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 September is Balrog Bashing Month!

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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyWed Sep 01, 2021 2:17 am

September is Balrog Bashing Month, the month to bash that heartless, twisted boxer who has caused so much trouble with his threat to "
Send Vega straight to a closed casket funeral"
in Street Fighter X Tekken! There are numerous remnants of some of that trouble still lingering in the 'Showcase' folder in the albums, is it possible to delete those?

Unless I have any airing celebrations, the only thing we need to alert for is Jasmine's operation. We'll get a date for that after she has her pre-op today, if not Balrog Bashing Month then it'll likely be in Nightwalker Month at the earliest.


But we're also now in the 'ber' months, so obviously we need to start preparing for Deadeye Month/Spanish Deadeye Month (delete as applicable). The new bargain shop in town already has some of their Halloween stock ready!

The Lego shop is planning to do the baubles again this year, they'll start on that in Nightwalker Month - so if they make more Street Fighter baubles, I'll snap these up. They first did these in 2019, which was just as well really as yes Santa Claude came to town that year - I even picked up one of these baubles, my Guile one, on the day when I had the big news.

If possible, I still need to make a few, let's say second-to-last adjustments to the Street Fighter mandate. We'll still have to wait and see about the Ken as Robin shirt, and about Ultra Street Fighter 2 - but among other hopefuls, there's always a chance I might get Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (which, yes, I particularly want because of the Street Fighter EX costumes in Street Fighter 5) in the meantime.

Until my parents made the decision about the Nintendo Switch, I was actually going to ask them to get me Rival Schools, yes because of Sakura and now also Akira qualifying that game for the Street Fighter mandate - which added to the suspicions of fate, about me getting Rival Schools when I bought my Switch. I suppose, though, I ought to add a few other Capcom games to the list - because of the characters and/or crossover costumes...

But I can tell you, Donut Lord's ex-girlfriend has said she'll have to practice on Street Fighter 5! If we visit her house in my special month, she has promised to set up Street Fighter 5 for me to play - so we might as well have a few rounds, no?

For the Ryu mains here, you can count Donut Lord's ex as one of you - but as for everyone else, she has also expressed particular interest in G's Skullomania costume. If we do visit her in my special month, I'm leaning toward her using Ryu's Mega Man, King Arthur or Kairi costumes - though I wouldn't be surprised if she picks his Halloween costume, it's a Japanese samurai so that would certainly qualify for the Yoshimoto tributes, even more so as it turns out it was she who found Yoshimoto for us (she'd contacted mom with the details, when mom was looking for a new kitten to be Raul's successor).
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyWed Sep 01, 2021 4:23 pm

September today. I have to change the pages I my calendar. This year is going by fast
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyThu Sep 02, 2021 3:59 am

Neo Senshi wrote:
September today. I have to change the pages I my calendar. This year is going by fast

The amount of airings I had may have contributed to that :lol:
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyThu Sep 02, 2021 4:15 pm

One of my fav months. I hate Balrog
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyFri Sep 03, 2021 3:06 am

White Knight wrote:
One of my fav months. I hate Balrog

Tell me about it! How could he say that to Vega??

Monday (September 6) will also be the 6-year anniversary, of when I was scared off from here. A few days or so after that (I've forgotten the exact date), it will also be the anniversary of when we learned the truth about Mel the Ken fan. I would since adapt Mel's villain role in my fics, as him having a harem - I couldn't resist the very idea LOL

September 6 became an even sadder anniversary, with the shock passing of my 7-year-old tabby cat Mel on the four-year anniversary of when I was scared off! Yes, I realise the irony of losing him on that date - but, well, it was the only choice, as I had airings two days after we lost him...
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyFri Sep 03, 2021 5:06 pm

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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptySat Sep 04, 2021 9:14 pm

Balrog ruined the game for us. Hate him well
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptySun Sep 05, 2021 1:28 pm

Raven wrote:
Balrog ruined the game for us. Hate him well

You're telling me! If only that comment -clearly, the ultimate in Vega-hate slurs- hadn't been made, that would have saved so much trouble, including that yes I would have supported certain shipping instead of having to switch on (insert Street Fighter game here) and rip out Balrog's fucking spinal cord every time that shipping was made known. Drawing on from an unpleasant childhood experience, I actually left my Balrog action figure on the bus to Gran's house, when I visited Gran a couple of days after I myself first learned of the comment.

I was even upset with mom, when she coldly responded with "
Oh, but it's only a game!"
when I first showed her Balrog's wicked comment - but she retracted her statement and apologised, when after one ruined airing I explained to her how upsetting Balrog's comment was for all of us as well as me. The point of Blinky being taken ill immediately after we started hating Balrog was indeed another warning sign, not least considering Blinky was a very sweet, very special cat 0:-)

...Sorry if I seem a bit harsh or under the weather, but... among other things, I'm also pissed at Donut Lord. As well as his evil in general, I've learned he's still up to his evil ways in hacking - he's hacked peoples' phones, including that of his lovely ex-girlfriend and possibly my parents' phones (if not mine, as well?)... and even as he stays away from my parents' house (they've made clear, he's not welcome there when he's being so horrible to us!), he's clearly out to start fights with just about anyone, seeking any wicked excuse to do so. My parents can't even shout on the rooftops including to make Facebook posts about being grandparents (and I, about being an auntie!), knowing Donut Lord would grumble about that!

Other than a jail term (and I'm surprised Donut Lord hasn't actually earned one of these, with his criminal ways yes including the hate crime names he called me), it seems there's only one way my parents can proudly declare their status as grandparents - and, well, I'll at least grant Donut Lord the small mercy of hoping it doesn't happen on an airing day, or within a final countdown...

Because of Donut Lord's hacking career, I'd probably ask a certain someone here to step in and come to that rescue... but would that be possible...?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptySun Sep 05, 2021 8:44 pm

Also, to add insult to injury... I just woke up from what would be every cat lover's worst nightmare, it ended with these tiny kittens being crushed in a dump truck, screaming and crying as they were dragged further to their doom. I don't think I'll ever forget those terrified faces as long as I live... :bowsercry:
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 12:34 am

What an awful nightmare. Hope it won't happen again
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyMon Sep 06, 2021 1:43 am

Neo Senshi wrote:
What an awful nightmare. Hope it won't happen again

I hope so too. But... I blame it on why I have been so upset yesterday... :bowsercry:
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 4:41 pm

Gosh what a terrible nightmare. Hope you are okay.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 6:22 pm

Biyomon wrote:
Gosh what a terrible nightmare. Hope you are okay.

Thank you for your concern. I'm feeling a little better, but one would feel sorry for those poor kittens no?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyThu Sep 09, 2021 4:10 pm

Spca have to deal with that in real life unfortunately
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyThu Sep 09, 2021 4:13 pm

Kisara wrote:
Spca have to deal with that in real life unfortunately

I know - I do sometimes have the odd animal rescue show on TV, like when I do morning chores or take a bath...
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyFri Sep 10, 2021 12:39 am

Poor princess. I wish there was a way to prevent all nightmares
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyFri Sep 10, 2021 5:48 am

White Knight wrote:
Poor princess. I wish there was a way to prevent all nightmares

Awwww thanks Lemmy, I wish so too...

But good news for those looking forward to my Nemesis rubber duck - he's here! Let's hope he can make his Halloween debut this year, right?
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyTue Sep 14, 2021 9:59 am

And more shops are starting on their Christmas and/or Halloween stock, so yes I've made a start on prepping for both - particularly Halloween, as the only Christmas candy I like thus far is the chocolate coins (no sign of those Advent calendars with the Nativity Story on them, yet!). I may pick up a few when I do my grocery shopping.

Mom is also proud of me, for my efforts to keep Christ in CHRISTmas. She's not too happy about Christmas being commercialised, which is understandable - however, I told her about my efforts, and she likes it very much. Even the Street Fighter mandate, in its way, represents for me about the 'goodwill to all men' value.

I still need to get a set of Nativity figurines, to go with the children's-book Nativity scene I bought last year - the cardboard figurines with it do sometimes fall over -_- . Hmmm... perhaps I can talk to mom, about taking me to that Christmas warehouse we called at last year?

But unless I have any airings or a final countdown on Halloween (naturally, we'll know closer to the time), yes I can join my parents for that. Like last year, we'll have my sister-in-law and my niece over for Halloween dinner - I've even been twisting mom's arm to make the bat burgers again LOL, though the green slime biscuits are still debatable. We're also still debating on an infant-friendly Halloween movie, hell we'd even put on The Nightmare Before Christmas if we so wish.

But with more restrictions being lifted, there's a good chance we'll get to see trick-or-treaters this year! Yes, as always I myself will dress up for Halloween;
and this year, so will my niece and my sister-in-law. But if another lockdown is enforced, and trick-or-treating is not allowed (it was understandably not allowed last year)... then I guess we can have the Halloween candy I buy, for dessert?
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyThu Sep 16, 2021 12:01 am

More shops are getting ready for Deadeye month and Santa Claude!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptySat Sep 18, 2021 2:54 am

White Knight wrote:
More shops are getting ready for Deadeye month and Santa Claude!

You're telling me! Again, though, there's still no guarantee about Santa Claude - but remember to be alert at all times, when prayers 'officially' begin on Yoshimoto's birthday.

But even before that, yes I'm still practicing one or two of Kylie's Christmas tunes just in case. The Christmas music videos slip in a Kylie tune or two as well, when they start up usually on November 1 (i.e. after Nightwalker Month -and Halloween, with it- ends, it's time to prepare for the festive figures we know and love), so those would also help with the practice.

I've had a slight change of plan over the Christmas warehouse visit, though - the Nativity figurines mom has are actually mine, Gran bought them for me when I was a child (I think in one or two Deadeye Months before, or the one a year after I became a Bucky O'Hare fan) after Grandpa Ken found them and told Gran to get them for me. So I asked mom... and she was more than happy to let me have them back, she was not angry in the slightest about my request and I'm sure she'll get her own.

The main reason for my request being, I still haven't found Ultra Street Fighter 2 in my local shops - so I want to see if I can find it in another town I visit, and obviously I need a stock of gold coins to get it and/or anything else I like, and of course any more Christmas stuff for my family (mom quite likes the idea of the crackers with chocolate instead of party hats, which I bought while doing my grocery shopping). If I find it in the next couple of months, then my parents will owe me for it since it's to be for the Street Fighter mandate - otherwise, the decision to EBay for it as we begin our prayers to Santa Claude still remains.
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptySun Sep 19, 2021 5:37 am

Hope there will be more better items in the shops soon
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptySun Sep 19, 2021 1:33 pm

Mod Soul wrote:
Hope there will be more better items in the shops soon

I hope so too 0:-)

Sadly though, mom strongly implies that she would still break Ibuki's Law, were I upset at Christmas. Shame, I know!
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyMon Sep 20, 2021 7:36 am

And in case anyone wants more of my festive pearls of wisdom, well I usually (if not always) put my tree up on November 1 - when the ghosts leave the day before, or even in the early hours of November 1... it's now "
Keep the change, ya filthy animal!"
(or "
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal - and a happy New Year!"
, if you like) season!

The Christmas music videos on TV usually start up on November 1, as well - so I take advantage of this, as my family usually plays Christmas music when decking the halls (the only exception being, mom was watching The Greatest Showman while I decorated her tree in 2018). They do slip in a Kylie tune or two, usually Most Wonderful Time of the Year but last year we also had Every Day's Like Christmas - so this also helps with my 'practice', in case Santa Claude comes to town.

Except whenever we had to use Kylie Minogue's Christmas album (or of course her regular albums in Spanish Deadeye Months 2007 and 2012;
she released her Christmas album in 2015), my parents had to settle with the Christmas music videos for years, and/or on occasion the Christmas music CDs which I would buy for them - but after dusting out the old record player, and dad getting some speaker device or something for it, we can resume using our old Christmas music record if Santa Claude isn't coming to town. I've even seen the old record on EBay, if anyone's interested.

If I don't have any airings imminent at that time, well I do have one Christmas sweater which I bought while out shopping on November 1 2019, the day when we had Crystal put down: a Legend of Zelda Christmas sweater! As well as my being a Zelda fan, yes I bought that sweater for the impending Crystal tributes, in this case bearing in mind Crystal was Zelda's successor.

Otherwise, well yes the Street Fighter Christmas sweaters would already be lined up in Nightwalker Month. I realise the Blanka VS Bison sweater -which I had worn for seeing the Coca Cola truck, while in the process of my revenge on Carie- will likely be a popular choice this year, no?

Oh, and good news for any Freddo chocolate fans! You can now get Christmas crackers with Freddo chocolate (or a Curly Wurly) in them, instead of party hats! I have a box of these, and I may get more to go on my tree;
though I may still get the traditional crackers as well, if I find any with a decent enough design and contents.

I told my parents about these - and they are both keen, as they have both noted about the hats being rather naff, also my dad enjoys Freddo and Curly Wurly. So I will have to buy them three packs as the crackers come in packs of four, so everyone at their Christmas dinner -my parents, Gran, my uncle Grahame, my sister-in-law and my niece- can have two crackers each at the table.
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyMon Sep 20, 2021 8:26 pm

I love chocolate. Those boxes of treats sound delicious
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September is Balrog Bashing Month! Empty
PostSubject: Re: September is Balrog Bashing Month!   September is Balrog Bashing Month! EmptyMon Sep 20, 2021 9:50 pm

Raven wrote:
I love chocolate. Those boxes of treats sound delicious

Well, they're doing it right. I'm guessing these companies know what treats to serve up for Christmas, no?

And there are two new costumes being released for Street Fighter 5, today! Rose is getting a costume as Ruby Heart (the pirate from Marvel VS Capcom 2), and Akuma is getting his classic Cyber Akuma look.
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