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 Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D Empty
PostSubject: Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D   Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D EmptyThu Aug 24, 2023 11:26 am

Well, for a while, I just can't get that title out of my head (ha, ha) - especially now!

For those who don't get it, Padam Padam is one of the songs from Kylie's new album Tension - it was even played at the same toy store, where I found that Street Fighter arcade machine.

One woman was singing the song on karaoke... when a pigeon flew into the pub where she was singing, prompting her to sing "
Pigeon! Pigeon!"
instead of "
Padam Padam"
- Kylie herself soon learned of this, and has given her blessing and shared the video.

Gran actually wants to get me Tension, among my Christmas and/or birthday presents... and so we were in talks about sorting that out, during my parents' vacation (Tension will be released, while my parents are on vacation next month). That'll be the second time she's getting me an album - she bought me Europe's album Walk The Earth, as an airing gift for my last celebration with my cat Raul.

But now... oh my stars, I can see my friends here rushing to get Tension, especially because of it being released on an airing day! If not in a store, would you order it online?

I have told both Kylie and dear :jay: about this, and Jay has given his own blessing - and yes, I've given the channel (it's the same one again :-)) a heads-up as well, and I've asked if they plan to summon Santa Claude this year.

I can just see "
Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know"
going viral - and yes, I am considering writing down a full song, obviously changing the Padam Padam lyrics to something Street Fighter-themed...
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Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D   Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D EmptyThu Aug 24, 2023 1:21 pm

Everything is going Van Damme!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D   Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D EmptySun Aug 27, 2023 6:27 am

Alexis wrote:
Everything is going Van Damme!

You're telling me!

And I have again spoken with Gran, with regard to her wish to buy Tension for me - we've agreed that she will get me one of the special editions, so I'll take care of the rest. No guarantees, though, if I'll get it for a Special Champion Edition (i.e. a Street Fighter mandate which includes Santa Claude)...

So... would anyone actually like me to write "
Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know!"
as a full song, again obviously to the tune of Padam Padam? You don't have to say yes, you don't have to say no - I am open to discussion on this. But given the circumstances, I wouldn't be surprised if you agree...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D   Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D EmptyMon Aug 28, 2023 5:02 am

Jean Claude Van Damme it!
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Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D   Van Damme, Van Damme, I hear it and I know :-D Empty

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