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 December 16 = Tekken Day?

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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyTue Apr 11, 2023 2:23 pm

Because of our hate for Balrog... then should we mark December 16, as the anniversary of when I officially redeemed Nina, Heihachi and other Tekken characters for their involvement in the dreaded Street Fighter X Tekken?


When I felt sick, from mom's blasphemy toward the white Greek dress... I instead opted to do a spot of birthday eBaying, instead of going birthday shopping for my 35th. As well as following the Street Fighter mandate, in this case volume 3 of the Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki paperback (i.e. as Ibuki earned a festive mention that year)... I also picked out Death By Degrees, a Tekken spinoff starring Nina Williams. I finally opted to give it another chance, after I previously lost confidence on the first sniping mission LOL

When the game arrived, and I reached that sniping mission... confidence was restored, and I would prep the game for future reference. But, I also thought about it... and I felt completing the game would officially redeem Nina, Heihachi (who can be selected as an optional final boss, if conditions are met) and other Tekken characters, who suffered great shame by being in the filth that is Street Fighter X Tekken. Much as we feel sorry for our Street Fighter heroes, there was still the matter of peace of mind on the Tekken front - so there you go.

And what could be a more fitting time to carry out that redemption... than when I next had airings in my special month? It only felt right, what with my strong festive views - though Death By Degrees wouldn't be the first choice for the achievements, as I already had something else in mind.

As I suspected, the point that I then still had airings coming out of my ears meant, that yes I could once again use Kylie's Christmas album in 2020 - I would indeed have another Spanish Deadeye Month that year! Santa Claude had answered our prayers, once again!

I did eventually get down to working on Death By Degrees, and I completed it on December 16 that year... so I felt Nina, Heihachi et al had finally been redeemed. So should December 16 be another key date in our calendar, as Tekken Day... so we can celebrate their redemption, and if you like the Tekken franchise in general?

After thinking about it further, I even opted to main Nina throughout the Tekken franchise - unless Angel is playable, I always pick Angel because of her own white Greek dress. The point of both Nina and Angel having Princess Zelda costumes in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is certainly a bonus!

It was pretty good on the Tekken front last year, most notably my getting Tekken 2 (Angel's debut game) along with those Final Fantasy games I had for my airings in Balrog Bashing Month.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyTue Apr 11, 2023 9:39 pm

Mark that date. It is important
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyWed Apr 12, 2023 1:28 am

Mod Soul wrote:
Mark that date. It is important

Oh bless you, Mod Soul O:-) I had to raise the question first, in case the verdict was a no... but thank you...

In fact, it's just as well you agreed - today (April 12) is the anniversary of when Ryu had to dedicate his fight to my cat Blinky. Blinky was the first of my four Persian cats, and I might add the sweetest cat I ever had... but may I remind you, he took ill immediately after we learned of the Street Fighter X Tekken thing, indeed making Balrog's comment all the more painful for me and, yes, adding to my opposition of Vega X Balrog shipping. Even Soma said himself, that "
Blinky does look really skinny so I can understand your mom's decision"
, when I showed him Blinky's final pictures.

His successor, Mel (the one I lost in Balrog Bashing Month 2019), turns out to have been born two days before we learned of the Street Fighter X Tekken thing. I think kittens are ready to be homed usually at six to eight weeks, and Mel was precisely six weeks when I had him - and oh my stars, Raul absolutely doted on the kitten...


And yes, my mainship of Nina is, indeed, because of the character's aforementioned comforting role, in yet another negative Christmas with my family. I thank my friends here, who have shown support and understanding over past negative Christmases even before the Mute For Coal Incident - and I wouldn't be surprised, if anyone else here starts maining Nina for this same reason, whether or not of course as a second choice under my overall main Angel...

With regard to the costume choices, on Death By Degrees... hands down, it's gotta be Nina's Tekken 2 costume. For that same reason, yes I would have picked that costume for Nina on Tekken 2 itself, again if not for Angel's debut.

And, if not for Balrog ruining Street Fighter X Tekken... yes, Nina would have been my tag partner on that, obviously under Vega taking the lead. I had previously considered M Bison, on account of the game being released on (I kid you not) Raul Julia's birthday actually - but both on account of Nina's festive association, and in case anyone asks were I to pick fighters from both the Street Fighter and the Tekken sides, well there you go.
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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyWed Apr 12, 2023 3:29 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyThu Apr 13, 2023 2:34 pm

I bought Tekken 5 today, I had to sell previous copies for food or whatever... but with you guys accepting my offer for December 16 to be Tekken Day, I only felt right.

I can tell you, Nina is in this one so yes I will be her. Angel isn't in this, I think she's only in Tekken 2 and the Tag Tournament duology.

My evil brother Donut Lord has previously admitted, he was an Eddy Gordo main back in the day. I'm guessing that, like with other characters he mained (including Ken in the Street Fighter franchise, before anyone asks)... he simply picked Eddy, and had gotten used to playing as him? If only he wasn't such an asshole to my family, I'd ask him what made him choose each character in particular...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyThu Apr 13, 2023 7:17 pm

I love Tekken games
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyFri Apr 14, 2023 2:13 am

Jaden wrote:
I love Tekken games

Who do you main on them, if you don't mind me asking?

And if Tekken Day was made into a real thing, instead of just being between us... then I can see it being a big deal for Namco-Bandai, like special Tekken deals and all. Like how Mario Day has certainly caught on even for Nintendo themselves, y'know?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyFri Apr 14, 2023 7:15 pm

Right now December sounds like a long time away
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 15, 2023 12:35 am

Kisara wrote:
Right now December sounds like a long time away

True, but please remember that, my birthday aside... what they say about my special month being a time for 'goodwill to all men' is another thing I take very, very seriously, to the point of my increased intolerance of anyone pissing me off therein. Even Soma had his stint as my Facebook bodyguard, because a me-hate post on *gasp* Christmas Day 2011 sure hit my berserk button...

And again, there was also the matter of 'officially' redeeming the Tekken characters who were in Street Fighter X Tekken. That game has caused so much trouble, so I knew my friends might want peace of mind for the Tekken side. I even took my Nina and Heihachi Funkos out of storage, and washed them yesterday... before letting them dry overnight, and putting them on display this morning. I'm debating on that King Funko I saw in town, purrticularly as he too is on the redemption list (i.e. as well as him being in Street Fighter X Tekken, Cammy has a costume as him)... but no promises...

Now, I know what you're thin-King! Bearing in mind Pac-Man is in Street Fighter X Tekken, I can tell you he appears in one Tekken 5 stage as well, and there's the Pac-Man Arena stage in Tekken 7.

The 'redemption' decision applied not just to the fighters playable in Street Fighter X Tekken, but the 'swap costume' system as well - it only feels fair to those characters too, y'know?

Yes, even Angel was on the redemption list - she's Rufus's swap costume. And I had Sagat wear his Dragunov costume (those epaulettes decided it...), for a certain evil wedding in my fics...
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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 15, 2023 4:06 am

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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 15, 2023 4:43 am

Also, I found a couple of my old Princess Zelda backpack hangers, while taking Heihachi and Nina out of storage... and I put one of them on Nina, because of her Princess Zelda costume. It only feels right, y'know?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 15, 2023 5:03 am

This December better be a Spanish Deadeye month
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 15, 2023 5:21 am

White Knight wrote:
This December better be a Spanish Deadeye month

I'm hoping for it, and yes if possible I may slip in a Tekken game or two among the pre-airing gaming achievements. It's little over half a year, since my last celebration...

Oh yes, and speaking of our hopes for a Spanish Deadeye Month... my Tekken 5 username is Y0UR_D15C0_NEED5_Y0U , yes like in the style of a vehicle registration number. It had to be done!
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 15, 2023 9:57 pm

Airings are the best for redemption along with an apology
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySun Apr 16, 2023 1:43 am

Biyomon wrote:
Airings are the best for redemption along with an apology

Precisely - think of it like a rite of passage where needed. Especially any needed Santa Claude visits, which can obviously be considered like the ultimate thereof...

And we all know, that any rite of passage comes with all the usual trimmings - in this case, to include pre-airing gaming achievements, any possible form of Capcom appreciation (well, obviously!), updating my sale ID photo at Roy's shop, and in recent years Your Disco Needs You as a 'National Anthem' for the Street Fighter movie.

It's only pure chance, though, if ever other beloved non-Capcom franchises such as, in this case, Tekken become involved with my special occasion one way or another. But I suppose, that the 'redeemed' Tekken characters are now half-Capcom because of Street Fighter X Tekken?

Again, there was my having Tekken 2, 4 and even the first Tekken Tag Tournament as airing gifts, for my latest airing celebration. As well as my buying Tekken 2 along with Final Fantasy Anthology (which, in European territory, consists of Final Fantasy 4 and 5), 7, 9 and the guide for 9... I bought Tekken 4 and Tekken Tag Tournament, along with the Final Fantasy X duology and their respective guides, hours before I had to start the final countdown for my airing on September 21.

Tekken Tag Tournament was broken, however, so I had to do an emergency eBay for a new copy. The new one works fine, so I put Angel at the helm, with Nina (wearing that blue version, of her Tekken 3 alternate) as my tag partner.
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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySun Apr 16, 2023 4:09 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyWed Apr 19, 2023 3:59 pm

and I can tell you, yes I am getting the silver Nina Funko, to go with the purple one I already have. I will let you know when she arrives!

And yes, I have another Princess Zelda backpack hanger lying around - so the silver Nina can wear this like a necklace, just as the purple Nina is wearing hers.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyWed Apr 19, 2023 8:06 pm

Are you more of a fan of Tekken or Street Fighter?
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyThu Apr 20, 2023 12:45 am

Last Quincy wrote:
Are you more of a fan of Tekken or Street Fighter?

Street Fighter, of course 😄

I'm guessing you're unfamiliar with the... evil line, in Street Fighter X Tekken?
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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyFri Apr 21, 2023 12:12 am

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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyFri Apr 21, 2023 6:20 am

I have also found two of my green Rupee backpack hangers, so the Nina Funkos can wear one each of these as well. Rupees are the currency in the Zelda franchise, so it only makes sense 0:-)
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptyFri Apr 21, 2023 2:56 pm

Good work. Those are some cool items
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 22, 2023 12:10 am

Jaden wrote:
Good work. Those are some cool items

Thanks ^_^ I don't have any Sheik backpack hangers for my King Funko (and before any of the Zelda fans ask, Armor King is on the Ganondorf list) though, nor a Mario one for the Heihachi Funko...
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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 22, 2023 9:56 am

The silver Nina Funko arrived today, as well - so yes, I've blinged her up, and put her on display on my shelf next to her purple counterpart.
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Join date : 1969-12-31

December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
PostSubject: Re: December 16 = Tekken Day?   December 16 = Tekken Day? EmptySat Apr 22, 2023 8:04 pm

Congratulations on your figure
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December 16 = Tekken Day? Empty
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