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 For all returning friends re: Jasmine

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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptyFri Jun 07, 2024 7:58 am

For all my dear friends returning here (e.g. Black Star and Phoenix)... I don't know if Raven told you, and/or if you read my posts (if any of you lurked and all), checked the Question the Fighters et cetera... but we have had to say goodbye to my cat Yoshimoto. He took ill during the last dregs of the you-know what, exhibiting the same symptoms as previously exhibited by my past cat Willow - and yes, we had to be especially alert, as this was while I still had airings coming out of my ears; and indeed even more so, yes as he was successor to my cat Raul. We couldn't risk a potential "Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Farrell's successor" meme dominating the World Wide Web - just as we successfully prevented "Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Farrell" three years earlier (better that we lost Raul yes on, I kid you not, the one-year anniversary of my revenge on Carie, than, well, being forced to restart my revenge all over again), even more so because Raul had cancer just like Raul Julia!

Mom only vetted him on May 6 2021, after he started showing signs of what appeared to be Pica - and I did give my consent if Ryu had to dedicate his fight to him that day, as my then-next airing day was May 11 and the final countdown May 10. But the vet's verdict came as a surprise to us: in a first for my family, at 3 years old they felt he deserved a chance, so they asked us to sign him over and surrender him. They found a charity who was willing to take him in and try various different remedies, and if successful he would be rehomed.

Two days after the last of those countless airings, I had the good news and bad news on everyone's minds. Purely by chance, I found the charity who took in Yoshimoto, he was alive and thriving in his new home... but he was in fact terminally ill, with kidney failure (which has since also sadly claimed Jay's 16-/17-year-old dog, Miss Bardot, on March 27 this year). He lost his battle on July 30 2021, just 29 days after I found the charity.


But yes, we have welcomed Yoshimoto's successor - and after five boys, the Street Fighter Queen finally has a daughter!! Two days after we surrendered Yoshimoto, my parents drove up to Liverpool, to look at and place an order for a beautiful lavender ragdoll baby girl for me! She was still too young to be homed at the time, so, as if in a sign from Heaven... I had her on the Dennis Hopper anniversary.

I respected mom's insistence on a princess name, preferably after a Disney Princess - but like with Thunder (named after T Hawk, on account of Black Star -then still using her 'Cherokee' moniker- being so kind as to start that prayer post for my cat Mel), airing tradition required my kitty to have a Capcom name! So, thanks to the Capcom-Disney collab... we met in the middle, and I accepted mom's suggestion to name her Jasmine.

If Raven is reading... then did you save the pictures of Jasmine on your phone, computer etc.? If so, then please post them here, for Black Star et al to see.

The Capcom-Disney collab, along with that some Street Fighter movie cast members have Disney roles, had already affected some choices including airings and especially Santa Claude - but after we welcomed little Jasmine, I figured y'all would expect me, petition me even, to increase that. Sephiroth, no doubt, would likely convince me to give the first two Kingdom Hearts games another shot, and resolve where I got stuck on those - but rest assured, there was no problem whatsoever in Agrabah (the Aladdin world).

So I did, and then some! I mean, who doesn't love Disney, right? I wouldn't be surprised if, for obvious reasons, Sephiroth started watching Disney!

Heck, if Crystal was still around... then she'd make a convincing Duchess, in a live-action Aristocats remake - and Thunder would make a convincing O'Malley, and Jasmine as Marie!


Unfortunately... I'm sure you are also very aware that, on *gasp* Christmas Day 2021... mom paused the TV while I was watching Kylie Minogue's televised 2015 Christmas concert, and Kylie was just minutes away from singing Your Disco Needs You - even threatening to pause while Kylie sings Your Disco Needs You, if she so had to. Needless to say, I am never spending Christmas with my family again - and I want revenge! How dare mom do that to me, especially when everyone knows so 'Damme' well why Kylie is important to us!

Considering the delicate nature of what mom did... I would happily accept it, if any of you petitioned me to use Kylie's Christmas album -the very reason why Kylie hosted her Christmas concerts, in the first place- for decking my halls. Believe me, dears, I would gladly accept that petition - really, I would.

There's just one cat-ch (pun intended, since Cammy is a cat lover!): especially because Kylie performed Your Disco Needs You at both of her Christmas concerts, I only use her Christmas album whenever Santa Claude comes to town. So... there's no way around it! I will thus have to Cammy binge until the time comes, and -unless Vega is brought back- yes this may affect if I ever play Street Fighter 6, as well as that yes it will affect the Street Fighter mandate for the time being.

Getting #Justice4Kylie will also be good news for the Jasmine fans here, as it will mean the debut for all Santa Claude-exclusive ornaments I have purrchased since if not because of Jasmine. Expect umpteen Princess Jasmine ornaments on my tree and/or on my shelves with other decorations, starting when I have my revenge!
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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: Re: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptyFri Jun 07, 2024 1:26 pm

And that's a reason why people like Disney
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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: Re: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptyFri Jun 07, 2024 5:23 pm

Poor Yoshimoto. Rest in peace
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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: Re: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptyFri Jun 07, 2024 5:33 pm

Rest in Peace Yoshimoto
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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: Re: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptyFri Jun 07, 2024 8:43 pm

I am happy that all our friends are back again
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: Re: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptyFri Jun 07, 2024 11:22 pm

Thank you very, very much Phoenix and Rainbow.

Yoshimoto's birthday November 13 is still the start of our prayers to Santa Claude, naturally. As well as the timing of his birth, yes the point of him being Raul's successor means that he was the end result of when I sadly so soon gained an opportunity, to set the example I wanted to with the events resulting in my creation of the Street Fighter mandate.

While he was still alive, his second and third/final birthdays proved 'successful' - i.e. for Santa Claude's 2019 and 2020 visits respectively, while I had airings coming out of my ears. We know of Santa Claude's 2019 visit - please note that, obviously at this point... Princess Jasmine was not on the priority list, with regard to the Disney Christmas ornaments I bought that year. That gold medal went to Mulan and her dragon Mushu.

A handful of 'firebreak' lockdowns over here in the 2020 Ber Months weren't too much of a problem, though some peeps protested against some of the rules set in place (one such protest went viral!) - but I still had oh-so-frequent airings, which, like with 2019, put us on high alert at this time of year! Our suspicions were confirmed just after Yoshimoto's birthday, when we learned that Santa Claude's sleigh would land on December 1 that year.


Thunder (who had his 'operation' on the three-year anniversary of my revenge on Carie!) absolutely dotes on Jasmine! A week or so ahead of my having her, he did start to show signs of pining for Yoshimoto; and when we had her, at first he was a little suspicious, and tried to (I kid you not) Hundred Hand Slap her - but mom stopped him; and after a few days, they were playing together. He now licks her forehead, whenever I lift her up to him!

And yes, we have had Jasmine snipped, and she had the Cone of Shame for it. But in another first for us, Jasmine did not even try to lick the wound - she was more concerned with having a wash, and eating her food now she was home! All cats in my family get snipped, we're not licensed breeders - and either Jasmine was given some really good painkillers, and/or she could tolerate the surgery better than some of our other cats!

I am still looking for a few more of Capcom's Disney games, and yes I am looking for a few Disney Halloween decorations as well as Halloween ones - if possible, I'd say some of the Heartless throughout the Kingdom Hearts franchise have Halloween potential (and I'm not just talking about my favourite Heartless, the Nightwalker!)...
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Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy Koopa

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For all returning friends re: Jasmine Empty
PostSubject: Re: For all returning friends re: Jasmine   For all returning friends re: Jasmine EmptySat Jun 08, 2024 1:25 am

Welcome back all friends
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