Oct 13, 2023 10:34 pm

Poor Blinky
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptySat Oct 14, 2023 10:32 am

Raven wrote:
Poor Blinky

Thank you Raven, I know right? I was even late to spending Easter with my family, because I had to look after Blinky again...

But please be assured, that Blinky did not require the Rainbow Bridge airing security - like with Raul, my last airings with Blinky were in Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie Month of the year before we lost him;
and there were no airings until after we lost Blinky... and the time came in Dennis Hopper Memorial Month of the respective year, and on the same channel no less (coincidentally the Great! Movies channel, the channel responsible for all of my airings this year). So when I had my first airing celebration without Raul, six years later... I did mention to mom, about it having been the same with Blinky.

However, yes the fact that Blinky took ill immediately after we learned of the Street Fighter X Tekken thing is also an issue. As if we weren't pissed off enough at Balrog, now my cat was sick?? Not good, I know!

But, as this was during Soma's brief stint as my Facebook bodyguard... bless his heart, he commented on a picture I showed him of Crystal by asking "
I just heard that one of your other cats had to go to a vet? What happened? Is it anything to be worried about?"
At that point, we weren't really so sure whether or not to be worried - this was before Blinky exhibited the same killer symptom as Raul...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptySat Oct 14, 2023 6:21 pm

Ready for Halloween?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptySun Oct 15, 2023 1:07 am

Alexis wrote:
Ready for Halloween?

Well yeah, especially with my having bought CastleVania Bloodlines this week! Mom agrees, yes we'll definitely have to put up Alucard and Count Dracula with our Halloween decorations...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptySun Oct 15, 2023 3:26 am

Yes, I am looking forward to those fun Halloween parties
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyTue Oct 17, 2023 2:03 am

Now, I know what some of you may want to ask me! If I have an announcement at the end of this month, for airings next month... then I would certainly include CastleVania Bloodlines among the pre-airing gaming achievements, if not make it the first. Should my suspicions about the channel once again prove true, about them issuing announcements at the end of one month for airings in the coming month... then in this case, it would mean Halloween once again falls during an airing celebration, so I know you'll likely ask about supernatural-themed games, no? No promises, but we'll soon find out if it's a yes...

Otherwise, yes I will gladly Kensider it for Santa Claude, if our prayers are answered this year - if not, then I will put it in line for other airing celebrations...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyTue Oct 17, 2023 7:38 pm

Anyone have any Koopa Halloween costumes?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyWed Oct 18, 2023 1:34 am

White Knight wrote:
Anyone have any Koopa Halloween costumes?

Nice idea, Lemmy 😄 If I were to have a Koopa Halloween costume, then it'd be any of the spooky enemies, Kamek (or even, more preferably, Kammy Koopa!), or Dry Bowser.

Again, my family respects the opinions, of those who choose to dress as such things as the Super Mario Bros. and the like... but yes, I was raised on Halloween being all for the supernatural, indeed including witches and wizards. Heck, one time when I wore my white Greek dress at Halloween... one kid's mom thought I was a ghost, so I guess that settles that no?
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyFri Oct 20, 2023 4:08 am

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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptySun Oct 22, 2023 11:23 am

I am a little worried about my cat Jasper. He's not sick or anything... but mom says he's slowing down in his old age (he's 11, b. June 30 2012), so I have advised mom that if decisions have to be made, then obviously to check with me first - especially if airings are imminent...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyTue Oct 24, 2023 5:02 am

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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyTue Oct 24, 2023 5:53 am

Today is 29 years, since we lost Raul Julia (and, as we all know, a part of me sadly died with him...).

I can't stress enough, that it's one thing to dislike if not hate a movie, if only for that I'd simply "
the negative comments - but there are some sick fucks who hate the Street Fighter movie so much, they genuinely believe it killed poor Raul, and many if not all will even mock anyone who passes on an airing day, or within a final countdown! Shame on them - I mean, how about if we rub their noses in (insert fatality here), and see how they like it?? *slaps and hexes all hate trend supporters*

But it's even worse for me, because my past sorrow which I call the NES War began on the same day as Raul's funeral - so for all enemies may have cruelly mocked me about taking my games away *slaps the persons in question*, how dare you, especially knowing someone involved in my fine art was also taken away from me!

So as tribute, yes I often design my fiction self to have the same powers as M Bison - which is good news for me, because it means my hair and eye colour is white;
and yes, for my avatar they didn't have white available for hair and/or eye colour, so I happily settled for blonde hair and gray eyes (gray was the closest to white). I obtain his powers, while in a coma which certain Bison loyalists put me in on the day of Raul's funeral, and which I wake up from after eight days (i.e. the real-life duration of the NES War).

I suppose, in such a case, Bison seeking my hand in marriage (which, yes, I utterly refuse to grant him!) would class as part of the tribute - however, he apologises for his loyalists putting me in a coma. As evil as he may be, and with his desire for me as his queen... there are still some lines he just won't cross, or allow to be crossed...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyWed Oct 25, 2023 1:14 am

Gracia wrote:
I am a little worried about my cat Jasper. He's not sick or anything... but mom says he's slowing down in his old age (he's 11, b. June 30 2012), so I have advised mom that if decisions have to be made, then obviously to check with me first - especially if airings are imminent...

Is Jasper okay?
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyWed Oct 25, 2023 1:40 am

Mistress 9 wrote:
Gracia wrote:
I am a little worried about my cat Jasper. He's not sick or anything... but mom says he's slowing down in his old age (he's 11, b. June 30 2012), so I have advised mom that if decisions have to be made, then obviously to check with me first - especially if airings are imminent...

Is Jasper okay?

I hope so! He just usually sits around now, though sometimes he will be friendly and approach someone (especially my dad, because Jasper is dad's baby) for a cuddle - but we do need to keep an eye on him at his age, in case there is something wrong. 'Ryu had to dedicate his fight to' four of my double-figure-aged cats, namely Smokey, Jenny, Raul and Crystal;
while others whom he dedicated his fight to were single-digit-aged...

But when Jasper started having mood swings anyway, we did wonder if he may have some weakness in his bones or something, particularly around his stomach (e.g. a stomach blockage, like what Mel died from) as he especially growls if touched around there. Mom did vet him for that, but the vet couldn't find anything wrong with him - even the vet seemed to think, that it's because British Blue cats have a temperament about them...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyWed Oct 25, 2023 10:37 pm

Jasper sounds like he is okay. That's a relief
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: October is Hsien-Ko Month!   October is Hsien-Ko Month! EmptyThu Oct 26, 2023 12:25 am

Raven wrote:
Jasper sounds like he is okay. That's a relief

Still... best keep an eye on him, especially if I have airings. I know Sephiroth would agree, were he still around - remember, he became a huge fan of Jasper, because of the pics of him hugging a Cactuar plush...
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October is Hsien-Ko Month! Empty
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