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 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition

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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptySun Aug 20, 2023 6:38 am

Raven wrote:
Hope there can still be more airings

Indeed, that is a Damme valuable point Raven - but with the Ber Months just around the corner, obviously we will need to start prep-airing (see what I did there?) in hopes of the most precious airings of them all!

As well as how prayers to Santa Claude 'officially' begin on Yoshimoto's birthday, there is another, more prominent -perhaps the most prominent- Santa Claude tradition we can prepare for in advance: Kylie Minogue's Christmas music. Keep an eye on those music channels et al, people!


Yes, it is true, that my first Santa Claude visit (in Spanish Deadeye Month 2004) was precisely what avenged the original Mute Incident - indeed making the Mute For Coal Incident a very tragic irony. But it was only thanks to a kind gesture by our dear boss man Kunzite in 2007, how airings in my special month earned their elevated status.

However... because Kylie did not yet have a Christmas album, we would have to improvise on that, yes, my family typically plays Christmas music for such things as decking the halls. As such, when indeed we got our wish, with the announcement for airings on December 9 and 10 2007... my family had to use Kylie's then-newest album X, for a pre-Christmas lunch breakfast with some of our theatre friends. Mind you, our using Europe's The Final Countdown album in 2012 (for the airings which Carie ruined) was understandable - blissfully unaware of the impending doom, that Santa Claude visit was to be our first with The Final Countdown now part of airing tradition.

Yes, I created the Street Fighter mandate -including to start planning out distinguishments, for any edition of my cause which includes Santa Claude coming to town- because of the misfortune as detailed in my article 'Jay Tavare's genuine kindness', in particular because of mom's shocking 2015 New Year's resolution. Apologies that I failed to mention this before, but mom's resolution included the shock return of another old enemy, one which she first wounded me with in contribution to the NES War (my past sorrow which, sad but true, began on the same day as Raul Julia's funeral): a Listeria attack!

And... as well as that my first Special Champion Edition of my cause would mean my revenge on Carie, there was al-red-y another reason, in favour of creating the Street Fighter mandate: due to certain family reasons at the time, it may not be too many years, before Ken Masters would have to make himself at home under the Christmas tree! Just to be on the safe side, I would request at least one Ken item every year until it was time (my dad -himself a Ken main- actually thanked me for this verdict) - and I would not rule out the possibility, that Ken could thus take center stage for my revenge on Carie.

But as if creating my cause wasn't enough, and yes it is true that I was rescued from my situation by Jay :jay: ... 2015 also saw the release, of another distinguishment: Kylie Minogue at last released a Christmas album! I would since have the standard edition for my 31st birthday, and the deluxe edition (which includes a few additional tracks, plus a bonus disc with the official music videos for some of Kylie's Christmas tunes) come the 2016 Ber Months - but not the Snow Queen Edition reissue released in 2016, as that includes her cover of Wonderful Christmastime by McFartney and the Wings (an ironic choice, I know, considering the wicked DJ who *gasp* publicly bullied me when I was 20).

To mark the release of her Christmas album, Kylie hosted a televised Christmas concert (this was the one which mom defaced) right here in the UK, in Deadeye Month 2015. I simply watched it, and went with the flow - but when Your Disco Needs You started up, for me that cemented about her Christmas album being exclusive to Santa Claude!

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you, I actually first heard Your Disco Needs You in my immediate revenge, against the DJ who bullied me when I was 20 - it was one of the Kylie tunes I had downloaded for me, itself right after the obvious choice at the time, In Your Eyes (which, in a surprise addition to my revenge, I then went on to sing on karaoke when I was 21). Ten years since winning me over, and Your Disco Needs You would help to secure a prominent tradition for the most precious of airings!

While the album is exclusive to Santa Claude... a little airing dress rehearsal (see what I did there?) never hurt anyone, just in case! I would since take advantage, of certain common traditions:

-That the music channels would stream Christmas music videos. Yes, they do show a few of Kylie's Christmas songs - most commonly 100 Degrees (which she duetted with her sister Dannii), Every Day's Like Christmas, and her cover of It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

-The shops playing Christmas music - just last year, I only entered a bargain clothes store, because they were playing Kylie's cover of Santa Baby!

-I had to bring back my old habit, of how I too would enjoy Christmas stuff throughout the year (be honest - who else here does this?) - in particular, Kylie's Christmas songs!

The concert would also be good for practice, obviously. If not entirely (should I watch it entirely, then it's usually in the background while I do morning chores or whatever), then yes I watch it up to Your Disco Needs You.

With regard to Damme well actually using Kylie's Christmas album, thus far I have used it three times:

-The album made its debut in 2016, which yes was confirmed to be the year for Ken Masters - one such gesture, which I made as a favour to Raven, even resulted in my maining Ken in all ports of the standard Street Fighter 2 (the one without the four bosses playable, or at least not Vega in some ports). That's two-and-a-half Ken mains in my family, I obviously being the 'half' - Donut Lord was a Ken main back in the day, albeit not out of sentiment like dad and me...

A few days before Santa Claude's sleigh landed, Kylie hosted a second Christmas concert over here - this one wasn't televised, but clips can be found on YouTube (I avoid the Wonderful Christmastime clip though, yes). Kylie's performance of Your Disco Needs You at this concert did, indeed, further cement about her Christmas album being exclusive to Santa Claude.

-2019 - which saw Ken have to retake his festive spotlight, due to the shock passing of my cat Mel... whose case for the Rainbow Bridge airing security was purrticularly purrsonal to my dad, due to one of the airing days at the time. Ken's festive spotlight was al-red-y assured, in fact just hours after I had the announcement for the airing day in question - but it was just as 'Mel' really, I know!

As 'Mel' as Ken items altogether, it was also in 2019 when I bought the Lego Street Fighter baubles - including a Ken one (which Gran happily funded), Vega, Cammy "
, and a Guile one I bought just hours after learning that yes Santa Claude was coming to town.

My parents were in Egypt (hence Menat also earning a mention, that year!), at the time when I had the big news - so we decked the halls upon their return. I remember explaining to mom, that the news will mean "
My second Special Champion Edition"

-2020. I at last had a new tree of my own, after nearly 17 years (Blinky and Raul proved true the feline version, of Oh Christmas Tree! LOL) - so I could use the Lego Street Fighter baubles et al in my apartment now, as opposed to at my parents' house. Still... where applicable, we'd still use Kylie's Christmas album at my parents' house as well as in my apartment.

As I suspected, the fact that this was while I still had airings coming out of my ears meant, that yes Santa Claude answered our prayers once again. So within just minutes of getting the announcement, early that morning... the Kylie Christmas album was on, and I started hanging the Lego Street Fighter baubles and so on;
as well as that year seeing the debut of the Ryu and Ken 'Bauble Heads' baubles, which arrived on the day after I had the announcement.


After mom's blasphemy to Kylie, yes I obviously had to step up once again - including the Cammy binge, yes in a similar liberty to that which I previously had to grant to Ken. As well as simply Kylie alone, yes there is the matter of precisely why she earned her elevated status for us, in the first place - hence my verdict, that yes I will temporarily (if not permanently) main Cammy should I ever play Street Fighter 6.

In fact, in the immediate revenge against mom's blasphemy... one of my choices for my birthday eBaying was a paperback of the Cammy Gaiden! I know some of the gallery scans (or at least, scans donated to other sites?) are from this, most notably a picture of Vega wearing a tux and carrying a bouquet of roses - so we could also consider my doing so, as another me-style means of giving credit.

Yes, Kylie's Christmas concert became a more permanent fixture - I now always watch it (unless it clashes with an airing, obviously), as opposed to occasionally;
and yes, I still watch it up to Your Disco Needs You if not entirely. One such scheduling last year meant, that I had to stay up past midnight!

But before anyone asks, no this does not mean that Kylie's Infinite Disco livestream is a definite must! I say so because, as an added bonus... it, too, was on TV last Deadeye Month, so yes I watched it.

We are now also in talks, about getting the record of Kylie's Christmas album, as well as to download a 'tweaked' version of the Snow Queen Edition (i.e. without Wonderful Christmastime - but her cover of Night Fever, included on the French release of the Snow Queen Edition, will do) - yes, because (my CDs of) the album debuted for my revenge on Carie, i.e. due to why Ken indeed took center stage for the revenge.

Options are also being considered, for this year's Street Fighter mandate - including that, in case no other options come forward... to print off more pictures of more Street Fighter costumes, as I had in 2019. I want to see Cammy's third Street Fighter 6 costume, before I make a decision on that front - but her SF5 holiday costume is well in consideration, doubly so because its White Mage-like appearance influenced some of my job class verdicts throughout Final Fantasy.

If not for certain commissions rules, I would also gladly accept offers of fanart of Cammy playing with my kitty Jasmine, and maybe with a video of any of Kylie's Christmas songs playing on the TV in the background - even more so, as yes getting justice for Kylie will also mean the debut, for all Santa Claude-exclusive ornaments I have purrchased because of Jasmine. Cammy is, herself, a cat lover;
and note that Jasmine is successor to Yoshimoto (and thus, in turn, she is Raul the 3rd!), whose birthday is the start of our Santa Claude prayers - so, well, there you go!
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptySun Aug 20, 2023 3:49 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Aug 22, 2023 1:43 am

I hope Kylie will give us all a special Christmas this year
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Aug 22, 2023 3:18 am

Biyomon wrote:
I hope Kylie will give us all a special Christmas this year

Ditto! So do you plan to look into getting Kylie's Christmas album, too?

And let's not forget my bootleg DVD and live-recording album, of her 2015 Christmas concert - who cares if it's bootleg, and thus may not work entirely well... again mom's blasphemy pushed me to get this, doubly so as yes it does include her performance of Your Disco Needs You! Whether or not it functions very well, yes it too will debut when I get justice for Kylie.

As always, prayers will officially begin on Yoshimoto's birthday. If he was still with us, he would turn 6 this year - and yes, his second and final birthdays were 'successful', while he was still with us.

Particularly if it's the same channel again, then we'll likely know near the end of Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie Month - from what I've seen with my previous celebrations this year, they update their website with a following month's schedule, near the end of a previous month;
and/or I could get an announcement via one of my other announcement sources. Otherwise, we'll just check the usual sources...
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Aug 22, 2023 3:07 pm

Rest in peace Yoshimoto
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Aug 22, 2023 3:48 pm

Biyomon wrote:
Rest in peace Yoshimoto

Awww thank you Biyomon, he was a sweet kitty. I'm sure he'd love it if his birthday would be successful again, and so I can play Kylie's Christmas album and get our justice for Kylie...
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Aug 22, 2023 6:46 pm

I love Kylie music
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyWed Aug 23, 2023 2:08 am

White Knight wrote:
I love Kylie music

Then if you can get any British channels on your satellite/cable/whatever system, keep an eye on the music channels - especially come the Ber Months! Some channels even start as early as Hsien-Ko Month!


Now, if we wanted to discuss forum banners for when the time comes... then yes, I am open to discussion on the subject. Screencaps of Kylie performing Your Disco Needs You at her Christmas concerts, well yes that goes without saying.

But indeed, the holiday content from Street Fighter 5 -including Cammy's White Mage-like holiday costume- will also do, as would, say, any of the Halloween content if I have airings on or just after Halloween (I did like that Spooky Arena banner we used a few years ago, but out of the two I most like Union Graveyard).

Ken's holiday costume was, itself, released for the 2016 Special Champion Edition of the Street Fighter mandate (when I first used Kylie's Christmas album, and the year Kenfirmed as the year for Ken) - so yes, don't be too surprised if my dad ever picked that costume 0:-)
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyWed Aug 23, 2023 3:43 pm

You might also can catch a few clips on YouTube
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyWed Aug 23, 2023 5:35 pm

Zane wrote:
You might also can catch a few clips on YouTube

Guilty already 😄
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyWed Aug 23, 2023 5:51 pm

Kylie must be a really great singer
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyThu Aug 24, 2023 3:03 am

Jaden wrote:
Kylie must be a really great singer

Damme right she is! But also, hence our use of the word 'Damme'... she received elevated status among us, as she was in the Street Fighter movie!
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyThu Aug 24, 2023 7:14 am

And let's face it, airings (especially in December) are a definition of how people wish it could be Christmas every day - wait a minute, Kylie covered that song too! Here she is performing it, at her 2015 concert:


Another option I have considered, is to binge on the 'dark' element (unless X of any other element catches my eye?) in some games - as a nod to "
Happiness will never last, darkness comes to kick your ass"
in Your Disco Needs You. That line can prove true anyhow, when spamming dark attacks and/or when dark-element persons attack the enemy LOL

Sleeping in the dark is another of my phobias (and indeed another thing which some shitholes severely malhandled...), so yes I must sleep with a light on - but I can handle spamming dark and all, where possible. Heck, in Final Fantasy X2... you have to get Yuna to attack Leblanc with the Darkness Dance (apologies to fans of the Matador's Song skill), before doing anything else for that boss fight.

And the Cammy binge isn't strictly limited to Cammy alone - there's also the matter of her alternate costumes, particularly those in Street Fighter 5. This was why I chose Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, also among my birthday eBaying in the immediate wake of and revenge against mom's blasphemy - Cammy is among those with a Street Fighter EX-themed alternate costume, in her case Blair Dame. But when the binge ends, I'll switch back to my main for that game, Pullum Purna...

Next to Cammy's costume as Fiona (the Haunting Ground protagonist), my votes go to her costume as Jill (from Resident Evil) and her White Mage-like holiday costume - and in turn, certain cheats on the Resident Evil REmake can turn two of Jill's costumes into sparkly disco attire, which again I take advantage of as a nod to Your Disco Needs You.

Oh, and speaking of Final Fantasy... again, there is the 'Locomotion' support skill, in Final Fantasy 9 - and I was especially tempted to give the Final Fantasy X duology another chance, because of...

But before you ask, Yuna's wedding dress being seen in the video is not why I'd pick Marisa's wedding dress costume, in Street Fighter 6! LOL and on Final Fantasy X2, I mostly like the Mascot Dressphere, followed closely by the Gunner.
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyThu Aug 24, 2023 1:20 pm

September will have lots of Kylie events
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyFri Aug 25, 2023 3:21 pm

Alexis wrote:
September will have lots of Kylie events

And with September being Balrog Bashing Month, yes I suppose Bison's torturer punching Balrog counts balrog
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptySat Aug 26, 2023 4:08 am

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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptySun Sep 03, 2023 1:24 pm

As we are now in the Ber Months, everyone please have half a hand on your copy of Kylie's Christmas album, and keep an eye on the music channels on TV. Here's to hoping our efforts can pay off!

And again, yes Zane I am guilty of catching a few clips on YouTube - but please remember that, just as our prayers to Santa Claude 'officially' begin on Yoshimoto's birthday... the 'airing dress rehearsals' (I really couldn't resist that one! LOL) begin, the moment I see the videos for any of Kylie's Christmas tunes being shown on TV. The Christmas music channels typically start up on November 1, if not in Hsien-Ko Month - so be prepared, for that phase of this valuable tradition!
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptySun Sep 03, 2023 5:22 pm

Lots of good traditions to follow and keep around!
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyMon Sep 04, 2023 1:00 pm

Jaden wrote:
Lots of good traditions to follow and keep around!


And yes, many if not all stem from real-life traditions. Among which, it's around this time when theatres begin auditions if not rehearsals for the year's respective pantomime - hence the 'rehearsals' terminology, for when I first see the videos for any of Kylie's Christmas tunes being shown on TV (i.e. when the Christmas music channels start). The music videos are more likely to come first, than the shops playing Christmas music - that is, as again I note that the Christmas music channels now start in Hsien-Ko Month, rather than how I previously noted them starting on November 1.

And I'm sure my family aren't the only ones, who play Christmas music not only for decking the halls (and, very likely, on Christmas Day) - but also other important Christmas gatherings, such as the pre-Christmas lunch breakfast mom used to throw. That, "
, is where Kylie's Christmas album comes in 'where Damme applicable'!
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyMon Sep 04, 2023 9:09 pm

Just hope that it will be a Spanish December month this year
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyMon Sep 04, 2023 11:28 pm

Biyomon wrote:
Just hope that it will be a Spanish December month this year

I think we all hope for that! We need justice for Kylie!
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Sep 05, 2023 2:53 am

Still need lots of prayers for Santa Claude
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyTue Sep 05, 2023 11:57 am

Raven wrote:
Still need lots of prayers for Santa Claude

We sure do! Are you getting your prayers ready, for when they officially begin on Yoshimoto's birthday November 13?
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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptyFri Sep 08, 2023 6:11 am

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'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition   'Kylie Christmas' Santa Claude tradition EmptySun Sep 10, 2023 2:50 pm

I hope the dream I had the other night was a sign! I dreamed that I had an announcement, to say Santa Claude was coming to town, and that his sleigh was due to land on December 18 - yes, I was a tad disappointed that it was only a dream, but please let it be a sign... 🙇
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