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 Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_-

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Join date : 1969-12-31

Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- Empty
PostSubject: Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_-   Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 2:11 pm

Apologies to fans of our favourite Cactuar-hugging Church doppelganger, but in recent years Jasper has become a really horrible cat. One minute, he'll appear to be nice to you - the next, he's a monster, whether or not you touch him around his stomach (for some reason, he doesn't like being touched around his stomach - and even the vet couldn't find anything wrong with him there)! We have tried being nice to him, and my parents discipline him by shooing him outside if he gets nasty.

But just yesterday, mom also admitted, she doesn't trust Jasper around my 2-year-old niece Murphy. He has previously been gentle around her, particularly when she was still only a newborn - but there's still always the chance he could lash out at her, and scratch her. I dread the thought of her crying so badly, just as I did when a then-neighbour's cat scratched me when I was a child!

So this evening, I talked with mom... and we have agreed, if Jasper does cross any lines then we'll need to have crisis talks. I too love Jasper, and he was the first time we had a kitten as an airing gift (he was a belated 58th birthday present for my dad, but we ended up having him during an airing celebration)... but with a 2-year-old who just happens to be what mom calls a 'Street Fighter baby', as she was born on an airing day, and within the final countdown to another airing the very next day in the family, well we have to consider the safety of the child!

I can also reassure you that, if Jasper's wickedness gets to the point that we have to euthanise him... then mom promises it will not be on an airing day, or within a final countdown. As always, she'll check with me first if the hard decision has to be made - but yes, you need to behave yourself Jasper Hewie Farrell b. June 30 2012!
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Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_-   Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- EmptyFri Feb 25, 2022 11:23 pm

Jasper needs to start behaving and to start acting like a good cat
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_-   Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- EmptySat Feb 26, 2022 12:27 pm

Alexis wrote:
Jasper needs to start behaving and to start acting like a good cat

We can only hope. However, I can say both Murphy and Jasper at least try to stay away from each other - though yes, we still need to keep an eye on Jasper...
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Join date : 1969-12-31

Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_-   Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- EmptySat Feb 26, 2022 5:30 pm

Scary. Hope he behaves
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Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_-   Jasper is a real life Church (from Pet Sematary) -_- Empty

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