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 June is Bully Koopa month

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Anna Nytelikethis
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 2:59 am

When you have to deal with a bad teacher growing up it can scar you. Likewise if you grew up with a good mentor then it can help you make the right choicesl
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 3:35 am

Raven wrote:
That evil teacher should be fired and never allowed to work again

Amen, sister - especially with him now being *gasp* the principal! I dread to think what he could do now - hateful, prejudiced scum like him have left me scarred for life, you know...

He didn't use corporal punishment (that's illegal - and now spanking is illegal in my region!), but he did physically abuse me especially when I was placed in his clASS, and he did threaten to "Give you something to yell about" which could have hinted that he may have wanted to spank me. God help us, though, if he ever opted to encourage certain NSFW behaviour...

But I have done a little research, and some of my teacher's actions could earn him a criminal record - as well as the physical abuse, he could get done for theft, for telling one student to bring in his entire music collection so he could confiscate it!

Seriously, though! If the law is so adamant about education and stuff... then why don't they get off of their rear ends, and enforce anti-bullying laws?? Grrr, I know...

Another thing with Donut Lord, there was a rather shocking attack by him three days before the Mute For Coal Incident. I casually went over to my parents' house, on my way to going into town... and Donut Lord was angrily talking on the phone to mom, including, as soon as he saw me... to call me one of the same names as some of my enemies have called me! As soon as he ended the call, I confronted him about this... only for him to go on a cruel tirade, which would get my enemies pestering him for an autograph! I thus called him a "F***ing scrooge" (i.e. the 'scrooge' part being because, he insulted me in my special month - a Spanish Deadeye Month, no less), and thankfully he eventually stormed out of the house... but obviously I was deeply scarred and hurt, and so very visibly shaken.

I phoned my dad (I worried what mom may think, if I phoned her about what happened - i.e. as Donut Lord was on the phone with her, when I arrived...)... and he was very sympathetic, agreeing to phone Donut Lord and tell him off - he also agreed, that yes I should take Donut Lord's Christmas present back to the shop and get a refund. However, when he phoned Donut Lord and told him "You don't ever talk like that to anyone, especially your own sister!"... he said that Donut Lord cut the phone call...

I only sold back the game I'd gotten for Donut Lord, but I kept the goodies that came with it, and I splashed out on a little retail therapy. But yes... I still remained blissfully unaware, of the impending doom just three days later...

My family was once a bit dangerously 'old-fashioned', to put it politely, in-between happy moments... but again, I opened their eyes as needed and frequently proved true "Handsome fighters never lose battles", especially after I heard about Raul Julia. We really don't like nasty people - mom herself verbally handed two of my bullies' @$$es to them, when she caught them bullying me on a bus!

Heck, even that 'Which Van Damme character are you?' personality quiz said that anyone who is like Guile is because "You're a force for good in the world, you're cool under pressure, and you don't tolerate bad people" - nice one!

They would still initially immediately handle things a little badly, were I upset at Christmas, and that too broke my heart - as indeed proven, by their lethal immediate response to the Mute For Coal Incident. Some 'goodwill to all men', I know (!).

But only much later, do they come to their senses - like when mom had to book me at the hospital in Liverpool, after I chipped that second tooth. Just yesterday, I told mom about Kylie Minogue actually saying, I kid you not, "I'm not ready to hit the pause button just yet" - very interesting comment coming from Kylie, don't you guys think?

Mina wrote:
When you have to deal with a bad teacher growing up it can scar you. Likewise if you grew up with a good mentor then it can help you make the right choicesl

Precisely another point, Mina! Comments along the lines of "And we all love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and their loving sensei Master Splinter" in 3... 2... 1...

Some of my teachers were good, and sadly Ryu has had to dedicate his fight to the one really good teacher I had. It was actually from that really good teacher, how I got my own pun habit lol!

But I thank my friends for your own support, and appreciation of my efforts. Also in part because of my negative experience, I prefer to set my own trademark better example - and I'm proud of it!
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 5:29 am

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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 12:28 pm

My parents also fight for me where needed, as indeed proven by mom issuing a complaint against the bitch at the bus stop, and their berating Donut Lord when his evil started to become very, very real in fact during the you-know-what - among which, around when Yoshimoto was taken ill, Donut Lord barged into my apartment and was really horrible to me, and ohhhh my parents were pissed at him for that! When I phoned mom to alert her of this, after Donut Lord left... she had to cut the phone call, when Donut Lord arrived home from his attack on my person!

And, when we had to deal with all the legalities regarding my broken leg (I was KO'ed by a speeding 4x4, when I was 17)... mom flipped off the suggestions for me to see a shrink, due to my negative experiences with their unkind and, I am sad to say, my being a victim of certain outdated, nasty hate crime. Eeeeewwww, not happening!

Also, Gran thinks the anti-Jay group are 'inadequate'! Nice one, Gran!
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PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 12:47 pm

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PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 1:58 pm

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 2:15 pm

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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 2:43 pm

Pikachu wrote:

Pikachu! How's it going? June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 1f63a

...I said it like that, in reference to this:
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 3:54 pm

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 4:02 pm

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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 5:29 am

I think, though, my family is hoping that we can find Donut Lord? The last time we saw him, he called at my parents' house and tried to apologise - but my parents could not forgive him (at the time, he had just been nasty to Gran) and so told him to go away, and so, as a crude punishment he kicked one of the wheels on mom's car (i.e. with the intent to purposely damage the car)! Thankfully, no damage was done, when mom checked the car after he left.

Gran sees him sometimes, when he goes to check on a car he keeps on her drive (for some reason, he legally cannot drive that car?)... but despite him saying he'll come back once he gets a part he needs, it may be months before Gran sees him again. He doesn't even bother speaking with her, or going in for a coffee or something - he just wants to check that damn car.

I doubt he'll ever change his hateful ways, especially toward me, if we did find him - sick, I know. And because he's a rather nasty hacker, I fear him potentially hacking any of my devices - mom feels pretty sure that he wouldn't, but it does scare me. Yes, I've even contemplated asking Kunzite to help.

So, whenever Donut Lord and every other inadequate who has wronged me look in a mirror... then I want Raul Julia's and Dennis Hopper's faces to pop up and haunt them, and in the case of this year perhaps Miss Bardot may join in too!
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Black Star

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 6:08 am

And you can get some help from the Boos
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 6:56 am

Black Star wrote:
And you can get some help from the Boos

I know Lemmy will make sure of it June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 1f63a
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 1:59 pm

I once had a broken wrist and it took me a long time to heal
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 3:23 pm

Jaden wrote:
I once had a broken wrist and it took me a long time to heal

Ouuuuch, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you were treated at a respectable hospital for it.

But apart from one or two medical negligences, overall I was treated well with my leg. I mean, patients are people, not medical experiments - thank god mom told them where to stick the suggestions for me to see a shrink!

Heck, a rabbit site I once visited wrote about crew member Willy DuWitt being institutionalised, I felt so sorry for the character what with the hate crime bullying I've faced; as well as my, ahem, righteous indignation at them writing about destroying the Righteous Indignation and replacing her with a cheap, Toad-built copy. Some people have no manners!
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 8:36 pm

They had better treat you well or they won't be doing their job
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 12:32 am

JigglyP wrote:
They had better treat you well or they won't be doing their job

I concur! One of my teeth is slightly chipped, though not to warning levels - but if it goes, mom will book me at Liverpool again. The Damme obvious aside about my crappy local hospital (where the Mute For Coal Incident occurred), who'd wanna reunite with a nurse who wronged you on *gasp* Christmas Eve?

Zane wrote:
Hopefully the ads can be removed in the future and maybe the domain name can be bought back as there are lots of people that I've lost contact with. I just found out that a moderator is not the same as an admin as their are lots of things I can't access. Thanks to everyone that have decided to come back.

Is it possible for any forum's crown heads (i.e. moderators and admins) to change their position from one to the other, via... whatever it is, on a forum? I apologise if that doesn't help, but... I'm guessing moderators can't, like, edit/delete...

I myself adminned on another old member's forum, after he gave me the position (much to my surprise, I know!) - but that forum has long gone. I won't lie, I was uneasy that he used a Vega-hate post as a 'test subject' (for lack of a better term) for something to delete - but I forgive him!
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Limey Man
Limey Man

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 2:59 am

Not many people like going for medical care unless they have no choice
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 4:02 am

Limey Man wrote:
Not many people like going for medical care unless they have no choice

True, but again overall I have usually been in good hands for such situations, and either or both of my parents will accompany me and enforce my safety - that, and if one is having surgery, then yes it's typically recommended that she arranges some form of transport (i.e. because of the anesthetic and all). My own negative experiences aside, WTF happened to the Hippocratic oath - aren't medical professionals supposed to look after their patients??
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 12:07 pm

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Green Ninja
Green Ninja

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 18, 2024 8:47 pm

Limey Man wrote:
Not many people like going for medical care unless they have no choice

Very true for me.
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 12:14 am

Green Ninja wrote:
Limey Man wrote:
Not many people like going for medical care unless they have no choice

Very true for me.

Do you at least have good doctors/dentists?

And of course, I think certain hate crime comments may put people off, as well as needles alone. Again, while dealing with all of the legalities following my broken leg, mom soundly flipped off the suggestions for me to see a shrink!

The fact that I had two of my worst needles done in two past Deadeye Months kind of added to my concerns, as well - ohhhh, I bet Santa distributed plenty of coal, across the health and education boards in the respective years!
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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 12:21 am

That is terrible so terrible
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Anna Nytelikethis
Anna Nytelikethis

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 1:18 am

JigglyP wrote:
That is terrible so terrible

I know you mean, about the needles I had done in two Deadeye Months - so precisely! When it comes to setting my trademark example, I pride myself on that I feel I make a more genuine effort about Christmas - "The time to show kindness to all as well as presents", in Phoenix's own words!

Despite my family's disturbing lack of goodwill to all men, were I upset as we celebrate His birth... my special month -later on, if not therein- is no exception, to when mom would come to my rescue.

Heck, don't forget I had to spend an entire Deadeye Month -Christmas and my own birthday included- looking after my cat Raul! Because his sickness lasted into a Deadeye Month, 'from experience' I panicked - forcing my parents to reassure me otherwise!
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Arcadia Demon

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June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: June is Bully Koopa month   June is Bully Koopa month - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 12:09 pm

June feels like July. The weather has gotten too hot and humid for me
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