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 Royal birthday

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6 posters

Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyMon Dec 26, 2022 12:29 pm

Happy birthday Princess Deadeye 🙇
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyMon Dec 26, 2022 9:49 pm

Awwww, thank you very much Lemmy 😄
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyMon Dec 26, 2022 10:34 pm

Happy birthday
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyTue Dec 27, 2022 1:10 am

Happy birthday Deadeye
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyTue Dec 27, 2022 2:35 am

Happy birthday Deadeye
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyTue Dec 27, 2022 4:35 am

Today is an official Koopa holiday
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyTue Dec 27, 2022 10:38 am

Thank you for the birthday wishes, guys 0:-) Apologies that I didn't immediately reply to everyone - for one thing, I needed to take care of the birthday eBaying, so I know what's what on that front 0:-)

Yes, my presents included a few more contributions to the Street Fighter mandate, namely a Bison plushie and badge, and a Street Fighter handbag (my other one is starting to break). And I love the Marvel card from my uncle - I think I'll use it as a bookmark!

For the eBaying, I've chosen the following:

-Breath of Fire 3, for the PS1. As well as because I want it anyway... Chun Li and Sakura make an appearance therein, thereby qualifying the game for the Street Fighter mandate. Chun Li in particular earned a festive mention this year, because of my completing the Chinese and Korean Bucky O'Hare games on the day when King Charles ascended to the throne, ahead of my airings on September 17 and 21 - apologies to the Juri fans, however, but I did have Korean-style chicken for my lunch, when I did my shopping last Thursday 0:-)

-issue 4 of Street Fighter X GI Joe. Cammy is in this comic, as well as her appearance on the cover art - so that's the Cammy need sorted, for this year!

-the Mr X rubber duck! My dad agreed to get me that one himself, as a birthday present - and because Resident Evil 2 (from which both Mr X and William Birkin originate) takes place on Grandpa Ken's birthday, well that too kind of decided it for my dad 0:-)

Another reason, why I feel I need to choose a Cammy item for my birthday eBaying even as I already had my Cammy as Harley Quinn shirt for Christmas... is in case any of the items arrive here in my special month. Such could be the case, with any of my purchases whether or not Street Fighter - but in this case, for Cammy I mean, well there you go 0:-)

Such was, of course, the case last year with the Street Fighter Legends: Cammy hardback - it arrived the very next day! The other items I snapped up arrived in Vega Month, including the Cammy Gaiden paperback - but still, in the midst of my airing celebration at that time.
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Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyTue Dec 27, 2022 12:51 pm

Happy birthday
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyWed Dec 28, 2022 12:13 am

Thank you Alexis ^_^

And yes Neo Senshi, I did get good gifts - including more contributions, to the 2022 Street Fighter mandate. I had to get a new Street Fighter handbag, because my other one is falling apart a bit - so there you go 0:-)

Dad also tells me, that the items on my birthday eBaying list are due between tomorrow, and -I kid you not- the six-year anniversary of my revenge on Carie. I dunno when the next snail mail strikes over here will be, even a birthday gift from my sister-in-law has been affected by the strikes... but I'm guessing that could be another reason, why my purchases could arrive by the revenge anniversary at the latest?

Additionally, my dad has confirmed a suspicion which even Gran shares: when I had to carry out the Rainbow Bridge airing security for my cat Mel three years ago, the biggest reason why my dad volunteered to vet Mel... was because of my airings on the Grandpa Ken anniversary. My family will gladly carry out the Rainbow Bridge security as and where needed, they do understand my concerns - even mom said herself, "
Oh, that's wicked!"
, when I told her about the "
Street Fighter is so bad, it killed Raul Julia"
hate trend.

But when Mel was crying even after 9 p.m. on his penultimate night, and I waved the red flag via a Facebook message to dad... I'm guessing he must have realised anything along the lines of "
Oh fuck - Naz's airings on Sunday are one thing, but she's also got the movie on September 14! That decides it!!"
, and so he sprang into action! I mean, anyone would want to walk on eggshells around a fragile family anniversary, no?
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Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyWed Dec 28, 2022 1:09 pm

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Royal birthday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Royal birthday   Royal birthday EmptyWed Dec 28, 2022 7:37 pm

Happy belated birthday
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Royal birthday
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